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  • N. N. Light

After Midnight by Trevann Rogers is a Spring Break Bookapalooza pick #romance #uf #LGBTQ #giveaway

Title: After Midnight

Author: Trevann Rogers

Genre: LGBT Urban Fantasy/Romance

Book Blurb:

A Living After Midnight Novella

Her taboo relationships give her new life. Now there’s a secret worth dying for.

Jewell spent her college years avoiding two threats: sunlight and her sadistic stepfather. With graduation behind her, the young vampire settles into a forbidden relationship with her partner and their incubus boyfriend.

Jewell’s past collides with her present when her stepfather finds her. He demands Jewell return to his home. He’s supported her for her entire life, and tuition isn’t cheap. She belongs to him. Her debt has come due.

If she refuses, he’ll kill her and her lovers. If she agrees, it will expose a secret that will wreck the fragile accord between the incubi and the vampires. Jewell has until dawn to decide…

...and it’s already After Midnight.

After Midnight is the prequel to the Living After Midnight series. Warning: This book features spicy supernatural creatures, an attempted assault that makes the perp wish he’d just stayed home, and a secret that changes everything.


"Hey! There you are, my two favorite creatures of the night." A tall man strutted toward them, his ghostly white skin appearing to shimmer against the stark contrast of his red spiked hair and shaggy beard.

"Chuck! You're here!" Jewell stretched her arms around the Were's chiseled body and hugged him tightly. Chuck had been their friend since freshman year at Unakite U. As brilliant as he was gorgeous, he was the only reason either of them had gotten through chem lab. Sometimes their cover (when being lesbians—or vampires—would have been a problem) and sometimes Jewell's eating buddy (on those days when one banana split just wasn't enough), he was the only person besides Cheyenne they could count on.

They'd also depended on him to pick up their books when the college bookstore closed before dusk and anything else that needed handling during the day. He kept their secrets. They kept his.

He planted a lip-smacking kiss on Jewell's cheek. "How could I miss Cheyenne's big night?" He turned to Ria with open arms.

"Oh, hell no." Ria put her hand up and took a step back. "The last time you hugged me, I wound up smelling like a two-bit hooker. Give up the dollar store cologne. You're a hyena, be a hyena. Embrace your stench.”

Chuck grabbed Ria by the waist and swung her around, the velocity sweeping her feet of the floor.

"Put me down!" Ria demanded through squeals of laughter, slapping ineffectually at Chuck's shoulders.

Jewell laughed along with her. Hard not to. Ria was so severe most of the time that it was easy for people to think her dour and cold, but that was a facade she'd cultivated over a lifetime. Jewell knew Ria’s heart overflowed with kindness. Chuck did too. It was evident in her laughter.

When the Were-hyena put her down, Ria smoothed her dress, checked her hair with a practiced series of strategic pats, and sniffed loudly. "Now that you've gotten that out of your system, why don't you go fetch us drinks?"

Chuck shook his head. "No can do, sweet cheeks. I only came over to tell you I'm here. I met a gal at the cackle picnic last Thursday and asked her to the show. She's waiting for me by the bar."

"Seriously, Chuck? A cackle of hyena?" Ria smirked.

"Seriously, Ria? A kiss of vampires?" Chuck mimicked her tone perfectly.

"What's her name?" Jewell interrupted their playful snarking. "Are you going to introduce us? What does she look like?" In the years since they'd known him, Chuck had not had a partner. He'd dated plenty, but he hadn't been able to find someone who could keep up with his energy or his intellect.

"Whoa, slow down there, Detective. Let me have a first date, and then I'll see if I want to bring her home to meet the family."

After a round of see you laters, Jewell followed Ria through a dozen mismatched and worn bistro tables to a group of yard sale loveseats tucked against the wall near the stage, and across the room from the entrance. Handsewn throws were strewn across the small sofas. It gave the space a shabby chic kind of look. Cute. Someone was trying to spruce the place up.

Jewell sat on the purple couch and patted the dusty cushion next to her to invite her girlfriend to sit. She liked this bar, despite the dirt and sticky floors. If the owner cleaned it up a bit, it might become one of those funky after hours clubs that could put Unakite on the map.

"Could this be any lower to the ground?" Ria sat on the edge of the sofa and tugged at her red micro-miniskirt. "I practically have to be a contortionist not to show my stuff to the creeps across the room." She flashed an insincere smile to the group of men leering at them, and whispered to Jewell through bared teeth, "Do you see that idiot coming over here? Start coughing like you have tuberculosis. I don't have the patience for these pushy humans."

Pushy? The young man approaching them seemed more like a salmon in a den of grizzly bears, out of his element and nervous as hell. Jewell had to give him credit: he had the guts to head toward Ria.

Prey seldom made good decisions in the face of a predator.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

If money were no object, where would you go for a Spring Break vacation and why?

All of my adult life I’ve wanted to go to Aruba. I have NO idea why, but I do. I got close once. I’d bought an all-inclusive package at a nonprofit auction but a family crisis compelled me to cancel it and I haven’t been able to arrange a trip since. Maybe one day.

Why is your featured book a must-read this spring?

After Midnight is a story of enduring faith in love and miracles. Isn’t that the essence of spring?

Giveaway –

One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon US or Canada gift card

Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon CA account to win.

Runs April 1 – 30, 2023.

Drawing will be held on May 1, 2023

Author Biography:

Trevann Rogers writes rock star romances, urban fantasy, and LGBT paranormal romances. Her books include HOUSE OF THE RISING SON and its prequel novella, AFTER MIDNIGHT. Her short stories, All One of You and Indigo Dreams are available on Amazon. Her stories also appear in the anthologies Dangerous Curves Ahead: An Anthology, and Wickedly Ever After.

Each of Trevann’s stories incorporates an unquenchable addiction to music and her love for vampires, Weres, incubi and rock stars. She writes long after the sun goes down because, like these elusive creatures, she learned long ago that sometimes being yourself means Living After Midnight.

Trevann lives in Connecticut with Toby, her rescue puppy, and Lil Monkey, a sock monkey who thinks he’s real but refuses to chip in on the mortgage.

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1 Comment

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Apr 28, 2023

Thank you, Trevann, for sharing your book in our Spring Break Bookapalooza!

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