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Bartholomew Buggins: A Zombie with Different Cravings by Award-Winning Author @CrystalMarcos #kidlit

N. N. Light

Title: Bartholomew Buggins: A Zombie with Different Cravings

Author: Crystal Marcos

Genre: Children’s Picture Book

Book Blurb:

A humorous Children’s rhyming picture book by Award-winning author Crystal Marcos about a distinguished little zombie who just want to be your friend.

Dive head-first into the infectiously charming pages, oozing with whimsical verse and stricken with colorful and amusing illustrations. Bartholomew Buggins: A Zombie with Different Cravings is a unique, fun book that will have kids and adults shrieking with delight.

My Review:

You can’t go anywhere without seeing zombie books, posters, cartoons, television shows and movies. Even children as young as four know what a zombie is. Meet Bartholomew Buggins, your everyday kid-friendly zombie. He doesn’t want to eat your brains but love bakery items like cakes and cookies. He’s a kind, studious sort and he’d like nothing better than to be your friend.

What a fantastic book! I loved how the rhyming text fit perfectly with each illustration and how the text was on the bottom of each page. I found myself staring with wonder on all that was going on in each illustration. There’s an interactive game for kids on the Kindle version and more activities on Marcos’ website.

There’s a good message hidden beneath the humorous zombie tale. It’s about accepting others, friendship and not judging other people.

Not since Dr. Seuss have I read such a delightful children’s picture book. I highly recommend, especially this close to Halloween.

Favorite Character/Quote: “I am a distinguished young fellow. Unlike other zombies, I’m mellow. Those monsters are really quite loud so it’s hard to fit in with that crowd.”

My Rating: 5+ stars

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Author Biography:

Award-winning author Crystal Marcos has been a storyteller her entire life. As the oldest of five children, she had to do a lot of entertaining. She lives on the Kitsap Peninsula in Washington State with her husband, daughter Kaylee, and toddler son Jaxon. Crystal is the author of Middle Grade Readers, BELLYACHE: A Delicious Tale and HEADACHE: The Hair-Raising Sequel to BELLYACHE, Young Adult Novel, Novus (The Cresecren Chronicles, Book 1), and Children’s Picture Book, Bartholomew Buggins: A Zombie with Different Cravings.

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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

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