Title: Classic Murder: Mr. Romance
Author: Mary Martinez
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Book Blurb:
Billionaire Adam Fernando Russo has a lifestyle most men only dream of. But when the front page headline of the New York Times reads: "Another victim falls prey to Mr. Romance. Who is next?", he realizes his way of life is not only frivolous but deadly. Once dubbed “Mr. Romance”, he’s no longer New York’s sweetheart. His weekend dates are mysteriously falling prey to a murderer.
Katie Sinclair, Adam’s executive assistant, knows he’s innocent. With his airtight alibis, the police are also at a loss. Together, Adam and Katie discover the murderer is copying classic Cary Grant movies. Their plan to prove this is the link between the murders goes astray just as Adam realizes the perfect woman has been by his side all along.
Can he save her in time?
"Would you like to come up for a drink?" Katie asked and then hiccupped loudly. Placing a hand over her mouth, she looked around. Adam watched her cheeks pinken with embarrassment. Then another giggle escaped. God, she's cute. "Come on, Katie. Let's go to your apartment and get you ready for bed." Katie straightened up and looked up at Adam. Adam watched as she started to lean to the side, he hurried to place a steadying hand out, but before he could, she started to teeter the other way. He finally grabbed her by the shoulders. Walking her backwards until they reached the side of the building, he propped her up against the brick. He leaned down and took the ridiculously high-heeled shoes off her feet, one at a time. Shoes in hand, he stood up. "Okay, I think you can walk to your apartment. Come on." Adam was glad they didn't have to take the stairs. He would have had to pick her up and carry her. Not that it wasn't a tempting idea, but he was having a hard enough time controlling himself without the added temptation. At her apartment, he kept one arm around her waist and half propped her against the wall. He waited while she fumbled in her miniscule silver purse for her key. Then he unlocked the door. "In you go, Katie. Now which way to your bedroom?" Adam asked. Before she could answer, Oscar barked from the kitchen where Katie had left him for the evening. First things, first; someone had to take care of the poor dog and then he could deal with Katie. He led her to the sofa, helped her sit and smiled at the silly grin she had on her face. Standing at the door, Oscar waiting to be let out, Adam looked at Katie. “I’m talking the dog for a walk. Will you be all right?” Katie blinked and her head rolled to the side to look at him. She grinned wider, then hiccupped. “Yup.” Adam sighed. He couldn’t just let the dog out; he had to be on a leash. Hoping she stayed on the couch, he let himself and Oscar out. When Adam let himself back into the apartment a few minutes later, Katie was still sitting where he had left her. Her eyes closed and the same silly grin spread across her face. He walked over and, as his face came level with hers, her eyes popped open and her hand came up quickly. Before Adam knew what was happening, she’d put her hand to the back of his head and pulled him in. Her warm lips locked with his. Desire shot through his body. Reminding himself that she wouldn't remember it in the morning, he forced himself to pull away gently. Taking both her hands, he pulled her to her feet, where she slightly swayed. "Okay, now again, which way to your bedroom?" "That wa…" She pointed in the direction of the hall and she quietly melted to the floor.
Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/classic-murder-mary-martinez/1100397979?ean=2940158188251

If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?
One of the Zombies from Thriller. Because I want my family (kids and grandkids) to dress up and do a YouTube of Thriller. I know I’m weird.
Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:
I had the most fun writing this book and I really hope the readers have as much fun reading it. Without giving anything away it’s called “classic” for a reason. I researched by watching old classic movies. I had note pad and pen and took notes. A blast, let me tell you. Then writing it. Enjoy.
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Author Biography:
Mary lives in Magna, a little town west of Salt Lake City, Utah. Together with her husband, she has six grown children, and six wonderful grandsons and five beautiful granddaughters. She loves to spend time with family and friends--she includes good books as friends! Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. And most recently she discovered she was Irish and Scottish, of course they had to visit Ireland and Scotland. Mary fell in love with both, but the green hills of Ireland felt like home. With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters. One of her favorite US destinations is New York/Brooklyn, where her beloved Beckett's live. When she visits, she can wander their neighborhoods, favorite parks, and visit their favorite pub, Putnum's. They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible. Mary writes mostly romantic suspense, romance, women's fiction, and she has just begun to dabble in young adult mystery. During her writing career she has been a conference coordinator, workshop presenter, and chapter president for the Utah Chapter of RWA. In 2007 she was presented with the Utah RWA service award in acknowledgment and appreciation for outstanding service. Mary has also participated in numerous library panels on writing and co-presented a workshop on writing a series at the League of Utah Writers conference. Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.
Social Media Links:
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/marylmartinez3/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marylmartinez