Title: 20th Century Man: Carl Yeary 1904 - 2003
Author: Carlene Havel
Genre: Memoir, Nonfiction
Book Blurb:
Carl Yeary was a cowboy, a soldier, a teacher, and a sailor. As a young man, he boasted that he planned to live to be one hundred years old, make a million dollars, and travel around the world. By what he would have called the width of a frog hair, he narrowly missed fulfilling all three dreams. He was always ready to talk about anything that happened to catch the interest of his agile mind. Mostly, he told me about his extraordinary life. So, now I’ll tell you.
My Review:
A biography of a man you have never heard of but should certainly get to know. A tale of a man who is quintessentially American just by living his life. Part of the Greatest Generation, he of course fought in World War II. The man was a cowboy which is probably part of pure Americana.
The book tells the story of a man's life. When reading along, it is smooth and easy to follow. It would make a remarkable movie. Mr. Yeary deserves to be remembered by the world. His is just his life story but there is so much to it. His brilliance in electronics in the US Navy is gobsmacking.
The book is a tribute to an American who lived a life of adventure and one filled with love. He loved his family, he loved his wife and children, he loved his country, and he loved working with electronics. A really fun read I cannot recommend enough.
Fans of biographies of outstanding people who are just like one of the boys will love this book. Fans of American history will love this book. Fans of the feeling of Americana in the 20th century will love this book. A very well-written tribute to a normal man who truly lived life to the fullest.
My Rating: 5+ stars
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Author Biography:
Carlene Havel writes sweet romance, Christian-themed stories, and historical novels. She has lived in Turkey, Republic of the Philippines, and numerous US states. After a career in human resources and software development, she began writing in 2005. The Havels live in Texas, surrounded by their extended family.
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Reviewed by: Mr. N