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An Angel’s Heart by Annette Miller is a Backlist Bonanza pick #paranormalromance #pnr #romance #wrpbks #backlist #giveaway

Title: An Angel’s Heart


Author: Annette Miller


Genre: Paranormal Romance


Book Blurb:


Angel Haven team member, Rachael McCafferty, is losing control of superpowers, and it started benignly when an old man shook her hand. Now, she’s being followed by a shadow man who terrifies her, by she’s also tempted by the whispers of untold power he plants in her mind.


Joseph Caine is called in to help Rachael understand what is happening with her. As an earth wizard, he feels an affinity to her believing he can help because they both have the same connection to the earth


But as evil grows around them and Joseph begins having visions of death and destruction, he knows Rachael isn’t the dark warlock’s only target.




“What are you doing?”


He stood in the doorway, wearing only jeans. His hair was in more disarray than usual. The early afternoon sun shone in, making him almost glow in the light. Magic flowed from him, filling her heart with joy at his presence. She could see bright light dance across his skin. Could that be his aura, and if so, how did she learn to see it? She’d carry the memory of how he looked right now for the rest of her life.


She held up the music box. “I was listening to it. I hope you don’t mind.”


“Not at all.” He laid his left arm across the middle of his back and held out his right hand. “Shall we?”


Winding the music box and letting it play, she stood and took his hand. His steps were easy to follow, even though she’d never waltzed in her lige. The twirled around the living room, the music seeming to get larger and fuller the longer he held her. As the music box wound down, the slowed and eventually stopped.


“That’s such a beautiful melody. First the lullaby, then the music box. Your family knows the prettiest, and somehow incredibly haunting, tunes.”


“It’s part of our charm.”


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What makes your featured book a must-read?


I got to thinking one day. How odd would it be to have a hero who’s a wizard, but also has a lot of faith. And what if his best friend was a priest who was also a wizard. Heroes who are a bit of a white knight are always fun to write. Especially, when it appears they bit off more than they could chew.


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.

Runs August 20 – August 27, 2024.

Winner will be drawn on August 28, 2024.


Author Biography:


Annette Miller grew up in Baltimore and married an Air Force man, getting the chance to see Germany and most of the United States. Always a fan of superhero stories, science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels, she didn't discover romance until her oldest son was two. Then, she couldn't get enough. After getting introduced to tabletop role playing games, her and her husband’s characters began to develop their own stories, which obviously needed to be written. Soon, her imagination took over, and she combined her two loves. Because she loves the woods, she tries to work in a little magic and new takes on fairy tales in her stories.


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