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Attired in Highland Gold (Colors of Scandal #15) by Sandra Sookoo is a Trick or Treat Bonanza pick #historicalromance #regency #spookyreads #giveaway

Title: Attired in Highland Gold (Colors of Scandal #15)


Author: Sandra Sookoo


Genre: Historical romance, Regency romance


Book Blurb:


There’s no such thing as perfection but being stuck in the Scottish Highlands with a shot at a dream comes close.


Caelan Stewart—Lord Everly—only son to the Earl of Breckenridge, is in Scotland on a hunting holiday, but when an accidental tumble on a hike gives him a badly sprained ankle and injures his wrist, the remainder of his holiday looks dull… until two red-haired scamps play Halloween tricks on him while he’s preoccupied by their attractive mother.


Widowed two years and still battling grief, American Clara Snyder needs a distraction. Spending several weeks on an estate in the Highlands that will end with a lavish ball on All Hallows Eve might be just the thing. She barely settles into life there with her two small children when an intriguing Scotsman literally falls at her feet… and feelings she thought long dead come alive again.


As Caelan fills his time by bedeviling the intriguing widow and planning a few Samhain tricks, she falls under his spell. Desire grows, as does the bond between him and her children. But he’s not keen on offering up his heart again after the violent death of his first betrothed while Clara is leery of loving someone else for fear they’ll leave. The only way to a happily ever after is to jump in with eyes wide open… and a bit of innocent, ghostly manipulation won’t hurt either.




Another sip of tea restored part of her composure. Would that he could have given her comfort with a touch or a shoulder to cry on.


He nodded. “Did you still wish to ask a question of me?”


“Yes.” After another sip, she lowered the cup to its saucer on the table. “Earlier, before tea, you said you understood what I was going through. I assume you meant grief.”


“I did.” His heart squeezed, and the reaction had nothing to do with being in the same room as the delectable widow.


“Were you married?”


“No.” The word felt yanked from a suddenly tight throat. “I wasn’t given that opportunity,” he said in a whisper as he gripped his teacup with more force than necessary. “That is a time I’d rather not revisit just now.”


“No one ever wishes to go back when there are horrid or sad memories blocking the way.” When he remained silent, doing his best to keep a lid on those particular memories, Clara went on. “And there are times when all we want to do is go back and relive the moments that happened before those terrible memories occurred.” Her voice broke on the last ones. “I never knew how profound a difference one person could make on another until I married Johnathan.”


“It is surprising when you figure that out.” That’s how it had been with him and Abigail. The muscles in his throat constricted. “And once you reach the point in the relationship where you don’t think you can ever go on without them, that’s when everything changes.”


“Yes.” She nodded. “For good or for ill, but there’s no going back from there.” Her words were a whisper. “It’s almost like tempting fate to grasp that happiness.”


“That’s exactly what it feels like.” Perhaps he’d flaunted his success when he’d won Abigail’s heart, for the way she’d died certainly hinted at rage or perhaps jealousy. It wasn’t something he wanted to relive and neither did he want to run that risk again. “But the aftermath, when we’re left alone and everyone else has gone home, when we’re forced to face the reality of a life without the one who has died…”


Clara nodded. Her eyes again welled with tears. “And we’re left with that infinite silence knowing we’ll never again hear our loved one’s voice.”


“It goes beyond anything I’ve ever felt before.” He shook his head. A wad of emotions lodged in his throat, but he swallowed around them. “That’s when the real fear begins. The doubts come to call and won’t leave. Second guessing sneaks in to bedevil us. We start asking if there was something we could have done differently, perhaps if we hadn’t made decision that might have led up to the death…” He broke off with a choked sort of sound.


“Sleep is elusive, but in my case, I didn’t have the luxury of hiding in grief.” She dabbed at her cheeks with her linen napkin. “I was left with two four-year-old children who didn’t understand why their father wasn’t going to walk through the door or scoop them up any longer.”


