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A Simple Matter of Hope and Joy by Nathan Menoian is a Christmas in July Fete pick #christianfiction #fiction #christmasinjuly #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title:  A Simple Matter of Hope and Joy       


Author: Nathan Menoian          


Genre: Christian fiction


Book Blurb: 


Eric David Matthews can’t imagine why God would select him for anything. He’s a longtime business owner with no interest in the Creator of the Universe, and no remaining zest for life. Unexpectedly, he meets a woman of devout faith who tells him what Jesus has done in her life. In quick order, Eric turns his middle-aged and mundane life over to God. He soon finds himself in a whirlwind of divinely-guided activity, discovering that the Lord will and can use anyone - young or old. Though the weeks and months ahead aren’t all smooth sailing, Eric remains ever-faithful as he experiences love, joy, sorrow, fear, and rejuvenation.


One demanding and persistent question keeps racing through his heart: Does God have a specific calling in mind for him? At just the right time, Eric receives the answer he’s been looking for, along with a brand-new zest for life.




December turns Michigan prettier than one can imagine. With shimmering snowflakes, Christmas trees, smiling faces, holiday lights, and happy carolers, the traditional wintry images and season’s greetings are a delight. Overall, a great backdrop to dig in and start writing about my newly changed life.


I had the plot, purpose, and people all planned out. The many hours I spent writing each day passed without notice. My words were plentiful and the keyboard on my laptop took quite a beating.


As soft as my writing skills were, I worked feverishly hard at improving them, and for good reason; I was a new man with a changed heart. Behind these recent occurrences is a worthwhile story. It contains a moral perspective, a heart of truth, a bit of mystery, and a happy ending.


At the outset, I took inventory of my state-of-mind. As much as the next guy, I was alright. But I was now middle-aged and no longer up to fighting my way through life. Was it time to move over, giving way to the next generation?


There must be more to life than working and paying bills: more than a good night’s sleep and more than good food. What I sought after was a real and tangible substance; definitely nothing man-made or rooted in soil. If I did find such a beautiful gift, I’d somehow want to share it with the world.


Hope! It has always existed, but not easy to find. It’s a powerful, impactful, and everlasting word that needs to be shared.


The lady who owns my heart agreed with my noble intentions. “Offering hope through Jesus Christ is worth every effort,” she said. “What better way is there to live our lives? Tell it straight and tell it true.”


“I’ll do my best,” I readily assured her.


Whenever life agitates my emotions, I close my eyes and sink into the calming power of God’s handiwork, a precious comfort afforded me as a new believer in Jesus Christ.


My race through life is now more than half over, and to my astonishment, I am still up and running.  


After twenty years of running a business and chasing success, I somehow lost my zest for life. Pride kept me chained to my work, and it cost me a pretty penny. Little in life seemed worth fighting for.


Running a business is wickedly time-consuming, and mine was no different. One thing I made every effort to do was keep my social calendar open for occasional dating, and monthly get-togethers with some of my long-time buddies.


I’m of the opinion that 21st century-living has become a ruthless fight for survival. Looking back over my battles and having the scars to prove it, I’ve survived tough times, fought and outlasted nasty enemies, stayed ahead of the rat race, and laughed at close calls.


I’m honestly not that tough of a person, but I do believe someone has been watching over me: Perhaps one or two large-winged guardian angels.


If a video from the past few years of my life existed, it would reveal an uneventful and routine span of time. My head-first slide into middle-age was awkward and funny looking. My wardrobe never varied from dark pants, white shirts, black socks, and plain leather shoes. I pretty much ate the same meals at the same restaurants, and rarely changed my TV viewing habits.


Saturday mornings found me tending to the household chores: vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes, and doing laundry. When all of that was done, I’d drive into town to fill my car up with gas, and then meet friends for breakfast.


Beyond the rigors daily life, slept the neglected details of my spiritual condition, mostly void of anything to do with the Creator.


Not surprisingly, and because of my stubborn spirit, there were a good number of lessons in life I had to learn the hard way. All I cared about was what I wanted. That was my attitude, and never did I feel it was wrong. Then I had the audacity to ask God for a miracle.


I’m not a gambling man, but I know you can’t win if you don’t play. My selfish prayer was more along the lines of covering the odds.


“Lord, please grab hold of me and lift me out of the deep ruts I keep getting stuck in. And if you will, kindly position me in close proximity to a woman that may need my help in some form or fashion. Thank. Amen.”


Did I really expect a miracle? My answer was always the same: “You just never know.”


Then one morning, and right in front of me, something unspectacular took place. Yes, unspectacular. But because of it, I was miraculously and forever changed.


During a recent gas station visit, a mid-sized sedan wobbled in on a flat tire. I watched as the female driver headed over to the air pump and step out of the car. I wondered what she was going to do about her dilemma.


I, however, knew what I was going to do. This stunningly pretty woman, whose name I didn’t yet know, moved me beyond my senses. My chivalrous instincts immediately kicked in as I bee-lined straight over to her, offering my assistance.


Right then and there, my ‘hoped-for’ miracle materialized in the blink of an eye. No way was I going to let this opportunity pass without a valiant effort to, at least, pursue conversation with her.


With my work done and a few scraped knuckles and light smears of tire grit and grime on my hands. I bravely asked if she might care to join me for breakfast.


“I’d love to!” she said.  “But it’ll be my treat.”


The lady standing in front of me didn’t know this yet, but I was too old-fashioned to let that happen. Nothing about his occurrence was premeditated on my part. But was there another explanation, besides mere coincidence, for my sudden good fortune?...


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):










What I love most about the holiday season:


Giving and doing for others. Enjoying God’s grace, mercy, and peace. Remembering the true meaning of the Christmas.


Why is your featured book a must-read to get you in the holiday mood?


There is no gift greater than hope. And although finding it and receiving it sometimes leads you on a harrowing journey, once you come to possess it you will never be the same. Whether it is during the Christmas season, or all the days following, hope is the gift that keeps on giving.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs July 1 – 31, 2024


Drawing will be held on August 1, 2024.


Author Biography:


I was born in Michigan to parents of Armenian descent, and attended public schools in Dearborn and West Bloomfield. Flying kites, bike riding, and participating in neighborhood baseball games were part of my youth; with teamwork a valuable life-lesson I learned as a sprinter on my middle-school track team.


At 19, I joined the U.S. Navy. Afterward, I enrolled in college earning a Journalism Degree from Oakland University. It was there that I invited Jesus Christ into my heart, becoming a born-again Christian.


Throughout my years as a writer: from newspaper reporting, writing editorials, spending twelve years in the Adverting Department with a national discount retailer, publishing a monthly business magazine, and handling a variety of freelance work, I’ve been the recipient of many blessings, friends, and challenging opportunities.


Both of my sons are successful in their chosen careers. Michigan remains my home, and authoring this book is the latest highlight in my writing experiences.


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