Q: Did you enjoy reading as a child? If so, what were some of your favorite books?
A: I loved reading as a child. It started when my parents read to me. Their own love of reading got me excited to read. Every Saturday, I’d go with my mum to the library and we’d spend most of the day reading, discovering new books and checking out as many books as we could carry out to the car. As I grew older, books taught me about life, love, kindness and great adventures.
I have so many books I loved as a child, it’s hard for me to choose. I’ll do a random variety: Encyclopedia Brown Mysteries by Donald Sobol, The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, The Shoe series (Ballet Shoes, Theatre Shoes, Dancing Shoes) by Noel Streatfeild, Anything by Roald Dahl and Dr. Seuss.
Q: What are some of your favorite books this year or last?
A: I have the extreme pleasure to read books for a living and as such, get to read some incredible books. To garner the status of favorite book of the year, the story, characters and setting has to be so incredible that I cry when it’s over. Three books this year (so far) have that coveted status. They are: Only a Hero Will Do (The Heart of a Hero Book 2) by Alanna Lucas, The Life and Times of Ichabod Brooks by Charles E. Yallowitz and Rule #1 Don’t Be #2 by Daniel Milstein. All captured my heart in their own way and I highly recommend them.
Q: What are your favorite book genres?
A: Ugh! I really hate this question. I’m a voracious reader and my tastes vary from children’s books to mystery to romance to nonfiction to even erotic romance. My library consists of a lot of romance (all sub-genres), fantasy, mystery, suspense, biographies, sports and motivational books. If I could only choose one genre to read for the rest of my life, I guess I’d choose paranormal romance. I’m a huge romantic at heart and love a happy ending, especially with a little magic thrown in.
Q: What are some of your favorite authors?
A: Mary Higgins Clark, Jude Deveraux, Jacquie Biggar, Erin Bedford, Ruth A. Casie, Kelley Armstrong… the list could go on and on.
Q: How many books are on your TBR shelf?
A: Currently? According to Goodreads, it’s 257 but there are so many I need to add that it’s more like 300. I told you I like to read.
Q: What's an emotional book, or one you won't forget that you've read this year or last?
A: I’d have to say the one book I’ve read this year that’s had the most impact on me personally is Rule #1 Don’t Be #2 by Daniel Milstein. It inspired me to continue going after my lofty dreams, no matter what others may think. It gave me the emotional kick in the arse I needed.
Q: Is there a book you really didn't enjoy this year or last?
A: There have been many and honestly, they’ve all been recommended to me by fellow readers and bestseller lists. I won’t name the one book I read that was so horrible I threw it out the window this Summer. Lol!
Q: What are you reading now?
A: I have thirteen books I’m reading right now, according to Goodreads. Some are for pleasure, like The Mistress of Pennington's by Rachel Brimble, and others are for business, like Dog Bones by Diane Moat.
Q: They say to never judge a book by its cover, but just how important is the book cover to you?
A: Covers are just as important as the story itself, in my opinion. I’ve been known to pick up quite a few books I normally wouldn’t read because I loved the cover. The cover has to grab the reader, entice them to take a second look and capture the whole story in one frame. It’s hard to get it right but when it does, it’s pure magic.
Q: Do you have a blog? If so, what is the name? If not, have you ever thought about starting one?
A: No, we have a flourishing website dedicated to all things books and reading. It's entitled N. N. Light's Book Heaven and we continue to grow our readership every day. Join us!
Q: Have you written anything? If not, have you ever thought about writing your own book?
A: Yes, I’m one-half (MR N is the other half) of the award-winning N. N. Light. We’re a husband-wife writing team and we’ve published five books. It’s a daily inspirational book called, N.N. Light’s Book of Daily Inspiration and it released November 21, 2017. Our other books are romance, paranormal romance, young adult and love poetry.
Q: Which do you enjoy more, ebooks or physical books? How about audio books?
A: I used to be a physical book snob but I see the value in e-books and audiobooks. I need e-books for reviewing but for personal use, I much prefer physical books. It’s all in the touch and smell, especially old books. You can’t get that from a e-reader. I don’t listen to audiobooks but I did when I was a manager at a bookstore because my commute was over an hour each way.
Q: Where do the majority of your books come from? (Library, bookstore)
A: My local library is too far away so most of the books I read I get from Amazon or used bookstores. I’m also on Netgalley so I get a lot of ARCs to read from publishers before publication. I swear, I’m a kid in a candy story while perusing Amazon or Netgalley.

Biography: N. N. Light is the best-selling husband-wife writing team, commonly known as Mr. N and Mrs. N. Mrs. N. has been creating stories ever since she was little. Her grandfather remembers when she was two years old, she would stand at the top of the stairs and tell him a story filled with emotion (and in a language foreign to him) with her hands on her hips. Let’s just say she was a born storyteller.
Sign up for their author newsletter to get exclusive content, sales and be entered to win a $5 Amazon US Gift Card every month: https://t.co/6B7trIIph6
They’re blissfully happy and love all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports, trains, history, cooking and baking. Their mantra is to spread the Light.
Most of the time you can find them on Twitter or getting new ideas on how to spread the Light on Pinterest. They’re a proud member of ASMSG and Independent Author Network.
In addition to being authors, they’re also book promoters/reviewers, social media marketers/influencers and the owners of N. N. Light Author Promotions. They both love books, have ever since they were young. Matching up books and readers is something that gives them great pleasure.
Friend us on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7873791.N_N_Light
Follow us on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7873791.N_N_Light
This interview first appeared: https://readrantrockandroll.com/2017/11/21/meet-the-reader-series-with-mrs-n-n-n-light/