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Cover Reveal | Beyond Stonebridge by Linda Griffin #ghoststory #romance #coverlove #bookboost #nnlbh

N. N. Light

It's time for another cover reveal. Author Linda Griffin is here to share the cover for her upcoming release. The cover really expresses the book's theme and eeriness. Check it out for yourself.

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Title: Beyond Stonebridge


Author: Linda Griffin


Genre: Ghost Story Romance


Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


Book Blurb:


In this sequel to Stonebridge, it is 1959, and Rynna Wyatt’s abusive husband Jason has fallen to his death after a fight with his bookish, disabled cousin Ted Demeray. The police would like to know exactly what happened, but it’s impossible to tell the whole truth. Jason’s death doesn’t end his relationship with them. Rynna is pregnant with his child and traumatized by his abuse. She and Ted leave Stonebridge Manor to start a new life in Brenford, where Ted teaches at the university, but Jason’s restless spirit follows and haunts Rynna’s dreams. He wants her back. He wants revenge. And he wants his son. How can Ted and Rynna oppose his claims and finally put him to rest?




They strolled up the hill, and Rynna was overtaken by a bitter memory of standing here with Jason at Grandmother’s funeral. She’d wanted to examine the stones in the family plot because she hadn’t been in the cemetery before, but he’d been edgy and impatient. She took her time now, stopping at each familiar name, the Hutchinsons and the Demerays who had lived at Stonebridge for centuries.


“Jason was ill,” she told Ian. “He needed professional help, but he wouldn’t go. You know how proud he was.”


“He was fine at Christmas.”


“Yes, he was. Most of the time he was. But he…” She moved on, keeping her gaze on the gravestones.


“Tell me, Rynna.” He was skeptical, but willing to listen.


“He’s dead. It doesn’t seem fair now.” She stopped and turned to meet his eyes. “At times I hated him. I even wished him dead. But he couldn’t help it. It isn’t fair to blame him now if he was mentally ill.”


“Are you telling me Jason beat you?”




“That’s hard to believe.”


“Yes, I know it is. It was hard to believe when it was happening to me. But it kept happening. He hit me, choked me, raped me.” She unbuttoned the collar of her ugly black dress and showed him the fading bruises on her throat. “Once he—”


“My God,” he said. “Just like Uncle Alex.”


“Yes,” she said, grateful he had said it first.


“I’m sorry,” he said. “I wish I’d known. I might have been able to do something.”


“I don’t think so, but thank you, Ian.” They ambled on a bit, silent but close in understanding. A little farther on, where she would’ve found it months ago, if Jason hadn’t rushed her away, was a small, weathered gravestone.


To the Memory of William Charles Demeray, Jr.

Dearly Beloved Son of William and Clara

Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me.


Ted’s brother, although the word was a strange one to use. The infant whose death had led to his adoption. If she had seen the stone the day of Grandmother’s funeral, she would have asked Ted for an explanation, and then what? She was already engaged to Jason and deeply in love with him. She wouldn’t have been as vulnerable as she was later, after her marriage began to fall apart. She wouldn’t have experienced such a sudden emotional upheaval. But was that love?


Suffer the little children to come unto me. How brave of Clara to face her loss with such faith. Rynna couldn’t have gone on, as Clara had with Ted, without overprotecting the second child.


Ian, to whom the names meant nothing, said, “That’s the saddest thing of all, to bury a child.”


They drifted on, and she said, “Ian, I wanted to tell you something else. I haven’t talked about it with anyone, not even Ted, and he was there. We didn’t tell the police. You’ll understand why.”


“What?” He was immediately alarmed.


“Ever since I came to Stonebridge,” she began, “I’ve sometimes felt a presence in the house.”


“Are you saying it’s haunted?” He was ready to be amused.


“No, I wouldn’t call it that. I’m sure you don’t want to hear all the details now, but from the beginning I believed it was Rosalind, Jason’s mother…in some way a renewal of her spirit.”


He backed away. “I know you must be upset.”


“No, please listen. The night Jason died, I saw her. We all did. That’s why he—”


“For God’s sake,” Ian said roughly. “You think he needed help?”


“I did see her, and so did Ted.”


He didn’t believe her, and he was angry with her for believing what she had seen with her own eyes. She didn’t hear everything he said, and when he went back down the hill to his rented car, she stood alone among the gravestones until the bright sunlight made her head hurt.


So did Ted. The idea of a ghostly apparition violated every rational, scientific principle he believed in. If Ian found it so hard to accept…but Ian hadn’t seen Rosalind. Ian reacted badly. How did Ted react? They hadn’t been able to discuss it.



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Author Biography:


Growing up in San Diego, California, I developed a passion for the printed word with my very first Dick and Jane reader. As soon as I figured out that somebody must create those words, I knew I wanted to be a “book maker” when I grew up. I didn’t wait, though; I wrote my first story, “Judy and the Fairies,” when I was six. My love of books also led me to an MLS degree from UCLA and a career as a reference and collection development librarian at the San Diego Public Library, including twenty-two years managing the Central Library’s fiction collection. Retirement allowed me to put writing front and center. I’ve had twenty-three stories published in literary journals and anthologies, and Beyond Stonebridge is my ninth book from the Wild Rose Press.


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