Title: A Rose in Time
Author: Laura M. Baird
Genre: Time-travel, Fantasy Romance
Book Blurb:
If you had the ability to travel through time and start again on a grand adventure, would you?
As a lonely older woman, Rose escapes into her books. With the power from a forgotten heirloom and repressed magic, she finds herself in 17th century Scotland as a young maiden. Communicating with dragons. And encountering an appealing Highlander with every jump.
Will Rose remain content with her solitary life, not chancing to upset the past, or will she make a leap through time for everlasting love?
A rumble sounded in the distance, growing louder, causing the ground to vibrate. Rose opened her eyes, puzzling over the blue sky greeting her from above. By the shimmer of fresh rain over fragrant grass. By the soft breeze blowing raven hair across her face, tickling her skin.
How was that possible? Her hair had been white and short for half her life. As she lifted her hand to brush aside the thick locks, she stalled, looking at the wrinkle-free and fair skin peeking out from a velvety purple sleeve trimmed in lace. She twisted her hand in front of her, knowing it was indeed hers, seeing the scar that ran along her palm. A scar she received after crashing head-over-tea-kettle off her brand-new bike Gramps had taught her how to ride at the age of seven.
A shadow passed and Rose jerked as another rumble shook the ground so violently, she was jostled onto her side. She planted her hands on the ground and sat up, nearly losing her breath at the sight in front of her.
Green claws with talons at least a foot long stretched before her. As her gaze followed up the scaly appendages, she saw they connected to legs as thick as telephone poles, which attached to the darker green body of a beast larger than anything she’d ever seen in her life. Finally, she leaned so far back in order to follow the long neck that she once again fell over. She stared right into the amethyst eyes of a dragon bending that neck and bringing its head within inches of her face.
Rose felt the puff of its breath as it came closer. She swore she could feel the heat from its nose as it snorted, obviously not familiar with Rose’s scent. Or maybe it just didn’t like her scent.
She bent her neck to sniff her armpits and came away with nothing unpleasant. Her movement caused the dragon to shift closer, nudging Rose’s body. Although the sight of this massive creature should have scared her, Rose couldn’t help but play along, knowing this had to be a dream.
But would a dream allow you the sensation of touching the cool skin along the dragon’s neck? She watched as the dragon stilled, its eyes unblinking, as if studying this strange creature in front of it.
“Yer skin feels so cool,” Rose said softly. She continued to run her hands along the dragon, threading her fingers through the silky tendrils fanning out from beside its nostrils. With this touch, the dragon snorted again and shook its head, causing Rose to giggle.
“Tickle ye, did I?” She was surprised at the slight Scottish brogue escaping her mouth. Rose dropped her hand and looked at the surroundings, struck by the breathtaking beauty.
She sat atop a hill covered in the greenest grass she’d ever seen. Off to her left was a flower-filled meadow, and Rose swore she could smell the sweet scent carried up on the breeze that continued to muss her hair. Beyond that was a lake of crystal-clear water reflecting the brilliant blue from the sky above. To her right, the hilltop rose up to become a mountain, much of it covered in sparkling snow and haloed by billowy clouds.
Rose saw two more shapes circling above, thinking they were birds. But as they quickly drew closer, it was apparent they were dragons also. One a deep purple, the other the darkest of reds. The green dragon lifted its head and bellowed, to which the other two answered.
Green lowered its head again, looking into Rose’s eyes before nudging her. She didn’t know why, but Rose took this to mean she should stand. So she did. Brushing off her skirt, she took in the full view of the splendidly rich dress adorning her body. Tiny pearl buttons dotted the forearms of the velvety material, with the sleeves and décolletage trimmed in a delicate lace. As she felt the back of the dress, searching for its opening, more buttons passed beneath her fingers and she knew this was no ordinary maiden’s dress.
“Crikey!” She slapped a hand across her mouth, almost laughing at the use of that word. “What on earth?” As she wondered about her circumstances, she watched the other two dragons land on either side of Green.
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If money were no object and we weren’t in a pandemic, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?
With our PNW weather still being cool and often rainy, hubby and I would love to go to New Zealand and Fiji! We want to experience the exotic and diverse offerings these locations have to offer. I want to soak in the sun on a sandy beach, swim in crystal clear waters yet hike the hills and trails of a gorgeous countryside.
Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?
It’ll truly take you away, with a sassy lass, a hot Scot, and dragons! It’s snarky, sexy, and intriguing.
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Author Biography:
A published romance author of four years, Laura has had the honor of becoming an award-winner as well as have stories included in two bestselling anthologies. With three stories already set for release between March and June, she has grand plans for much more this year!
She’s especially excited to retire from permanent work as a dental hygienist of twenty-one years in order to concentrate on time with family and writing. An Army veteran, she’s traveled from coast to coast, currently residing in Washington State. She and her hubby of over thirty years still have dreams of travels not only to New Zealand and Fiji, but Scotland as well to immerse themselves in their Scottish heritage.
She loves engaging and encourages readers to follow the fun on her social media sites. Sign up for her newsletter to learn all the latest and participate in a monthly contest.
Social Media Links:
Amazon page: https://tinyurl.com/y98u9mva
Book and Main Bites: https://bookandmainbites.com/LauraMB/bites
Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/laurambaird
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurambaird
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/laurambaird
YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/yc2jnwbg