Title: A Cure For Spring Fever
Author: Barbara Robinson
Genre: Romantasy (Fantasy Romance)
Book Blurb:
For centuries, Gamekeepers have used their magical abilities to create a buffer between the creatures who dwell in the enchanted forest and the sleepy coastal town that sits in its shadow. When Gamekeeper Stan Ross’s magic begins to fail, he must find out what went wrong, then fix it before the two worlds collide. His hit or miss magic has already led to a few close calls so he journeys to the Sacred Isle searching for answers and advice. Finding a cure proves elusive—until Stan encounters a kitchen witch who captivates him body and soul. Lynnette Peters is healing from her own wounds, however, and it isn’t clear whether she’s ready to open herself to the possibility—or the peril—of love.
Troll-kin or not, she did her best to engage her date in conversation, but her ‘date’ seemed incapable of responding with anything more than one-word answers and occasional grunts. When the server returned to take their order, it was almost a relief.
“I’ve heard the gumbo is good here,” Lynnette said. “But the roasted vegetable ragout sounds delicious—root vegetables, garlic, lemongrass and spring chives, all served with lashings of butter. I’ll go with that, I think.” The waitress jotted down her order and turned expectantly to her companion.
“Svith,” he grunted.
The waitress wrinkled her nose. “I’m not sure if that is something Chef can prepare.”
“Svith,” her companion insisted, slapping a crooked-knuckled hand on the table.
“Okay,” she replied, holding up a hand. “I’ll ask him to make it just for you.”
Unfamiliar with the dish, Lynnette asked her date—who had introduced himself by slapping his chest and saying Stink Foot with a discernable note of pride—about it while they waited for their food to arrive. “Svith good,” he said, but didn’t elaborate.
She had to wait until a large platter was set in front of him to understand what the fuss was about. The dish consisted of half a boiled sheep’s head, the hair singed off, floating in a greasy broth. Watching her date tuck into his svith was enough to turn Lynnette off her ragout, but she struggled through a few tentative bites.
Then he scooped the eye out of its socket with a spoon and presented it to her. “Try svith?”
Lynnette felt hot bile rise to the back of her throat as she observed the single, gelatinous eyeball staring at her. Shaking her head “no” she rose from the table and bolted for the ladies’ room. She would be calling Mystic Mingle first thing tomorrow to tell them that this is not what she had signed up for. She had a better chance of a ‘magical evening’ with her cat.
As soon as it was decently possible to extract herself, she made a hasty exit and caught a cab to her friend Leslie’s house for some old-fashioned tea and sympathy.
“What am I doing wrong?” she moaned, sprawled in an armchair with her arm flung across her face.
“Who says you’re doing anything wrong?” her friend demanded.
“Well, I don’t think you could say I’m doing anything right, now could you?”
Lynnette responded peevishly, peeking out from under her arm. “He was a troll, Leslie. An actual troll. The one before him was a satyr. I caught him cruising the bar for a hook-up before 1 we’d even finished our pre-dinner drinks.”
Sitting up in the chair, she fixed Leslie with an earnest gaze. “I put love on the backburner while I got the bakery up and running, and then again when my mom got sick, and now that I’m ready to meet someone, there isn’t anyone out there to meet.” The corners of her mouth twisted downward. “Is it me, or are all the good ones are taken?”
Leslie laughed. “Don’t be such a drama queen. You’re a lovely, vibrant woman with a warm and giving heart. You’re not past your ‘sell by’ date yet—not by a long shot—and you know it. Yes, you’ve had a bad run of it, but it’s not all cakes and ale out there. And maybe you could be a little more selective?”
“What do you mean?”
“Take tonight’s date for instance,” Leslie said. “Are you sure there weren’t any red flags in his dating profile?”
“I don’t think so.” Lynnette slid her finger across the phone to open it and read aloud 14 from the app. “Ruggedly handsome man of few words seeks sturdy woman for companionship. Hobbies include spending time in wilderness locations, competitive eating and feats of strength.”
“Does that really sound like your soulmate?” Leslie demanded. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were deliberately trying to sabotage your relationships before they even get off the ground.”
“I swear I’m not, Leslie. I want to meet someone and make up for lost time. I’m trying to put myself out there, but it’s not like the sleepy little village of Maywater has a lot of most-eligible-bachelor types, just standing around swooning.”
“That’s the thing, though,” Leslie said. “You have to give it time. You can’t force it.”
“I’ve been giving it time. How much time is it going to take?” Suddenly inspiration hit. She looked meaningfully toward a wooden box that lay on the coffee table.
“Seriously, Leslie. How long? Let’s ask.”
“You know I hate reading for friends. What if the cards aren’t good? What if they tell you you’re going to die a lonely old hag, with no one but your cat at your side?”
“You just told me that I’m going to find my Prince Charming. I’m just trying to clarify when and where it is going to happen. Please?” she asked and pouted, hands clasped under her chin.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Amazon.com: A Cure for Spring Fever (Jelly Beans and Spring Things) eBook : Robinson, Barbara : Kindle Store
What’s your favorite part about being a romance author?
I think that most people could benefit from escaping into a story that—however bleak, or dangerous or comically confused things might get—promises a happy ending. The idea that I could have a hand in crafting that escape, and sharing the satisfaction of a happy ending with someone who needs a little pick-me up, is very satisfying.
Here’s my tip to add romance to your love life:
Always believe the best about each other. It is easy to read more into a casual comment or moment’s inattention than was meant. Reflect on the person your partner is, and interpret their words and actions in the best possible way.
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Author Biography:
Barbara Robinson is an author of contemporary and historical romance set against a backdrop of magical realism. She is known for world building that features rich and immersive detail supported by meticulous research and careful observation. She finds inspiration in myths, folktales, and academic writing on a variety of subjects.
Barbara has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of King’s College and a Master of Arts from Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia). She has also completed a Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing from Humber College (Toronto, Canada), and was awarded a Letter of Distinction.
Barbara is a lover of nature who works out plot lines and character sketches while nurturing her garden, walking in the woods, or sitting by the shoreline watching waves. She lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, nestled between the province’s ancient mountains and rugged coastlines. These vistas shape her story settings, while providing the perfect backdrop for life with her husband, her hounds and her dragon (Pogona Vitticeps).
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Website: BJR Books
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