When a spirited woman disrupts the world of a duke who follows the rules, sparks fly, passions ignite and planets collide.
Reclusive, cold as ice, the politically powerful Raven, Duke of Ravensmere, denies love after the tragic deaths of his duchess and baby. He is bound by his vow never to allow love to enter his heart again. Samantha Winston permits him to seek refuge in her carriage in a time of need, and what started as a kiss in the name of safety, becomes something more pleasurable and not so safe after all. In spite of every caution, his interest escalates into unexpected desire.
Samantha, a young widow with a secret, irreverent and high-spirited, has constructed impenetrable walls against all men. When she and Raven meet again, strong wills clash. Political intrigues and a dreaded nemesis place his life at risk, and Samantha finds herself in a dire predicament. All the while, passion soars.
Can Samantha’s barriers fall with more kisses?
Can Raven be released from his deathbed vow?

The sound of her racing breath thrilled him. “There is a stairway at the back of your suite which is discreet.”
“How discreet?” she asked.
“Very,” he answered. “It’s there I will wait for you after everyone has retired and escort you to the boathouse. I’ll be in the darkness to rescue you.”
“And will I need a rescuer?” How he loved it when she flirted shamelessly with her long fringed eyelashes.
He grinned. “Perhaps I should have said my services are available if required,” he added.
“Do I look like a woman who needs servicing?”
He expelled his breath, “Let us just say, yes. And I am here to pledge my desire to do so. Raven moved away, but her nearness captured his every thought. Her scent was fragrant, sensual, and expectant.
He did not expect the ruffle of her fan tap to his cheek. A light one, it surprised him. “Does that mean you will meet me?”
The provocative look in her eyes wielded its power, “Yes.”.
His hand went to his cheek and an amused chuckle rose to the trees. “Touché.”
“Don’t be late.” She flicked open her fan.
“Hah, you are dismissed.”
“Hah,” she laughed back. “You’ll find I don’t dismiss easily.” With a wide swoop of her silk skirts, she turned away; her heels punctuated the stone floor, and she never looked back.
The mirth of her laughter appealed to him. He closed his eyes in contemplation of the evening ahead. Damnation, he never experienced such a thrill.
Obsession, a word he disdained, came to mind. What does a man do with an obsession? He answered his question…I give in.
The amazement of her action with her fan amazed and stilled him. Like fine wine or cognac, she would not disappoint. This gave him delightful food for thought. What else would that fan do?
http://amzn.to/2p0h4bu Amazon US
http://amzn.to/2oUCF6D Amazon UK
http://bit.ly/2qx0Dr0 The Wild Rose Press

Fall in love with Romance all over again with author Sandra Masters…
From a humble beginning in Newark, New Jersey, a short stay at a convent in Morristown, N.J. at the age of fourteen, decades later Sandra Masters retired from a fantastic career for a play broadcasting company in Carlsbad, California, and settled in the rural foothills of the Sierras of Yosemite National Park with her husband, Ron, and her dog, Sophie. She traded in the Board Rooms for the Ballrooms of the Regency Era and never looked back.
Her husband and she enjoy libations at five o’clock, when they discuss her latest chapter or scene. He has become her plotster and writing and plotting together has enriched their marriage.
She wrote her first book at the age of fifteen and since then she’s always traveled with pen and notebook for her writing experiences. It’s been the journey of ten thousand miles with a few steps left to go. She deemed it a pleasure to leave the corporate world behind decades later.
Nothing she expected, but everything she desired. Her business card lists her occupation as Living The Dream.