Author: Peggy Jaeger
Genre: Contemporary, Humorous, Small Town, Romance
Book Blurb:
Colleen O’Dowd manages a thriving bridal business with her sisters in Heaven, New Hampshire. After fleeing Manhattan and her cheating ex-fiancé, Colleen still believes in happily ever afters. But with a demanding business to run, her sisters to look after, and their 93-year-old grandmother to keep out of trouble, she's worried she’ll never find Mr. Right.
Playboy Slade Harrington doesn’t believe in marriage. His father’s six weddings have taught him life is better as an unencumbered single guy. But Slade loves his little sister. He'll do anything for her, including footing the bill for her dream wedding. He doesn’t plan on losing his heart to a smart-mouthed, gorgeous wedding planner, though.
When her ex-fiancé comes back into the picture, Colleen must choose between Mr. Right and Mr. Right Now.
The smile I’d automatically put on my face froze in place at my first glance of the man who’d entered the room. There was a subtle resemblance to Isabella in his coloring, but he was a number of years older. Both had the same ash-blonde hair, cut through with natural swatches of wheat, honey, and flax. Isabella’s hair had a natural curl to it, silk threads drifting over her shoulders in a tumbled mass. His hair was cut shorter on the sides, longer at the top, the same thick, luxuriant layers arranged in a natural disarray of waves.
For a hot second my hands vibrated with desire to run through all that disorder and clutch on tight.
If the old saying “clothes make the man” was true, this guy had made it to the top of the stratosphere.
A deep pink candy-striped tailored shirt covered him from neck to waist, broad shoulders to wrists, the collar opened and popped, the cuffs perfectly aligned. I was actually one of those women who loved colors on a guy—even pastels—and knew it took a confident male to pull off anything other than sombre and professional blues, grays, and blacks.
His dark trousers fit comfortably down his long, long legs, dropping from a trim waist in a straight line all the way to polished loafers I knew would cost me one month’s rent on my previous Manhattan hovel. He carried a sports jacket over one arm and if I had to guess, every stich of clothing on him had been hand tailored.
Isabella’s face broke into a wide, show-stopping smile that lit my office in all four corners.
“At last you two get to meet,” she said. Slinking her arm through the crook of his elbow, she added, “Colleen, this is my big brother, Slade.”
“Commonly referred to as ‘the check book,’” he said, while he stretched a hand out to shake mine, a disarmingly wry grin pulling at his full lips.
His hand remained out, waiting for me to take it. For some wacky reason, my brain wouldn’t synapse an order to my muscles to extend mine to his.
Isabella giggled and swatted his arm, all sisterly affection behind the hit. The sound was enough to propel me out of my paralysis. I leaned forward, took his hand with mine and gave it a firm, professional squeeze.
Immediate warmth spread through my fingers like I’d just dropped them into heated bath water, seeped up my wrist, then slid the length of my arm in one, solid, sizzling glide. My bicep contracted, vaulting the heat onto my shoulder-which stiffened in response-before relaxing enough to let it soak through my system.
St. Brigid of Kildare, preserve us.
Amber colored irises shot with tiny flecks of aged cognac narrowed as the midnight ink in his pupils expanded.
His hand remained in mine, his eyes focused on my own. I don’t know what he saw in them, but on his ruggedly handsome, chiseled-from-stone face I saw a smidgen of confusion, a speck of bewilderment, and a splash of intrigue.
My abdominal muscles contracted and I wasn’t even wearing the dreaded spandex today.
Buy Links: (Coming Soon)
Official release date to be determined (hopefully, Mid-November!)
What makes this book a must-read and/or what inspired you to write this story:
I love a wedding story and I think most romance readers do, too. But what I really love is when the wedding is the secondary character in the book and the story revolves around the people connected to the wedding, be it family members, old friends, fren-emies, or in the case of DEARLY BELOVED, the wedding planner and the brother of the bride.
Slade and Colleen are as different as – according to Colleen’s grandmother – chalk and cheese. And even though their personalities clash over just about everything, the one thing neither of them can deny is the attraction they feel for one another.
I wanted to write about a family involved in the wedding industry, from the planning, to the food, and everything in between, so when the idea for the MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN series came to me, I knew I had to write the story of the O’Dowd sisters, their feisty Nanny Fee, and the men who simply can’t live without making each of the sisters their own!

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Author Biography:
Peggy Jaeger writes contemporary romances about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can’t live without them. Family and food play huge roles in Peggy’s stories because she believes there is nothing that holds a family structure together like sharing a meal…or two…or ten. Dotted with humor and characters that are as real as they are loving, Peggy brings all aspects of life into her stories: life, death, sibling rivalry, illness, and the desire for everyone to find their own happily ever after. Growing up the only child of divorced parents she longed for sisters, brothers and a family that vowed to stick together no matter what came their way. Through her books, she has created the families she wanted as that lonely child.
Social Media Links:
Website/Blog: http://peggyjaeger.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peggy_jaeger
Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00T8E5LN0
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/peggyjaeger/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mmj122687/