Title: Talk British to Me
Author: Robin Bielman
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Book Blurb:
As the Dating Guy on L.A.'s top morning show, I give the single guy's perspective on dating, love, and sex—and I give great advice. Everyone's hooking up…well, except for me. Sure, I can get any woman I want, but I've got a "no relationship" clause in my contract and the only woman I want has "relationship" written all over her. Probably stamped on her ass, too. And wouldn't I like to confirm that.
Unfortunately, she wants nothing to do with me. At all. Something about the next Ice Age might have even come up in her rebuttal. Adorable. Because she's determined to ignore what one simple kiss proved: she wants me as badly as I want her.
Everything in me is screaming to go after her, but I've got a secret that I'm fairly certain will end up with her roasting my nuts over an open fire. So, job on the line? Check. Nuts on the line? Check. Can't get her out of my head? Nail…meet coffin. But what a way to go…
Each book in the Wherever You Go series is STANDALONE:
* Talk British to Me * Lips Close to Mine * Too Hard to Resist
My Review:
Mateo knows women and passes on this knowledge across the airwaves every week on L. A.’s highest rated morning show. His job, with all its grind and perks, is to go on dates and give his report on-air. The only drawback is that he can’t reveal his true identity and can’t have a girlfriend. It’s written in his contract even. He loves his job and wouldn’t change it for the world, until he runs into the sweetest woman he’s ever laid eyes on. The only problem is that she won’t give him the time of day, especially when he reveals he’s her boss’ son. The more he’s around her, the more he starts to dislike his job and wants nothing more than to be Teague’s main squeeze. Him, the one man in Los Angeles who every woman wants to sleep with and every guy is envious of, is willing to throw it all away to be the man Teague deserves. Can he reveal his secret to her and will she love him anyway when she learns the truth or will she just love him for his fake British accent?
I’m a sucker for a man with a British accent so when I saw this on Netgalley, I knew I had to read it. It is my first Robin Bielman novel but more on that later.
This is a great new adult romance with a wide cast of characters. There’s Mateo, the sexy player who hides his mended heart until he meets a woman worthy. Then there’s Teague, our heroine and lovable friend. She’s left home to make it on her own in L.A. A chance meeting with the hottest wedding planner in the city gives her the career she’s always dreamt of. Then there’s Mateo’s roommates, the cutest little girl who helps Mateo see reason as well as Teague’s roommate. All combine to provide a laugh-a-minute dialogue peppered with sexual tension and a lesson in taking risks.
Talk British to Me is a scintillating yet refreshing take on romantic comedy and I loved every minute of it. I want more! Oh wait, there’s two more books. I’ll be reading those next.
If you’re looking for a flirty romantic comedy with depth, pick up Talk British to Me! Highly recommend!
Disclaimer: I received a copy from Entangled Publishing, LLC via Netgalley in the hopes I’d review it.
My Rating: 5 stars
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Author Biography:
Robin Bielman is the USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels. When not attached to her laptop, she loves to read, go to the beach, frequent coffee shops (and by frequent she means daily, but she's trying to break the habit), and spend time with her high school sweetheart husband and two sons.
Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can’t live without jumpstarts most of her story ideas. She writes with a steady stream of caffeine nearby (see above) and the best dog on the planet, Harry, by her side. She also dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. Keep in touch on social! Xoxo
Social Media Links:
Website https://robinbielman.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/robinbielman
Reviewed by: Mrs. N