Title: A Midwife for Sweetwater and A New Face in Town
Author: Susan Payne
Genre: Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
Rebecca Johansen set up her midwife practice in the growing town of Sweetwater. She soon became embroiled in the lives and loves of the growing population. Would her ambition over-come her heart when it comes to the handsome Reverend living across the street from her? Or would she become a forever part of the town’s families?
The third and last visitor of the day was the most handsome, Reverend Walters. Tall, of course, well built without any extra weight on his long torso dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and cleric collar. His dark hair had a tendency to curl and fall over his wide forehead, dark brows emphasized the blue eyes fringed with dark lashes, almost too long for a man but looking anything but feminine on him. He stayed on the porch of the little white house, hat in hand and introduced himself.
“I’m Reverend Daniel Walters and I wanted to make you welcome here in Sweetwater. I am extending an invitation to visit our little church across the street on Sunday. There’s a Bible study group on Wednesday evenings and we have socials every once in a while. It’s a good place to meet people from the outlying farms and ranches.” He finished with a wide smile showing even, white teeth.
“Well, thank you, Reverend Walters. I’m Rebecca Johansen and I was planning on going to services unless I’m called out to attend a birth. My time is not always my own but right now I don’t seem to have anyone except Mrs Greggs requiring my attention,” she told the man who appeared to be several years older than she was.
“I look forward to seeing you there, then.” He smiled that devastating smile again and Rebecca would have sworn her knees weakened. The Reverend turned and walked across the dusty road toward the church. Rebecca watched him move. She liked the masculine movement of his hips with each stride, his hands down to his sides, head erect. Oh, yes, she wouldn’t miss a Sunday morning watching him if she could help it.
Rebecca was pleased with her reception so far. Sweetwater seemed to be a very friendly place. She was sure she would be happy here forever.
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
It is the beginning of an eight-story series of a growing western town with all the danger, hope and love that went into living in the west in the 1870s. Readers come away with new insight into the life and loves of our predecessors.
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Author Biography:
Susan Payne is the author of over fifty published novels as well as short stories and blogs. She has honed her skills on knowing the old west and the people who lived that life. She hopes to begin a new series titled Mayor of Traintown in early 2023.
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