Well, damn. This wasn’t how he’d hoped his first conversation with the red-haired angel would have gone. “Again, I apologize for your loss. Anyone can see you were deeply in love with your husband.”


The bigger question is: was she still?


“You have my condolences as well.” Again, she dabbed at her eyes and then sniffled. “Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve talked about it with anyone.”


“I’m glad I could give you an outlet.” Though, if he were a wagering man, he’d say she hadn’t purged all those feelings from her soul. She held onto secrets, and they hurt her terribly. Even now she struggled with them. Caelan quickly drained his teacup. “Could I trouble you for a refresh?” It would give her something to focus on and additionally bring her close to him once more.


“Of course. How silly of me to neglect you.” Immediately, she stood up from the sofa and approached him.


“It’s not your responsibility to look after me. I’m not an invalid. Merely feeling sorry for myself. But I will have bruises on the morrow from my fall today.”


The blush had returned to her cheeks. “I hope I didn’t injure you badly when I fell on you.”


“I rather doubt it.” When she reached for his cup, he caught her fingers in his and squeezed. She gasped as her gaze snapped to his. Again, heat twined up his arm. “I appreciate the trust you’ve extended to me, let me hear part of your story. It made me feel less alone in my own grief.”


Confusion shadowed her eyes, but she nodded. “The days when those feelings sneak up on you when you’re doing something else are the most difficult.” Her kissable rose-hued lips trembled. Almost imperceptibly, she squeezed his fingers back before pulling her hand away.


When he would have said more, shouts and laughter drifted to their location from the reception hall. A few giggles soon followed.


A heavy sighed escaped the widow. “That would be my children, and from the sounds of it, they’ve caused mischief for someone.”


He offered a grin. “It’s been nice talking with you, Clara. Perhaps we can do so again while we’re both here.”


“If I’m afforded free time, then yes.” She lingered, her hand drifting toward his shoulder, but when another shout accompanied by a string of curses in what sounded like Brody’s voice echoed beyond the door, she backed away. “I must go. Enjoy the remainder of your afternoon.”


Then she was gone, and he stared at the space where she’d stood just seconds before. Oh, she represented a riddle to be solved, but there had been a trace of vulnerability about her that practically begged him to wrap her in his arms and simply hold her until the shattered pieces of herself came back together.


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If you could dress up as anything or anyone this Halloween, what or who would it be and why?


Interesting question. I’m not a big celebrator of Halloween. I’m more of a fall/autumn girl, but in the past, I have dressed up as Minnie Mouse, Evvie from The Mummy, or even a 1920’s flapper girl to hand out candy. Usually, it’s too cold or rainy to do the trick or treat thing here, so my husband and I just go out to dinner.


Explain why your featured book is a treat to read:


It’s set in the Regency era in the Scottish Highlands during Samhain (Halloween) There are two mischievous twins, will o’the wisps, love at first sight, a skittish widow, and an adorable plot to love and romance. It’s a feel good romance.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs October 1 – 31, 2024


Drawing will be held on November 1, 2024. 


Author Biography:


Sandra Sookoo is a USA Today bestselling author who firmly believes every person deserves acceptance and a happy ending. That is why her characters are not in the usual style and oftentimes struggle with things out of the norm. She’s written for publication since 2008. Most days you can find her creating scandal and mischief in the Regency-era, serendipity and happenstance in the Victorian era, or historical romantic suspense complete with mystery and intrigue. Reading is a lot like eating chocolates—you can’t just have one book. Give her the chance with one book and you’ll be hooked.


When she’s not wearing out computer keyboards or mice, Sandra spends time with her real-life Prince Charming in Central Indiana where she also runs a gourmet cookie business and makes moments count with the man because the key to life is laughter. Inspired to storytelling by Walt Disney since the age of ten, when her soul gets bogged down and her imagination flags, a trip to Walt Disney World is in order. Nothing fills the well and fuels her dreams more than the land of eternal happy endings, hope and love stories.


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