New Romance Release Spotlight - Redemption from a Dark Past
By Kelli A. Wilkins
Hi romance lovers,
I’m pleased to announce the release of my latest historical romance, Redemption from a Dark Past. This full-length Gothic novel is set in the kingdom of Hungary in 1723 and blends a sensual romance with mystery and suspense.
Here’s the summary, a mild excerpt, and links:
Redemption from a Dark Past
Lord Sebestyen Adrik has an unsavory reputation as a madman, murderer… and worse. Lonely and searching for love, he seeks the companionship of local young women, hoping one of them will ease his torment and bring him the happiness he longs for. Katarina is his last chance—but will she fear him like all the others? Or is she the one who can lift his curse?
Desperate to avoid a forced marriage, Katarina agrees to become Lord Adrik’s latest companion, despite the rumors she has heard about him. She discovers the “Dark Lord’s” secret past and realizes he’s not the monster everyone thinks he is.
As their love blossoms, she renews his passion for life—yet they cannot escape the ghosts of the past.
When a meeting of the nobility goes horribly wrong, Sebestyen’s world unravels, and his enemies plot to destroy him. As all seems lost, a mysterious stranger arrives at the castle. Sebestyen must decide if he is a friend or a foe…and if he can find redemption in his love for Katarina, or lose her and everything else that he holds dear.
The Excerpt:
Katarina stood in the parlor doorway, clutching her skirts. The large room was lit with three candles, and firelight cast long shadows on the walls. One story about His Lordship seemed to be true; he did live in the dark. She heard a low growling noise coming from the corner. What was that? Did Lord Adrik have a vicious dog?
She stepped into the parlor and spotted a figure slumped in the throne-sized chair near the fire. A white ruffled sleeve hung over the armrest. A moment later, she realized the noise was coming from Lord Adrik. He was fast asleep and snoring.
Had she kept him waiting too long? She had eaten her fill of meat and potatoes and even tried the greens and biscuits. His Lordship hadn’t been interested in talking to her before, so why he had summoned her here?
She touched his arm. “Lord Adrik?”
He jerked awake. “What is it?”
She reeled back. “I finished eating and—”
“Your name again?”
“Katarina.” Had he forgotten about her already?
“Yes, Katarina.” He blinked up at her. “Sit here, next to me. I wish to ask you questions.”
She balanced herself on the padded arm of the chair as he instructed. Even from her perch, she couldn’t see him clearly—he was still cloaked in shadows. Why did he hide himself? Was he deformed or disfigured in some way?
“Are you afraid of me?
How should she answer? She wasn’t afraid, but she was nervous. The last thing she wanted was to make a mess out of things and displease him. “No. I’m not afraid, merely curious. I’ve never met a lord before, and I haven’t been around such finery, My Lord.” She hoped her answer would satisfy him.
“Tell me about yourself. Where do you come from? How old are you? Are you a virgin? How many lovers have you had?”
“What?” The questions surprised her, and she spun toward him. As she did, she lost her balance, toppled off the arm of the chair, and fell into Lord Adrik’s lap. She yelped and gazed up at him.
“From the expression on your face I imagine I’m not what you envisioned. What did the villagers tell you? That I had horns? That I was a troll?”
“No, nothing like that. Nobody ever mentioned your looks,” she replied.
Lord Adrik was anything but malformed. In fact, he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen. His black wavy hair hung to his ruffled white collar, his clean-shaven face was long and lean, and his green eyes sparkled in the firelight.
“Do you wish a glass of wine or brandy? It may settle your nerves.”
“No, Your Lordship. My… my… nerves are fine,” she stammered.
“For now,” he said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pinning her close to him. “But in a little while you may wish you had a healthy dose of liquor in you. It would dull the torment of being sacrificed to the Dark Gods.”
What did he mean by that?
Order Redemption from a Dark Past here:
Link to all other platforms: https://www.books2read.com/u/3R1aYD
I hope you’ll add the book to your summer reading list. If historical romances aren’t your thing, check out my website to read summaries and excerpts from my contemporary and paranormal romances.
I’ll be posting a behind-the-scenes making of Redemption from a Dark Past in another blog, so stay tuned.
Happy Summer Reading,
Kelli A. Wilkins

Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 19 romance novels, and 5 non-fiction books.
Her romances span many genres and heat levels, and she’s also been known to scare readers with her horror stories.
Kelli’s Gothic historical romance, Redemption from a Dark Past was released in June 2018.
Her writing book, You Can Write—Really! A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Fiction is a fun and informative guide filled with writing exercises and helpful tips all authors can use.
Look for more romances, horror stories, and an online writing class coming later in 2018.
Visit her website www.KelliWilkins.com and blog http://kelliwilkinsauthor.blogspot.com/ to learn more about all of her writings.
Quick Links! Catch up with Kelli here…
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