Title: Heart of the Vampire (A Redcliffe Novel) Book 5
Author: Catherine Green
Genre: British Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Mirador Publishing
Book Blurb:
It is almost Halloween in Redcliffe, Cornwall, and Jessica Stone is not the woman she used to be. Her summer was hijacked by werewolves, she fell in love with a vampire, and now she is learning how to be a witch, and what it means to celebrate Samhain with her new coven. Her vampire boyfriend, Jack Mason, is busy at work as a police detective, and his identical twin brother Danny, the werewolf alpha, refuses to let go of the woman he has chosen to protect his pack.
Jessica must learn about control, power, and the love that she truly feels for her vampire boyfriend and his brother.
“You have to feed, Jack,” I insisted, “And you cannot use me. We tried that before and you almost killed me, remember?”
“You found a way to survive,” my vampire replied gruffly.
I laughed, but it was not amusement that brought such a reaction.
“I survived,” I said, emphasising the word, “because of your brother. Danny saved me. He sacrificed his wolves so that I could claw back some human strength. Maybe that’s what caused this…” I gestured to the empty space on the bed behind me, “thing with Suri.”
“Perhaps,” Jack replied quietly, “But the point is, you survived.”

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Author Biography:
Author of British paranormal romance series The Redcliffe Novels, Catherine Green was raised on books from a young age and has happy memories of Saturday mornings spent in her small local library, devouring the contents of the shelves. Catherine has always been fascinated by the supernatural world, and it feels natural for her to write about vampires, werewolves, witches and other mystical creatures in her contemporary stories.
If you sign up to Catherine’s newsletter, she will send you a free copy of her Redcliffe short story, It’s Complicated, to introduce you to her fictional supernatural seaside town in Cornwall, England.
More recently, Catherine released her contemporary English Gothic novel, Vampire of Blackpool. These novels will show you the darker, sexier side of our favourite British seaside resorts!
Catherine is currently working on a new series of novels featuring vampire hunters that work in and around Manchester and the North West of England.
Known as SpookyMrsGreen: The Pagan Housewife, Catherine runs a pagan lifestyle blog chronicling her adventures in mothering and magic, with a series of non-fiction books to follow, when she finds time to write them!
Social Media Links:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SpookyMrsGreen
Author blog - http://www.catherinegreenauthor.blogspot.co.uk/
Twitter page - https://twitter.com/SpookyMrsGreen
The Pagan Housewife Blog - http://spookymrsgreen.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/spookymrsgreen/
Amazon US Author Page - http://www.amazon.com/author/catherinegreen
Amazon UK Author Page - https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B005BTNHTG