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N. N. Light's Book Heaven presents Alina K. Field #authorspotlight #Regency #regencyromance #historicalromance #mustread

Happy anniversary to N. N. Light’s Book Heaven! I’m thrilled to join you for the celebration and to share some of my books with you.


I’m Alina K. Field, a USA Today bestselling author of Regency romances. Though I’ve tried my hand at writing contemporary romances and have several of those tucked away, the first story I sold was a Regency romance, Rosalyn’s Ring, which won first place in the novella category of the Book Buyer’s Best contest in 2014.


Since then, I have more stories out, including the Sons of the Spy Lord series, the MacBeth series, and the Upstart Christmas Brides series, plus other related or stand-alone books.


I’ve loved the Regency period since the first time I read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice!


But why choose to write Regency romance? A contemporary romance author friend once asked me that question. Here’s what I answered:


Regency England was an era rife with opportunities for an author to present conflict and drama. England had been at war with France and its shifting allies since the 1790s, while at home, the upper echelons of society went on mostly as normal. Social barriers were anything but fluid, and the ruling class ruled, albeit keeping an eye on the lower classes lest they follow the French example of revolution. I find the history of this period fascinating.


And fashions! The sleek, Grecian, high-waisted look contrasted with the tight corseting and layers of clothing women donned in earlier and later periods.


Now, a bit about me: my roots are in the Midwestern U.S., where I worked my way through a state university doing data entry, and earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature. (That, of course, was in the days before college fees became so exorbitant.)


After that, I moved to Chicago for my first real job. A few years later, after a winter where we had snow on the ground from Thanksgiving until almost Easter, I decided I might want to move somewhere with a milder climate.


But not right away, because that snowy January, I’d met the love of my life. After three years of the ups and downs of courtship, we set a date for our wedding and plotted a move to warmer climes. He had family in both Phoenix and L.A., and ultimately, we landed in Southern California, where we eventually settled into a midcentury home with a son, a daughter, various dogs, and the one cat who visited and decided to stay.


My husband passed away in 2021, and the kids grew up and moved out, but I still have dogs, currently two rescues, a golden-eyed terrier and a feisty chihuahua. Plus, grandkids, the human munchkins who frequently need looking after and visit often.


Let me close with this quote from a prolific author of Regency romances and mysteries who I admire, the late M.C. Beaton: 


I never wanted to be a literary writer. I wanted to be an entertainer. All I wanted was to give what a lot of writers had given me: a good time on a bad day.


What she said perfectly captures my purpose in writing!





Title A Wallflower’s Midsummer Night’s Caper


Author Alina K. Field

Genre Regency Romance


Book Blurb


A Midsummer Night’s masquerade at her family’s country home presents the Honorable Nancy Lovelace with the perfect opportunity for revenge against the man who ruined her first London season—a man she’s known since childhood, a man she’d once thought she loved. With the help of her crew of younger relatives, she’ll give him his comeuppance.


Thanks to his bad behavior, Simon Crayding is now known to society as the Swilling Duke. Then an old school chum invites him for a Midsummer Night’s party, and he jumps at the chance to lick his wounds among friends and apologize to his friend’s sister, Nancy, because apparently, he’s done something to hurt her, he just doesn’t remember what.


It soon becomes clear that Nancy will not easily forgive. Never one to resist a challenge—or a beautiful lady—Simon vows to persevere. As the night unfolds and passions rise, will Simon be well and truly punished, or will Nancy be caught in her own game?




Thoughts of Simon sent emotions spiraling in her, longing twining with annoyance, and strands of hurt and embarrassment befuddling her, so that when she turned a corner, she stumbled against a large body with a startled squeak.


“Here now. What’s this?”


Powerful hands matched the deep masculine voice and set her back, steadying her. She looked up, astonished, and her heart threatened to burst. All the mixed emotions evaporated, and joy flooded her. Dark hair spilled over one blue-gray eye, and the full lips pursed together in a frown.


He’d come for her. Simon Clayding—Duke of Something now, but he would always be Simon to her—Simon was here.


“It’s you,” she said. “I’m so s-sorry. I’m as clumsy as ever. B-but… you’re here?”


“’Course I’m here.” He blinked. “Question is, why are you here looking like a fresh young thing ready for your come-out?”




