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An Honorable Man for Katarina by @nfraserauthor is a Christmas Festival pick #historicalromance

Title: An Honorable Man for Katarina

Author: Nancy Fraser

Genre: Sweet Western Historical Romance

Book Blurb:

Katarina (Katy) Anderson has experienced more heartache in her twenty-two years than most know in a lifetime. Given to a man old enough to be her father, she has spent the past six years secluded from everyone except for her three young children. Her husband’s untimely death brings relief that... finally... she and her children are free. When Sheriff Matthew Logan arrives at the Anderson homestead, he is moved by Katy’s sad circumstances and vows to right the wrongs done to her. He’s always shied away from marriage due to his dangerous profession, yet he quickly changes his mind when Katy and her children come into his life, and into his heart.

Can an honorable man like Matthew Logan help Katy learn to trust again in time to give her and her children a special Christmas season?

Exclusive Excerpt:

A sigh of contentment flowed through Katy, the simple release calming her in a way she couldn’t describe. The past week had been like a rebirth, the start of a new life for herself and her children. Katy lifted two narrow logs from the basket beside the stove, her efforts halted by the sound of an approaching horse. She’d barely reached the door when Toby’s excitement rang out across the yard.

“Sheriff Matthew, Sheriff Matthew,” the boy called. “Come see the fort me and Susan built from the old rags.”

Matthew Logan slid off his horse and started in their direction. Katy watched in wonder as the tall man hunkered down beside where they played. A lump formed in Katy’s throat when the usually shy Susan wrapped her arm around the sheriff’s neck and laid her head down on his shoulder.

Tobias had never shown his children such gentleness. Tobias had never beaten the children, likely because she’d always placed herself between them. However, he’d also never bothered to show interest in them or what they were doing. Her beautiful, precious children accepted their father but learned quickly to be wary of him, even at their young age.

Yet, in the span of a few short days, this total stranger had taught them trust, compassion.

Katy straightened her shoulders and silently strengthened her resolve. No man, no matter how gentle, how trustworthy, would ever come near her again. She’d allow his warmth toward her children, if only to teach them to return kindness. For herself, she wanted only his friendship, his understanding, and nothing more.

She stepped off the porch and crossed the distance between them, coming to a stop at his side. Matthew looked up at her and smiled, his golden-brown eyes twinkling with humor. In no more than a heartbeat, her resolve weakened and she found herself wishing it was her head on the sheriff’s shoulder, and not Susan’s.

“You’ve come with news of the judge’s visit?” Katy asked, doing her best to push unwanted images of Matt Logan from her thoughts.

“Not yet. It’s my day off though so I thought I’d get started on those repairs we talked about.”

She shook her head. “I told you I can complete the repairs on my own. You don’t need to waste a perfectly good day off doing things for me.”

“Katy, I don’t mind.”

She wished she didn’t like the sound of her name coming from his lips, but she did.

“I know you don’t mind, but I do.”

He set Susan aside and stood, bringing them toe to toe, face to face. “Why is it so hard to accept the help of someone who’s willing to give it of their own free will?”

Tears stung her eyes as the memories of the past six years came flooding back. She needed to put some distance between herself and Matt’s questions. Moving forward, she set a course for the house. She could sense Matt close at her heels.

When they’d reached the porch, she turned. “I’ve had to do everything for myself for six long years. Every spring I’d plow the fields with no more than a metal hoe and a lot of backbreaking effort. I’d plant vegetables, tote water from the creek nearby, and nurse the garden until it was lush with food. Then, that bastard of a man would take everything to town, leaving me and the children with nothing more than a handful of the oldest crops.”

“Tobias helped you with nothing?”

“In six years, the only kindness Mr. Anderson showed to either me or my children was allowing help with the birthing of the babies, occasionally providing baking supplies, and bringing us a weekly jug of milk to drink.”

Katy couldn’t help but notice the look of disgust changing Matt’s otherwise handsome features. Silently, she admonished herself for noticing his strong jaw, the trim of his neat beard and mustache, the way his eyes closed slightly when he seemed deep in thought.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited:

Share a holiday family tradition:

One of our most treasured traditions happens on Christmas Eve. We share homemade popcorn, hot cider, hot chocolate, and watch Christmas movies together. I actually used this tradition (with a little time-period tweaking) for Katarina and her children. Our hero, Matthew, introduces Katy and her children to the joys of popping corn, and reads them “The Night Before Christmas”.

Why is your featured book perfect to get readers in the holiday mood?

An Honorable Man for Katarina is a heartfelt story of a young woman who rises above dire circumstances to make a life for herself and her children. In the process, she learns to trust again and falls for the sheriff who helped her escape her past and orchestrates her children’s first real Christmas.

Giveaway –

Enter to win a $75 Amazon (US or Canada) Gift Card.

You must have an active Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to be eligible. Open internationally.

Runs December 1 – 31

Drawing will be held on January 3, 2022.

Author Biography:

NANCY FRASER is an Amazon Top 100 and Award-Winning author who can’t seem to decide which romance genre suits her best. So, she writes them all.

Nancy published her first book in 1996 and hasn’t stopped since. Her 100th book will be released on her birthday in April of 2022.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.

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Unknown member
Dec 30, 2021

Sounds like a sweet romance! This one is a personal tradition, every year from when they begin to after Christmas I watch holiday movies of every kind on Hallmark Channel and Lifetime and any others that I catch, of course, I also make sure I get the holiday animated shows and The Grinch, Home Alone 1 & 2, The Santa Clause trilogy, Jack Frost, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, The Polar Express, Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Jingle All The Way, & Gremlins!


Unknown member
Dec 06, 2021

Thank you for hosting my book today and helping me celebrate my Book Birthday. This one is special to me, as it shows us how even adversity can be overcome with love from a good and honorable man.


N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Dec 06, 2021

Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your new release in our Christmas and Holiday Book Festival! Happy release day!

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