Title: Baxter Road Miracle
Author: Carlene Havel
Genre: Christian Fiction
Book Blurb:
Can faith move mountains? The Youngbloods are about to find out.
Henry is determined to plant a new church in Buffalo Creek, despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. He struggles to erect a building while fending off an overzealous construction inspector.
Meanwhile, Ellen has practical concerns about paying the bills and providing for their late-in-life baby.
Teenaged daughter Pauline longs for a college education she cannot possibly afford, while her younger sister Susan pursues popularity.
It will take a miracle for the Youngblood family’s dreams to come true.
The tardy bell was ringing when Mr. Krause strode into the room. A portly man of perhaps sixty, he took a seat at the teacher’s desk without acknowledging the presence of students. He might have been overlooked in a crowd, except for his hair. The thin, salt-and-pepper locks twisted and stood away from his face as if electrified. His glasses resembled the bottom of a coke bottle in thickness, and they magnified his eyes into great, blue blobs. “Physics,” he said. Standing, straightening his bow tie, he swept his eyes across the classroom. “The study of matter and motion. It is the basis of the discipline of mechanical engineering.” Bracing himself on widespread hands, he leaned over his desk. His glare focused on a student in the front row, while his voice rumbled like distant thunder. “This is not a class for girls.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Grab your e-copy on sale for 99 cents until August 20th!

What’s the first binge-worthy book you read and why was it a must-read?
When I was in middle school, I checked “Gone With the Wind” out of the library and secretly devoured it. I loved Scarlett O’Hara’s adventures, and also enjoyed the thrill of reading a book I knew my parents would not approve of.
What makes your featured book a binge-worthy read?
It takes the reader back to the 1960s, when a “nice” girl never phoned a boy, wore too much makeup, bleached her hair, or kissed on a first date. The story is loosely based on some of my experiences growing up as a pastor’s daughter.
Giveaway –
One lucky reader will win a $75 Amazon (US or Canada) gift card.
Open internationally. You must have a valid Amazon US or Amazon Canada account to win.
Runs August 1 – 31
Drawing will be held on September 1.
Author Biography:
Carlene Havel writes sweet romance, Christian-themed stories, and historical novels. She has lived in Turkey, Republic of the Philippines, and numerous US states. After a career in human resources and software development, she began writing in 2005. The Havels live in Texas, surrounded by their extended family.
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