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Dog Bones by @DianeMoatAuthor is Fully Engulfing and a Must-Read! #bookreview #crimethriller #thrill

N. N. Light

Title: Dog Bones

Author: Diane Moat

Genre: Crime Thriller

Book Blurb:

The Commissioner wants Sam Holden dead as payback for her busting up his illegal animal fights. He made that clear when he burnt down her home. He's the first mark to learn her identity in all the time she's lived a double life. An animal advocate and nurse by day, Sam spends her nights leading a crack team of vigilantes bent on crushing animal abuser scum. Rebuilding her house and her precarious relationship was hard enough—now, the FBI is knocking on her door and the Commissioner is threatening her friends.

But Sam's never had an easy time letting sleeping dogs lie. Even as her life unravels, she can't turn her back on another retribution. She's helping protégé Alicia catch a dog-napping extortionist, all while sleuthing out the killer of her best informant, Mr. X. The plan she hatches to trick the Commissioner into the FBI's snare is Sam's gutsiest maneuver. And by the end of it all, she'll know where all the bones are buried.

My Review:

Having never read a Sam Holden book, I was impressed with the flow of this book. As a new reader, I wasn't lost for a moment as the author seamlessly brought me up to date with the ongoing story but not in an info dropping way. The story of Sam's battle with the Commissioner is fully engulfing. I was drawn to the struggles of Sam dealing with all the various challenges she faced with relative aplomb.

The author can be congratulated for writing a great bad guy. It doesn't take long for the reader to develop a pure hatred for the Commissioner, his lackey and even the jerk stealing dogs.

I found the pacing spectacular, the toughness and vulnerability of Sam to be endearing and her supporting cast are amazing people.

I have one personal caveat: I would have preferred more closure with the end. I was left wondering if the Commissioner would really get his, who got what done to them in the FBI, does the dog napper scumbag get more than a kick below the belt? What about the dirtbag who attacked Sam? At least tying a bow on one of these would have made me a happier reader in the end.

Disclaimer: Mrs. N edited Dog Bones while Mr. N read and reviewed Dog Bones without any input from Mrs. N.

My Rating: 4.5 stars

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Author Biography:

Diane Moat is an award-winning author of books for all ages. She is a Tennessee transplant, animal rescuer, and nurse. Diane is assisted by her many rescue dogs.

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Reviewed by: Mr. N

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