We’re excited to announce we are now offering audiobook reviews. For the audiobook reviews, we operate things a little bit differently. We will write up a concise professional review and post it to N. N. Light’s Book Heaven.
If we have not reviewed your e-book/print on Amazon US and Amazon CA, we will post our review to Amazon US and Amazon CA. We will also post our review to Kobo, Goodreads, and BookBub, if it is available on these platforms.
If your audiobook is available on Chirp, we will purchase a copy and will post our review on Chirp.
If your audiobook is available on Audible US and you provide us with a promo code, post our review on Audible US. If you do not have a promo code and it is available on Audible US, we will purchase a copy or you can gift us a copy. We will post our review to Audible US.
We cannot post our review to Kobo, Apple, and/or Google Play. Our review is considered an Editorial review. You have our permission to post our review or part of our review on those platforms.
The turnaround time plus the fee for an audiobook review is below:
16 Weeks $13.50 + price of the audiobook
12 Weeks $16.00 + price of the audiobook
8 – 10 Weeks $21.00 + price of the audiobook
6 Weeks $30.00 + price of the audiobook
4 Weeks $50.00 + price of the audiobook
2 Weeks $95.00 + price of the audiobook
Rush 3 Business Days $160.00 + price of the audiobook

All five-star reviews are eligible for the yearly N. N. Light Book Awards.
We're a Vine Voice reviewer and verified (blue check) influencer on Amazon.
Amazon US Ranking as of August 6, 2021 is 3,995 Amazon CA Ranking as of August 6, 2021 is 1,271 Goodreads Ranking as of August 6, 2021 is #14 Top Readers, #31 Top Reviewers, #81 Best Reviewers (updated weekly)
For more information or to book an audiobook review, please use our contact page: