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Super Me by Jessica Dazzo #bookreview #FridayReads #YALit #YAParanormal

N. N. Light

Title: Super Me

Author: Jessica Dazzo

Genre: YA Contemporary Paranormal

Book Blurb:

What does it mean when your mind goes rogue and starts making stuff up? For example, if you were to hear the radio talk to you—say your name and tell you to do something... that couldn’t be a good sign, right? Or when everyone keeps saying your ex-crush’s name in random conversation when you’re just really trying to get over the jerk because he’s actually terrible? Not good.

Seventeen-year-old Faye Aldright has never quite fit in, but when she starts hearing and seeing things all wrong, it makes life so much harder. Faye knows she’s the cause of all of the intense, awkward, and sometimes explosive misunderstandings with her mom, best friend, and the new boy who she definitely hates. She knows it’s all in her mind and that for some reason, it’s turned against her. It’s trying to ruin her life. She just has to figure out how to fight the crazy in order to get her life back on track--in order to find out what’s really going on in her little town, because something supernatural is definitely going on.

But how do you fight your mind? And what kind of person has their own mind as their nemesis?

My Review:

The author presents Faye as your typical fish out of water teen in high school. Many kids may be able to understand her with a mother who is psychotic and other kids who are evil in their way they treat her. For her to find someone and manage to be successful in that relationship is a tribute to the positive nature the author presents.

To have Faye's mother and Emily not end up dead or mentally, if not physically, destroyed for their cruel ways was unsettling. No child ever deserves to be with a parent who doesn't love them unconditionally. It is not the child's fault that a parent got pregnant; for a mother to impose that issue on a child is the ultimate sin. Mothers like that deserve to burn in purgatory forever.

The relationship between Bri and Faye and Lucan and Faye were challenging but well written.

The biggest problem I had was no matter how many times I re-read the last 10% of the book, I could not understand the ending. For this reason, it makes the book so unfulfilling, it is hard to recommend.

My Rating: 3 stars

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Author Biography:

Jessica Dazzo is the author of the young adult novels in A Super Series. Book one, Super Me, is now available on Amazon.

A recovering perfectionist and mother of two, she writes during nap time and sometimes at coffee shops. She loves to cook and has an insatiable appetite for recipe collecting. When she's not writing or in the kitchen, she can be found reading with her girls, starting a crafting project she probably won't finish, playing a board game with her husband, or gazing at the Colorado clouds.

She believes in the power of words and has been writing stories, imagining characters, and creating worlds with words since she was a little girl and never stopped. There are always many more stories in the works.

Jessica lives in Longmont, Colorado with her always supportive husband, their two wonderful daughters, and a couple of naughty kitties.

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Reviewed by: Mr. N

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