Title: Live Life Sunny Side Up
Author: Jeremyville
Genre: Self Improvement, Motivational
Book Blurb:
To break out of a creative funk, artist and designer Jeremyville began pairing positive affirmations with simple, yet thought-provoking drawings and posting them online under his "Community Service Announcements" project. The response was overwhelming, and the result is a library of 800 images in just a few years. Live Life Sunny Side Up collects 100 of the most inspiring CSAs guaranteed to bring you out of a funk even on your worst days. This collection of simple and cheerful messages is perfect to give to a friend or keep on your nightstand for those days when you need a quick pick-me-up or a reminder to “Live Free Range Instead.”
My Review:
Ever had one of those days where you struggle to make it through the day?
We all go through a tough day now and again and this book is the ONE book you need to make you smile. Filled with Community Service Announcements, Jeremyville (author and artist) gives you the pick-me-up you need. The illustrations are bright and colorful while the messages are short and to the point. As I was flipping through the book, a smile spread across my face and I instantly felt happier.
A great gift for anyone or even yourself.
Disclaimer: I received a copy from Andrews McMeel Publishing via Netgalley in the hopes I’d review it.
My Rating: 5+ stars
Buy it now:
Nook https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/live-life-sunny-side-up-jeremy-ville/1120818796?ean=9781449466855
Author Biography:
JEREMYVILLE is a New York-based artist whose creations bring something touching, evocative, and thought provoking into the every day; they tell a story, engage, and entertain us.
Social Media Links:
Website https://www.jeremyville.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/Jeremyville
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Jeremyville/
Reviewed by: Mrs. N