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OPERATION ARK: Project Enterprise Series (Embrace the Passion: Pets in Space TM 3) by @PaulineBJones

N. N. Light

Title: OPERATION ARK: Project Enterprise Series (Embrace the Passion: Pets in Space TM 3)

Author: Pauline Baird Jones

Genre: Science Fiction Romance

Book Blurb:

She’s a USMC Sergeant deployed to the Garradian Galaxy.

He was raised by the robots who freed him from slavery.

It’s a match made nowhere anyone can figure out.

They clashed as enemies but joined forces to defeat a common foe. Now they’re tasked with returning some freed prisoners to their home worlds. In the next galaxy. With an alien, a robot, and a caticorn. It was a bar joke without a punch line, though Carolina City has a feeling it is out there—like the truth.

Kraye isn’t eager to return to his galaxy where the dark secret of his past lays in wait, but he’s willing to risk it in hopes that Caro can teach him what the robots couldn’t: how to be human.

Together they must face a dangerous journey, a lethal enemy with a score to settle, their unexpected desire, and an uncertain future if they make it out alive.

Can Caro and Kraye navigate the minefields—both emotional and space based—to land a happy homecoming for the sentient animals in their care? Can the man raised by robots learn how to kiss the girl while the starchy Marine decides if she is willing to bend the rules for a happy ever after? Don’t miss Pauline Baird Jones’ newest Project Enterprise story!

My Review:

Operation Ark is part of the Pets in Space 3 anthology and I was so excited to read it. I’ve been reading the Project Enterprise series for quite a while and I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into another exciting adventure.

Sgt. Caro along with her fellow Marines is tasked with returning freed prisoners to their home planets. Among them are species most of us Earthlings would recognize (turtles, eagles, etc.), only these are space animals and their worlds are a mystery. Caro is tasked with not only returning these creatures back home but to explore their unknown worlds.

Kraye is part of Caro’s team assisting wherever he can. He’s drawn to Caro but doesn’t know the first thing about interacting, not to mention flirting, with her. He’s human but was raised by robots. Emotions are something alien to him yet his pets (Bull and Rocky) are only too willing to help. Kraye needs to figure it out and fast because an old enemy, a shocking surprise and a traitor among them makes for one dangerous mission. Can he navigate his way through falling in love and once he shares his feelings, will Caro return his affections or has he mucked everything up?

Operation Ark (such a cute title) is an action-packed space adventure with TNG references peppered throughout. The Caro/Kraye budding relationship is so much more than passion and sex. Kraye reminds me of Data seeking to be more human. Falling in love while space traveling is never easy and there’s plenty of obstacles for them to overcome, the greatest being creepy giant space spiders. EWW!

What I loved most, though, is their mission to return home the freed prisoners. Each one has their own planet and Pauline B. Jones brings each species and their world to life. Descriptive narration so clear, my imagination went wild.

If you’re looking for a space adventure with a little romance thrown in, pick this up today! The whole anthology is fantastic. Highly recommend!

My Rating: 5 stars

Buy it now:

Now available in Kindle Unlimited!

Author Biography:

USA Today Bestselling author Pauline Baird Jones never liked reality, so she writes books. She likes to wander among the genres, rampaging like Godzilla, because she does love peril mixed in her romance.

Social Media Links:

FB Handle: @AuthorPaulineBairdJones

Twitter Handle: @PaulineBJones

Instagram Handle: @paulinebjones

Reviewed by: Mrs. N

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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