Title: The Viscount’s Seduction
Author: Alina K. Field
Genre: Regency Romantic Suspense
Book Blurb:
Searching for the Truth
Lady Sirena Hollister has lost her family, her home, and even her fey abilities, but somehow the fairies have handed her an unexpected chance at a Season in London. From her place on the fringes of high society, she resolves to find the truth about her only brother’s vanishing, and settle her family’s score with the wily English Spy Lord, the Earl of Shaldon. Soon enough, her schemes stir up an unknown enemy…and spark danger of a different sort, in the person of the Earl’s handsome heir, Viscount Bakeley.
Seducing the Beauty
The impertinent hoyden Bakeley met years earlier was as wild as her Irish roots, and just as unlucky. And she’s still an Irish traitor’s sister! But Lady Sirena has grown into a beauty whose charm and courage intrigue him. When danger threatens, Bakeley comes to her rescue, risking scandal, the ton’s disapproval, his interfering father’s ire…and his own heart.
He snatched up her hand. “You look lovely tonight. Stay. Keep me company.”
She tried to pull away but he reached for her other hand.
“Do not do this, sir.”
The anger was giving way to fear, though whether it was real or feigned he couldn’t tell. He drew her closer to the light. Her eyes glowed with that same luminosity he’d noticed at Hackwell’s ball, her lips were plump and inviting, and gold highlights bounced off her dress and her hair. She was a beauty in daylight. By candlelight, she was a goddess, a golden siren. No wonder she’d had to run away from her cousin.
And that thought brought him up. He didn’t ravish women, unless they wanted it. This girl didn’t want it.
Unless he convinced her she did.
He eased in a breath. No. At least, no, not tonight.
“You and I, my lady, we’re looking for the same thing.”
She swallowed hard, her lovely throat jumping. “You are mistaken.”
“Am I? What do you think I’m talking about?”
She pursed her lips. Opened them. “A liaison.”
“An improper one?”
Her brow furrowed. “You’re mocking me now. Let me go.”
“First we should search together.”
“I don’t know what you mean, and we’ll be missed. Both of us gone? Together?” Her eyes became shiny. She’d drummed up some tears. “I’ll be...on the street. I’ll be fortunate if I’m sent back to serve as my cousin’s, my cousin’s—”
“Files, Lady Sirena. Files that say Hollister on them.”
A tear ran unchallenged down her creamy cheek and her mouth dropped. “Oh.”
He swept the tear away with his finger. So soft her skin was, as he dragged the moisture down to her lips and traced a path over them. Her chest rose, her breasts straining the modest bodice of the yellow gown.
He yanked her closer and settled his lips on hers, and a sharp gasp escaped her before she clamped her mouth shut.
“Just one kiss,” he whispered. He nibbled around her locked lips and stroked the line of her jaw until she shivered in his arms and her lips parted, allowing him entry.
He kissed her then, sweeping his tongue against hers, for long minutes, then tasting her skin, following the path of his fingers along her jaw and down to her neck, inciting a sharp gasp and a moan, and more wriggling. He wanted her, and she wanted him, and—
“Stop.” Her hands locked on his shoulders, pushing.
Heart pounding, he froze. He was a gentleman. Even if she had been no lady—which she most definitely was—he would have stopped. “Right.” He stepped back and straightened his neck cloth.
Sirena’s heart pounded so wildly she could barely find breath to speak. “The files,” she said finally.
“Yes. He wouldn’t keep them here in so accessible a location.”
Oh, he was lathered, she could tell, almost as much as herself. This was what was meant by seduction—not the graspy, slobbery, forced thing her cousin had attempted. If not for the housekeeper and butler and a strong dose of laudanum...oh, this was very different, and this man a far more powerful lord than her cousin.
She’d be lucky to survive this night with her maidenhead intact. But she wanted that file. She needed to know what happened to Jamie. “His study then? My father had a room like that.”
“Yes. We’ll look there.” He gazed down that bored nose, straightened his neck cloth, though not so much as a hair of the man was out of place, while inside herself, every nerve was dancing a jig. She pressed a hand to her throat and hoped her heart hadn’t pounded her bodice askew.
Buy Links:
Nook https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-viscounts-seduction-alina-k-field/1127019100?ean=2940158619014
GooglePlay https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Alina_K_Field_The_Viscount_s_Seduction?id=PH8yDwAAQBAJ
What makes this book a must-read and/or what inspired you to write this story:
This is the second book in my Sons of the Spy Lord series, and the hero was a secondary character in the first book. I wanted my stuffy, proper, logical hero, heir to a powerful earl, to have just the right kind of lady steal his heart—an impertinent hoyden as wild as her Irish roots.

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Author Biography:
Award winning author Alina K. Field earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature, but her true passion is the much happier world of romance fiction. Though her roots are in the Midwestern U.S., after six very, very, very cold years in Chicago, she moved to Southern California and hasn’t looked back. She shares a midcentury home with her husband, her spunky, blonde, rescued terrier, and the blue-eyed cat who conned his way in for dinner one day and decided the food was too good to leave.
She is the author of several Regency romances, including the 2014 Book Buyer’s Best winner, Rosalyn’s Ring. She is hard at work on her next series of Regency romances, but loves to hear from readers!
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