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5++ stars for Binder by AK Nevermore #hotdystopianromance #dystopian #dystopianromance #newrelease #bookreview

Title: Binder

Author: AK Nevermore

Genre: Spicy Dystopian Sci-fi Romance


Book Blurb:


On an alternate earth, a cataclysm has altered a subset of the population. Talents are persecuted for their psychic and physical mutations, giving rise to two conflicting societies based upon maintaining genetic purity. And the Source, a shadowy corporate entity dependent upon the exploitation of captive Talents, is hunting them…


Flynn and Kara have made it to the north, but they’re far from safe.


In the city of Glynfyls, the ruling body known as the Assembly has become ineffectual at best and treasonous at worst, leaving the Northern Territories ripe for invasion. Under the threat of blackmail, Flynn Scot is forced into a leadership position to combat the corruption and to protect his family. Titus is coming, and unless Flynn can convince the Assembly that the threat from the Source is real, every Talent in the North faces harvesting.


Meanwhile, Kara is floundering.


Thrown into a completely new environment, Talent Kara Jester questions her place in the North and everything else. Plagued by wedding preparations and without the ability to bind her resurfacing memories of trauma, she’s a mess. Then, with the arrival of someone from her past, tensions skyrocket between her and Flynn.


And it’s mirrored within the city.


After a string of grisly murders and abductions, Glynfyls is in turmoil. With the Original Houses playing games and setting their machinations above the common’s safety, no one is free from recrimination and rumors abound. So do threats of civil unrest. And if Flynn can’t find a way to get out from under his blackmailer’s thumb and set things right, their fairytale wedding being planned amidst the madness won’t end in a happily ever after.


My Review:


Kara is out of her element learning the ins and outs of society as Flynn’s fiancée, but when an old enemy crashes into her life, she must make the ultimate choice. No matter what happens, one thing is for sure. Flynn is bringing the war to The Source, not the other way around.


Binder is an epic dystopian with political machinations, hot romance, old lovers, hidden enemies, and at the heart of it all is one couple who will fight or die trying. The world-building is immense and rivals the Game of Thrones saga. The descriptive narration is so immersive, you’ll feel every emotion and experience everything that happens. The hot romance scenes are borderline BDSM, but it works considering the characters. The characters are the #1 reason to read Binder, trust me.


Let’s start with the characters. Kara is our heroine and she’s wonderfully written. Her conflicts and emotions rule her heart. She acts out and honestly, I enjoyed her speaking her mind to everyone. She has no filter, and I loved it. Sure, she’s learning all the ins and outs of society and proper etiquette. She’s basically royalty and has no idea what is expected of her. When she falters, Flynn is there to support her. Kara is such an engrossing heroine and one I rooted for while reading. I connected with her on so many levels.


Then there’s Flynn. He’s returned home and is trying to readjust to all the political jockeying for control. There are warring factions and who will stand beside him when all the fur flies are constantly on his mind. He’s also doing what he can to protect the woman he loves, Kara, while executing his grandfather’s plan. He’s a man without a net but he’s one determined hero. I am astonished by how complex his character is written. AK Nevermore has written one of the finest heroes ever written. I connected with him as well.


If you’re a lover of hot dystopian romance with heavy doses of violence, political factions, and sizzling romance, you need to read Binder. Yes, this is book two in the Price of Talent series, and it can be read as a standalone. But I highly recommend you read Breaker before reading Binder. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.


My Rating: 5++ stars


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Author Biography:


AK Nevermore writes Sci-fi & dark romantasy with spice. She enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.


Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes full time around a nest full of ravens. Her books explore dark worlds, perversely irreverent and profound, and always entertaining.


AK belongs to the Authors Guild, is an RWA chapter board member, volunteers for far too many committees, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.


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Reviewed by: Nancy


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