Simon?” He muttered a foul profanity she’d heard only on the rarest of occasions from one of her brothers. “Demmed Percy told you my Christian name, I suppose, and sent you along. One of his pranks. Well, madam, you’re a pretty thing, but I’m not going to be sidetracked tonight. I’m not interested.”


His gaze darkened and held hers, despite his proclaimed lack of interest.


Perhaps… Simon hadn’t seen her in nine years. He didn’t recognize her. He had her confused with someone else.


Reasoning trickled back into her senses, bringing along the strong scent of brandy.


Of course. He was completely foxed.


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Author Biography


USA Today bestselling author Alina K. Field earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature but prefers the happier world of romance fiction. Her roots are in the Midwestern U.S., but after six very, very, very cold years in Chicago, she moved to Southern California where she shares a midcentury home with a golden-eyed terrier and a feisty chihuahua and only occasionally misses snow.


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Title Marrying Mr. Gibson

Author Alina K. Field        

Genre Regency Romance


Book Blurb


For a chance at true freedom, Paulette Heardwyn needs the fortune left her by her inscrutable father. But she doesn’t know what it is, where it is, or how to find it, and the only man with answers, the Earl of Shaldon, takes his secrets to the grave. Worse, the dead earl tries to force her marriage to his bastard son—and leaves her prey to a traitor seeking the same treasure she’s after.


Bink Gibson is ready to throw off his quiet life as steward to his old commander and head for India and the chance of prosperity. But before he can leave he’s summoned to the deathbed of the Earl of Shaldon, a meddling spymaster, a complete stranger…and his father.


And the Earl has set a trap Bink will never be able to resist.




Bink stood. “Come, lass. Let us get you back to your room.” He took her hand and drew her up. Light as a lamb, she was. Tucking her hand in the crook of his arm, he blew out the candles.


In the darkness, she seemed to draw closer, smelling like flowers and good soap. She fitted snugly against him, her hip bumping his, her hand gripping his arm as they climbed the stairs. Need swelled again in him, sending an ache through his loins.


He could have this. He could have the woman, the estate, and the settled life so easily. All it would take would be a bit of seduction, and he’d had practice at that. He knew how it was done.


Though he had never seduced an innocent. And he was going to India.


“Can you see in the dark?” Her low murmur vibrated into his chest, sending a new ripple through him.


They had reached her door. He slipped her hand away and leaned closer. “Yes and I’ll be on the lookout for a wee lass moving about in these halls.”


Her soft chuckle smelled like sweet brandy. His hands found their way around her waist.


“Will you please stay in your room, Paulette?”


“You’ll help me?” she whispered.




The touch of her lips was like a hot brand. In the dark, she’d landed the kiss on his neck.


Oh, aye, he could see in the dark. He found her mouth and pressed his lips onto hers.


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Title Fated Hearts

Author Alina K. Field

Genre Regency Romance


Book Blurb


Plagued by hellish memories and rattling visions of battle to come, a Scottish Baron returning from two decades at war meets the daughter he denied was his, and the wife he divorced, and learns that everything he’d believed to be true was a lie. What he can’t deny is that she’s the only woman he’s ever loved. They’re not the young lovers they once were, but when passion flares, it burns more hotly than ever it did in their youth.


They soon discover, it wasn’t fate that drove them apart, but a jealous enemy, who played on his youthful arrogance and her vulnerability. Now that old enemy has resurfaced, more treacherous than ever. When his lady falls into a trap, can he reach her in time to rescue this love that never died?




From his spot near a damask covered wall, Major Finley Macbeth measured each breath, trying to calm his rising unease.


Best keep his purpose in mind—he was here to track down Sir Thomas Abernathy, lately arrived in London, and rumored to be attending this rout.


His gaze swept the room. Despite his own forty-three years, his eyesight was still keen enough to make out a sniper or spot the dust of a fleeing stag. Keen enough as well to relish the deep décolletages and clinging, delicate, almost transparent skirts on display this night, a vision far more cheering than the one the Sight was showing him.


A more modestly clad woman stood alone halfway across the ballroom, her back turned to him, surveying the room as he was doing.


A memory stabbed him. He’d once known a lass with hair like this, so abundant, so near to black.


He caught a steadying breath. It couldn’t be her. The lovely lady with feathers atop her head was only a stranger wondering where her man had got to.


