You can hear the footsteps of God when silence reigns in the mind.
Has your life suddenly become chaotic and extremely busy?
The past week has been draining for me. There is so much going on and I feel like I am being pulled in a million different directions. Yesterday was the breaking point for me.
I live in an apartment/flat building. For the past few days, they have been repairing the floor in the flat upstairs. Starting at 8:00 in the morning, they drill, hammer, yell and make so much noise that I can't think straight. They work until 5:00 pm.
Yesterday, my nerves were frazzled and felt so out of control. I couldn't do anything, much less write. I went for a walk in the morning and it helped a little. By the afternoon, I was frazzled again. I knew that I needed to meditate.
I walked out onto my solarium and sat down with my husband (who was also having the same kind of day). We held hands and sipped a cocktail looking out onto the trees and the train tracks. We talked about our day and watched as the trains went by. We breathed in the fresh air and evening sun. It was exactly what we needed.
When life gets to you, how do you handle it? Do you exercise, drink, cook, watch television, listen to music?
Sitting out on my solarium is a form of meditation. I sit out there and put my feet up. I look out at the trees and watch the trains go by. I breathe in and out. I empty my mind of all thoughts whipping around like a hurricane.
According to the Dictionary, Meditate: to spend time in quiet thought for religious purposes or relaxation.
Every religion and spiritual practice incorporates meditation. Even if you do not believe in any religion, deep breathing exercises are healthy for your body.
The next time you are dealing with a crazy day, take a few moments and meditate. There is no right or wrong way. Your spirit/soul will be refreshed and you will be ready to take on another day!