Title: A Horse of a Different Color
Author: Halle Kenton
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Book Blurb:
When stable owner Cheyenne Modine meets vet Jack Carter, it’s hate at first sight. He may look like the sexiest man alive but his arrogance tells her he’s a privileged member of the elite Lexington, Kentucky, Thoroughbred world. Cheyenne Modine is exactly Jack’s type—a smoking hot woman who loves horses—but her slurred speech calls up childhood memories of living with an alcoholic father, and Jack isn’t about to travel that road again. After several chance encounters, the fireworks between them become a contest to see who touches who first. Can Jack and Cheyenne overcome their mistaken first impressions or will their gallop to the finish line end in murder by horseshoe?
He studied the muted flush on her cheeks and the slight increase in her breathing. His clasped hands tightened as he fought the urge to pull her against him, to kiss the stiffness out of her. His urge had nothing to do with her desire to help Mr. Tibbles, although that was commendable. It was the mix of pride and vulnerability and fire and guts, and the damn rag on her head. It was her pink, moist lips and the fact that she disliked his wealth and upbringing and…
“Are you an alcoholic?”
“What?” Her glance narrowed with disbelief.
“Do you have a problem with alcohol?” he repeated, unable to let it go, even though sparks darted from her eyes. To hell with the sparks. He’d committed himself, and he wanted an answer.
She opened her mouth, her indignation front and center.
“Just tell me,” he said.
Her mouth made quirky, little movements like she wanted to spit. He watched her struggle before she jerked to a stand and shouted, “No!”
He dropped his head and closed his eyes when she stomped off. She was halfway out the door when she flew back to grab her boots.
“Stop,” he ordered, unsurprised when she didn’t.
She smacked the door frame with her exit. He followed her out. They weren’t finished, not by a long shot.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-horse-of-a-different-color-halle-kenton/1144368712;jsessionid=B121C1B44EAB3F9F8C5E069534F11955.prodny_store01-atgap03
Thrift Books: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/a-horse-of-a-different-color_halle-kenton/51645718/#edition=70465659&idiq=62483905
Books-A-Million: https://www.booksamillion.com/p/Horse-Different-Color/Halle-Kenton/9781509252749?id=9043123788911

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Author Biography:
Halle Kenton spent her Ohio childhood reading when she wasn't begging her daddy to buy her a horse. She wrote her first poem in the second grade and has since graduated to commercial fiction, mainly historical and contemporary romance, always with a dash of humor.
A graduate of Otterbein College, with a B.S. in Equine Science, and the University of Kentucky with an M.L.S. in Library Science, Halle left her day job as a Reference Librarian and Branch Manager to (happily) write full-time.
Halle lives in southern Ohio with her author/attorney husband and barky Chihuahua. Someday soon she's getting another horse and she's sure her daddy would approve.
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