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Book Review | It Came from under the High Chair - Salio de debajo de la silla para comer: A Mystery

N. N. Light

Title: It Came from under the High Chair - Sali de debajo de la silla para comer: A Mystery (in English & Spanish)

Author: Karl Beckstrand (Author), Jeremy Higginbotham (Illustrations)

Genre: Children’s Books, Multicultural Books, Grammar

Book Blurb:

(Language learning/parts of speech) A bilingual picture book thriller for learning prepositions in Spanish or English.

Ivan and Elena have a mystery on their hands-something is eating everyone's food. Benjer-Man is on the case. This gross children's humor book includes full text and pronunciation guide in English and Spanish, finding/counting activity, online SECRETS, an unusual visitor, and vivid illustrations by Jeremy Higginbotham (for kids ages 4+ ESL/ELL).

Get this monster book in English-only, Spanish-only, hard, soft, or ebook versions. 36-page, 8.5"x8.5" multiracial kid's book with Filipino and Pacific Islander characters, 800 words (double for bilingual) in dyslexic-friendly font by award-winning children's author Karl Beckstrand (Great Cape o' Colors-click Karl Beckstrand above to see all 60 multicultural books).

Mini-mysteries for Minors #5 (others in the series: Sounds in the House, Crumbs on the Stairs, She Doesn't Want the Worms, Why Juan Can't Sleep); worldwide rights July 2019 ((c) Premio Publishing & Gozo Books) PremioBooks (online extras), Baker & Taylor, B&N, Brodart, EBSCO, Follett, Gardners, iBooks, Ingram, Kindle/Amazon, Library Direct, Mackin, Walmart online. LCCN: 2019901686; JUV028000, JNF020030, JUV009080, JUV030080, JUV009030, JUV052000, JUV071000, JUV019000, HUM001000, HUM000000; Soft ISBN: 978-0692220993, Hard ISBN: 978-1732069664, eISBN: 978-0463227312.

My Review:

Little Ivan is sitting in his highchair eating dinner. No one but his sister seems to notice there’s a ton of food that’s landed under his highchair. They’re too busy with baths and getting ready for bedtime. But the next morning, the green blob is gone. The parents think the other cleaned the mess but Ivan’s sister knows better. Something has taken the food and it’s up to her to solve this mystery.

It Came from Under the High Chair is another multi-lingual gem from Karl Beckstrand. This is a great yucky mystery every kid will gobble up. They won’t even realize they’re learning grammar (prepositions), Spanish and a valuable lesson.

Why is this a five-star read? First, the subject matter is relatable. Messes are everywhere and it’s important to clean them up. Second, the family is bi-racial so it exposes kids to what it means to be diverse. Third, the story is in both Spanish and English. Last, it’s easy to read aloud at bedtime or naptime. The illustrations are bright and colorful. An easy, fun way for everyone in the whole family to learn Spanish/English. Did I mention it’s fun?

If you’re looking to add a new book to your children’s library, pick this one up. Highly recommend!

My Rating: 5 stars

Buy it Now:

Free to read on Kindle Unlimited!

Author Biography:

Compulsive smiler Karl Beckstrand is the award-winning and bestselling author/illustrator of 21 multicultural titles and more than 80 e-books (reviews by Publisher’s Weekly, Kirkus, The Horn Book’s blog, School Library Journal, ForeWord Reviews). Beckstrand earned a B.A. in journalism from BYU, an M.A. in international relations from APU, and a certificate from Film A. Academy. Formerly a technical recruiter in Silicon Valley, Beckstrand’s early work was produced by small publishers (his first publisher died the day they were to print his book!). Since 2004 he has guided Premio Publishing & Gozo Books.

An engaging presenter and workshop facilitator, Beckstrand has experience in high tech, marketing & design, public policy, film & broadcasting. He teaches media at a state college—including TV/radio/film scripts and Web content—and contrasts traditional publishing with digital book publishing. Beckstrand volunteers to teach English to immigrants from around the world. His Y.A. fiction, short stories, kids’ e-book mysteries, nonfiction/biographies, Spanish & bilingual books (with ESL/ELL pronunciation guides), and wordless books feature characters of color and usually end with a twist. He has lived abroad, been a Spanish/English interpreter, and speaks on diversity. He enjoys volleyball and kayaking (usually not at the same time).

Beckstrand has presented for SUECON (education conference), Taiwan’s Global Leadership for Youth, California's Capital Book Festival, Utah Educational Library Media Association, Called to Learn conference, Salt Lake City Book Festival, PCI Webinars, Utah Humanities Council, Profnet, Murray City Writer’s Workshop, Utah Housing Coalition, LUW, Midvale City Reading Program, Utah Office of Education, professional groups, and schools. His work has appeared in: Amazon, Baker & Taylor, Barnes & Noble, Border’s, Costco, Deseret Book, Follett, iBooks, Ingram, Kobo, LDS Film Festival, Papercrafts Magazine,, The Children’s Miracle Network, The Congressional Record of the U.S. House of Representatives,, various broadcasts, and Find: “Karl Beckstrand” on FB, Twitter,, and https://karlbeckstrandblog.wordpress....


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Reviewed by: Mrs. N

©2015-2025 BY N. N. LIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (2015-17 on Wordpress) 

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