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  • N. N. Light

Brandy by Christine Davies is a Fall Into These Great Reads pick #historicalromance #romance #fallreads #giveaway

Title: Brandy


Author: Christine Davies


Genre: Historical Romance


Book Blurb:


Brandy Drummond’s life depends on finding her missing brother, and she will use any means available to overcome this adversity. Thrown together with the one man who can help her succeed, she must endure his arrogance and suspicion. Added to her frustration, she finds herself struggling with unfamiliar feelings while fighting her growing attraction to him.


Chandler Townsend, the cynical Duke of Marbury, agrees to help but needs to determine if she is England’s friend or foe.  Fighting demons from his past, he doesn’t trust Brandy, but he wants her.  Is she cut from the same cloth as his mother?  Is she in league with her suitor?


To save each other, and find love, Brandy and Chandler must overcome obstacles both real and imagined.




Sliding her hands between their bodies, she pushed against his chest, freeing herself from his embrace. He stepped back but not fast enough. Her open palm cracked against his face.


“How dare you?” she shouted, hiding her mortification behind righteous anger. She changed her earlier opinion of him—he was no gentleman!


He shrugged and leaned nonchalantly against his horse.


“Well?” she demanded.


“Well, what? I won’t say I’m sorry I kissed you. I enjoyed it,” he commented, adding, “And I think you did, too.”


“Oh, you…you…!” She stuttered to a stop, amazed at his audacity. “You are insufferable! First you pull me off my horse like a sack of grain. Then you take liberties. I don’t know who you are, but if I ever find you on my land again, I will call the authorities. Better yet, I will shoot you myself!”


With that, she spun on her heel and stomped toward her horse. Grabbing the reins, she looked around for a rock large enough to boost her up. She heard a low chuckle a split second before she was unceremoniously tossed onto Misty’s back. She opened her mouth to deliver a stinging retort then, deciding not to waste her breath, she stuck her nose in the air, and rode off at a gallop.


Chandler watched her charge away, sitting tall, her back straight. What a spitfire!


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):




Barnes & Noble



Google Books





What’s your favorite thing about autumn:


The trees dressed in their autumn colors.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs September 1 – 30, 2024


Drawing will be held on October 1, 2024.


Author Biography:


I have a passion for love stories. When I’m not weaving romance and mystery creating my own, I enjoy floral film photography, watching classic movies, and chocolate.

1 Comment

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
2 days ago

Thank you, Christine, for sharing your book in our Fall Into These Great Reads Bookathon!

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