Title: Ancient Sounds for a New Age: An Introduction to Himalayan Sacred Sound Instruments
Author: Diáne Mandle
Genre: Alternative Medicine, Spirituality, Energy Healing
Book Blurb:
Ancient Sounds for a New Age is an introduction to and overview of sound healing with Himalayan instruments. It offers a clear idea of what is needed to learn and practice for anyone who decides to enter the field and serves as an instructional tool to that end. Diáne has combined techniques from other fields that have proven very effective for her clients and describe these in the book. As an extra bonus, exclusive access to a digital one-hour instructional video is included to demonstrate Diáne’s methods as a practitioner.
The book is organized in five parts. The first, Part I: Fundamentals of Sound Healing, offers an orientation to the work.
Part II: The Sacred Sound Family, teaches about the sound healing instruments—the tingshas, the ganta and dorje, and the Himalayan bowls—and the author takes you through some basic configurations for working with multiple instruments.
Part III: Sound Healing and the Chakras, offers a breakdown of techniques and principles for working with the body’s main energy centers, the chakras.
Part IV: Working with Challenging Emotions, offers brief orientations to working with anxiety and depression, dedicating one chapter to each.
The last main section of the book, Part V: Enhancing Your Practice, concerns ways to include other modalities in a sound healing session, and the author shares some that have worked well in her own practice. Diane explores colors and toning, power language, and visualization, reminding the reader, “In learning to practice sound healing, we are aspiring to become more than technicians who can play the instruments—we are developing into healers.”
Additionally, several Appendices include: thumbnail profiles of some sound healing pioneers, an interesting case study, some client testimonials, and further resources, including information about Diane’s school and some of the classes and products offered.
My Review:
Are you looking for ways to combat stress and center yourself? I’d recommend reading this book on sound therapy with Himalayan instruments including Tibetan bowls by Diáne Mandle.
Ancient Sounds for a New Age in an insightful handbook on the history, practice and incorporation of sound healing. For thousands of years, people have been using music to heal and meditate. With the success of yoga in mainstream society, people are unearthing the secret techniques of sound healing. Whether through instruments or Tibetan bowls, musical vibrations calm our spirits and allow our bodies to heal.
Diáne has been a practitioner for years and through both her experiences and those of her long-standing clientele, she’s written a gem of a book. Each section is well laid-out with clear, easy to understand concepts as well as exercises for the reader to practice with plenty of illustrations.
My experiment: I wanted to see if what she spoke of was truth, so I tried it for myself. I did it for seven days straight and it really worked! I was less stressed, my spirit was more peaceful and I was more myself. My advice is to go in with an open mind and let yourself be immersed in the ancient sounds of healing.
If you’re looking for ways to stomp out stress and anxiety in your life, pick up this book. It’s a must read! She has a lot of online classes on her website as well.
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it now:
Direct from Author http://www.soundenergyhealing.com/pages/ancient-sounds-for-a-new-age.html
Author Biography:
Diáne Mandle is an internationally known author, recording artist with Sounds True, Tibetan bowl practitioner and educator and the only state certified practitioner/ instructor in California. Diáne has given educational concert programs in 32 states as well as in India, Costa Rica, Mexico and St. Croix. She is a featured expert in the upcoming video series: Tao- Living in Balance along with healers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer and John Gray.
Diáne maintains a private sound healing practice in southern California where she also owns and operates the Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing School. She was part of the integrative therapy team at the San Diego Cancer Center and developed a successful sound healing program for incarcerated veterans with PTSD.
Ancient Sounds for a New Age is a book that comes out of decades of private practice and teaching about the Tibetan sacred sound instruments. It first appeared as a much shorter ebook to be used in conjunction with her workshops. Its present format is over 250 pages and includes illustrations and chapters that offer protocols designed for specific situations ( ie anxiety, depression, illness, etc).
Social Media Links:
Twitter http://twitter.com/soundenergy
Reviewed by: Mrs. N