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Celebrate spring with A Widow’s Walk: Catherine’s Dilemma by @msspencerauthor #romance #romanticsusp

Title: A Widow’s Walk: Catherine’s Dilemma

Author: M. S. Spencer

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense

Book Blurb:

Catherine Killean is a woman on a mission. When her new husband disappears, leaving a suicide note, she is determined to find out why. She follows his tracks first to the North Woods of Maine, then to Florida, and back again to Maine. Along the way, she meets the tall, dark, gruff Holden Taggart, a Maine guide.

In her doubt and loneliness she is drawn to Holden, leaving her confused and adrift. What will happen when her questions about Jonathan are finally answered? Will old loyalty or new love triumph?

Excerpt (PG): Mount Kineo

Catherine would never forget the tight knot of panic squeezing her heart as she looked down, down an almost thousand-foot drop to moss-dusted crags, down through the cold wraiths of mist circling the mountain in the chill November air. She took a tentative step forward, away from the comfort of the cliff face, but retreated when the icy breath of high altitude fanned her face. What she’d thought was solid rock behind her yielded slightly and she froze, engulfed in terror. I’m going to fall. I’m going to die in agony, crushed on those jagged spears. The rock behind her moved again. She began to topple forward, but a furry paw seized her elbow. The paw tightened its grip, and Catherine let it pull her sideways, back into a gap between the damp stone walls.

Okay, steady on. Take a deep breath. It’s not a bear. It’s not a bear. It’s not. A. Bear. Now, open your eyes. There, crushing her arm, were five fingers encased in a thick, leather glove. Told you. Her eyes moved up a forearm to a broad fur-covered chest. She risked a peek at the dark face, wreathed in more fur. It was scrunched up, not with the cold but with a cold fury. The deep brown eyes flashed. She meekly dropped her own. “I was perfectly safe, Mr. Taggart,” she whispered. Does that sound as stupid to him as it does to me?

The man scowled. “Don’t be so sure.” He moved around Catherine and knocked lightly with his heel at the ledge on which she’d been standing. A large chunk broke off and tumbled in crumbly bits into the ether. She heard pops and bangs as it immolated itself on the spikes below. Still scowling, he grunted, “Get back to the others.” His voice was deep and primal.

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If money were no object, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?

Well, I would have said a cruise through Scandinavia, but in light of the recent plight of the Norwegian cruise passengers I’m rethinking my plans. My bucket list includes the Galapagos and Prague. Hmm. Okay, okay. A river cruise down the Danube to Budapest. That’s the ticket. Or maybe…Vienna is so beautiful in the spring. As is my bestie city, Paris. Then there’s…<blows whistle to stop play>.

What’s your favorite thing about Spring and why?

The flowers. I spent many years in the DC area, where spring is the best (and really only the good) season. The azaleas, tulips, daffodils run riot—there’s even a “floral laboratory” near the Tidal Basin that showcases tulips. Now I live in Florida, and I love the weather that’s warm enough to go to the beach, but the humidity has not yet hit fatal levels.

Spring Break Bookapalooza Giveaway:

Enter to win a $50 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

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Enter to win a $15 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Enter to win a $10 Amazon (US) or Barnes and Noble Gift Card

Open internationally

Runs April 1 – 30

Drawing will be held on May 1.

Author Biography:

Although M. S. Spencer has traveled in five continents, she spent the last thirty years in Washington, D.C. as a librarian, Congressional assistant, speechwriter, and non-profit director. She has two grown children and a perfect granddaughter. Ms. Spencer has published twelve mystery/romantic suspense novels, and currently divides her time between Florida and Maine.

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