A Perfectly Imperfect Holiday
(Destination Romance Book Two)
Kate Berberich
Contemporary Romance, Holiday Romance
Book Blurb:
Lacey Devere is looking forward to her first holiday season with the love of her life. Unfortunately, her sister’s wedding wiped her out. But is it just stress? Or are she and Dan facing the prospect of another passenger on their new journey together?
Dan Lewis thought he had it all—a new legitimate career and an amazing woman he loves. But his new beginning is off to a rocky start. A robbery took place on the last tour, and he has no alibi. Can he live down his past, or will his and Lacey’s first holiday season together be their last?
As the Christmas tour progresses through London, Amsterdam, Nuremberg, and Vienna, they’ll deal with everything from bungled reservations to lost luggage—as well as a couple of life’s biggest questions—with their trademark blend of humor and love. Most of all, they’ll figure out how to build a life together.
They were staying at the “fairy castle” hotel again. The doorman bowed and a waft of spicey pine scent from the fresh greenery tickled Dan’s nose as they entered.
Christmas trees of various sizes adorned in shades of blue, white, and silver replaced the cream and pink floral displays from their previous stay. A majestic gingerbread castle held pride of place on a satin-draped display table in the center of the lobby—thankfully with no rampaging soccer fans to destroy it.
Tasteful instrumental holiday music played quietly over the sound system. Everything was neat and polished and in its place. An aura of peaceful late-night quiet prevailed.
The desk clerk smiled broadly and gestured to an enticing tower of pale blue and white macarons which stood on the front desk. “Gruss Gott.”
“Gruss Gott,” Lacey replied, reaching for a cookie.
Dan adjusted his sling irritably. “Dan Lewis and Lacey Devere, with the Dolce Vita holiday tour.”
“Of course, sir. We understand from your hostess that one of your bags has yet to arrive. We took the liberty of prechecking you into your suite and having the remainder of your luggage delivered. Your bathroom is fully stocked with complimentary toiletries, but if there is anything else we can supply, please call and we will be more than happy to assist you.” He tapped a few keys on his computer, then slid a key pack across the counter.
Dan eyed it suspiciously. “You have our reservation?”
“Certainly, Herr Lewis. Dolce Vita travelers are among our most elite guests. We are delighted to welcome you and will of course do whatever we can to assist you with your stay.”
Dan still didn’t take the key pack. “And this is for a clean room?”
The bewildered clerk nodded.
“With no one else in it?”
Another nod.
“The door locks? And the world champion sports ball fans aren’t having a wild party on our floor?”
The clerk edged subtly away from the desk.
“The building’s not on fire?”
“Perhaps Herr Lewis would care to speak to the manager on duty?”
A security guard dressed in a dark blue blazer emerged from the back office. He nodded pleasantly while exuding a distinct aura of “don’t mess with me.”
Lacey laid her warm hand on Dan’s good arm and squeezed gently while offering a bright smile to the desk clerk. “I’m sure it’s fine. We’ve had…issues…with our accommodations this trip.”
The clerk stared at her wide-eyed. “Apparently so.”
“And on that note, the missing piece of luggage is my garment bag. It’s got my gown for the New Year’s Eve ball, so I’d appreciate a call whenever it’s delivered. The night manager can wake me up—I don’t care. I just want to know it’s safe.”
“Of course, Fräulein. Should you wish, our concierge would be happy to provide a list of fine clothing establishments in the area.”
“I hope that won’t be necessary but thank you. Are there any parcels for us?”
The clerk checked his computer. “Not at this time. Should any arrive, they will be delivered to your suite.”
“Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.” She elbowed Dan.
Dan slumped onto a couch covered in elaborate ice blue brocade. His movements dislodged several slippery satin cushions, which tumbled to the floor. A Christmas tree decorated with shimmering blue glass baubles and white velvet ribbon swags stood in the corner. Glittering silver icicles tipped the branches. Fairy lights draping the tree and mantel cast a soft glow over the space.
Lacey returned from a walk-through of their suite and sat next to him, sending even more cushions cascading to the carpet. “Hey, guess what? It’s a nice clean room, with no one else in it, it’s a reasonable temperature, the doors lock, and there’s hot water. How’s that for a Christmas miracle?”
“It looks like a blue satin cushion factory exploded in here,” he grumbled.
“If they’d exploded, the room would be full of feathers, which it isn’t and please don’t give the universe any ideas. It has enough of its own.” She nestled into his side, filling his senses with hints of lavender and warmth. “It’s a beautiful room, we can sit on the furniture, and the tub is big enough for both of us.”
“And I can’t soak in it.”
You’re being a jerk. You realize that, right?
She rolled her eyes. “You can rest your arm on a towel on the edge. There’s lots of plush blue and white towels. The velvety kind.”
He snorted. “I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
She toyed with the buttons on his shirt. “You know, right this second, you’re reminding me of a very particular holiday character, and it’s not a flattering one.”
He exhaled explosively and sagged against the back of the sofa. “I’m sorry. It’s just…this whole trip, everything’s gone sideways.”
“And now we’re here in a lovely room and it’s almost Christmas and can we please just try to enjoy ourselves? Please?”
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What I love most about the holiday season:
I love unpacking my nutcrackers every year and trying to find room to display all of them in my tiny apartment. I also love seeing new ones in stores—and trying to talk myself out of adding to my collection!
Why is your featured book a must-read to get you in the holiday mood?
I think Dan and Lacey learn an important lesson in this adventure. It’s great to try to plan the perfect holiday, but sometimes you need to let go and just go with whatever the universe throws at you. You usually end up finding fun and great memories in unexpected places.
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Runs July 1 – 31, 2024
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Author Biography:
I am an author with a penchant for writing about strong, sassy ladies and the men they love (and cats!). I have a background in historic and theatrical costuming. I live in New York with my cat, Miss Toby Toebeanz, and lots and lots of books.
Picture Imperfect is my debut novel. The sequel, A Perfectly Imperfect Holiday, was released for the 2023 holiday season. A Perfect Brew, a Destination Romance novella set between Picture Imperfect and A Perfectly Imperfect Holiday will be on sale in digital format July 3, 2024.
Falling for the Cat Guy, a sweet, small-town Halloween romance (with cats!) is scheduled for release in paperback and digital formats September 9, 2024.
Social Media Links:
FB: Kate Berberich, Author
Tumblr: kateberberichauthor
Twitter: @KateBerberich
You can also find me at Goodreads, BookBub, and Pinterest.