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You've reached the contact page for N. N. Light's Book Heaven and N. N. Light Editing Services. If you're an author or publisher in need of services, please be sure to include your name, email address, and a full description of what you're looking for. If you're an author signing up for one of the monthly author events or one of the mini author events, please include your name, email address, which event you're signing up for, how many spots/books you'd like to include, and your Paypal email address. Please know your information will be secure on our server and will never be sold. All other requests and/or questions are welcome as well.
We look forward to responding to your inquiry. Please note: due to our workload, it can take anywhere from a few days to a week to reply. We appreciate your patience.
If you have trouble with this contact form, please send us a direct email:
Contact: Contact

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