Yet he couldn’t turn away. Drawn to her, he stepped out on his bad leg just as she turned.


Pain shot through his hip. The room threatened to fall away but he held onto the pain, let it shore him up whilst he swore a silent curse.


It was her.


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Title The Duke She Despised

Author Alina K. Field

Genre Regency Romance


Book Blurb


The new Duke of Kinmarty has lost everyone who mattered and gained naught but a title, and debt, and an old pile of a castle. When a fetching new housekeeper appears on his doorstep frantic to ready the place for the Yuletide, he seizes the chance for a respite from grieving and pretends to be the new duke’s estate factor.


With her cousin’s children due to arrive from India, a vicar’s widow hides her identity and takes a position as housekeeper to their dreadful uncle, the man who years ago sabotaged her own chance for happiness. Overwhelmed by a castle understaffed and in disarray, she forges a bond with the new duke’s charming but not very competent factor, not knowing that he’s hiding something as well.


When allies become lovers, each senses the truth may rip them apart. Can their love survive when she discovers he’s the duke she despised?




She chewed on her lip, hiding something.


“How did Mr. Marlowe know the duke?” he asked.


“He didn’t. He’d merely heard in the course of his work about…about the duke’s difficult demeanor.”


Andrew MacDonal had been the topic of conversation among the clergy. How odd. This was a woman with secrets.


Her gaze shifted away and then back, and the spark of defiance there stirred an urge to laugh.


The vicar’s widow was being wicked. She was lying.


A sheen of moisture appeared on her cheeks and her lips pressed together.


She was delicious. He took a step closer and watched her eyes widen.




He left her plenty of room to retreat. She held her position.


A potent mix of curiosity, amusement, and desire brewed in him. “Your husband, the gossiping vicar, what, pray tell, caused his demise?”


“He suffered an apoplexy.”


“An apoplexy? He was elderly?”


She huffed. “He was…he had just turned one and sixty. Really, Mr. Andrews, this is—”


“None of my business? You don’t think the duke will want to know that his housekeeper’s late husband spread slander about him?”


She gasped. “That is not—”


“He values loyalty.”


She scoffed. “Am I not trying to know what irritates him and what is pleasing?”




His head dipped closer and her pulse jumped. A choking breath brought a woodsy male scent sparking shivers down to her half boots.


Ack. He’d startled her into clumsy lies.


And she should not have mentioned that notion of pleasing.


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Title Lady Twisden’s Picture Perfect Match

Author Alina K. Field

Genre Regency Romance


Book Blurb


After years of putting up with her late husband’s rowdy friends, Honoria, Lady Twisden, has escaped to York where she can paint (even if badly), investigate antiquities, and enjoy freedom. Then her stepson appears with a long-lost relation in tow.


Promised York’s marriage mart and the hospitality of his cousin’s doddering stepmother, Major August Kellborn is shocked to find that his fetching hostess is the one woman who stirs his heart.




“Where is the footman? We need him to fetch in our trunks.”




Looking past the broad shoulder she saw another figure approaching and…


Good God. Heat swamped her and flamed in her cheeks. Dark eyes shot darts at her over a grimly set, thin-lipped mouth. The palpable sternness of Wes’s companion sent a shiver of awareness through her. It was a familiar shiver, one she’d indulged during her tedious days at Twisden Manor when she’d found herself fighting off mad imaginings.


Wes’s laughter shook her tongue loose. “My goodness, sir,” she said. “You bear an uncanny resemblance to—”


“Old Ebenezer Twisden,” Wes said. “Yes, it is as if the old Warden has come back to life, Mother. And do you know who he is, Mother?” He laughed again. “I’ve written to Granny to tell her. She’ll be in alt when she hears.”


A man of perhaps forty, he was about the same age as Wes’s ancestor, the Warden in the painting at Twisden Hall who’d been in the King’s service for many years when that portrait was done. This new incarnation of Ebenezer wasn’t a particularly tall man, not as tall as Wes, but he still towered over her.


Old Ebenezer cleared his throat.


“But of course,” Wes said. “Where are my manners? Mother, may I present my cousin, Major Augustus Kellborn. Gus, this is my dear stepmother, Lady Twisden.”


While she curtsied, managing not to wobble, he dipped his head, never taking his gaze away.


Good holy heavens.


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