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  • N. N. Light

5+ stars for Burial Ground (A Detective Sam Collins Mystery, Book 3) by Stephen B. King #audiobookreview #bookreview #audiobook #thriller #bookrec

Title: Burial Ground (A Detective Sam Collins Mystery, Book 3)

Author: Stephen B. King

Voice Actors: Geoffrey Boyes

Genre: Serial Killer Thriller, Crime Thriller, Psychological Thriller


Book Blurb:


Tammy and Greg meet at a bonfire party in the Perth Roleystone hills and sneak away for some alone time to a long disused gravel pit. Once there they disturb two men burying a body. They attack and kill Greg and chase a near naked Tammy through the hills throughout the night. She is found by a farmer, dehydrated, suffering hypothermia and delirious. She tells Detective Inspector Sam Collins and Sergeant Jenny Markham of the Major Crime Squad what she witnessed and reports the murder of Greg. But his body is found in his burnt-out car at the bottom of a cliff, and the death was reported as alcohol and speed related, which casts doubt on Tammy’s recollections.


Disbelieving the official crash report the detectives investigate to discover two serial killers who have been burying their victims at the gravel pit, for seventeen years. This is the biggest case of mass murder in the history of the West Australian history.


My Review:


Story Impressions –


Burial Ground is a terrifying thriller featuring two serial killers, as if one serial killer isn’t enough. From the first moment I started listening to this audiobook, fear froze me to the spot. I couldn’t stop listening. Every scene is accurately portrayed by Geoffrey Boyes. The tension builds as DI Sam Collins and Sergeant Jenny Markham investigate. This is a gruesomely dark tale and perfect for any thriller reader. Start listening today.


Narrator’s overall voice –

Geoffrey Boyes is a superb narrator, one of the best I’ve heard. His voice creates the imagery needed to follow the story.

Does the narrator fit the characters?

There were many times I would close my eyes and could picture what was going on. Geoffrey also invokes emotion while reading.

Narrator’s reading style –

Geoffrey’s reading style is the perfect rhythm, allowing the listener to be fully invested in the story.

Narrator’s impact on reading experience –

Everything from his pacing to the inflection in his voice to the recreation of the characters to the emotional impact on the listener all combine to create an excellent reading experience.

Narrator’s pacing –

The narrator’s pacing is unhurried in parts, fast in others, which comes across as natural ebbs and flows of the story. It’s a superb performance.

Audiobook flow –

The flow of the audiobook is in harmony with the flow of the story. I immersed myself in the story and thoroughly enjoyed it.

What makes this audiobook unique –

What makes this unique is the storyline and the way Geoffrey brought it to life. The scariness is intense, and I screamed a couple of times.

Would I recommend this audiobook –

YES! I would recommend this to any reader looking for a crime thriller to read. There is a full cast of characters and Geoffrey brings each one to life. Highly recommend!


My Rating: 5+ stars


Buy it Now:   







Author Biography:


I left school very early to join a rock band, and spent a few years writing poems, short stories and music. I won two short story writing competitions, had poems published, and enjoyed being a long-haired rock guitarist before life got in the way and I settled down, married and had children. I’ve owned my own businesses, and managed large vehicle sales dealerships and observed people from all walks of life. It is these observations that have aided in creating characters.


I have now published seventeen thrillers, ten on audio, and currently I have three more ‘in the works.’


 Among my inspirations to become an author are the other slightly more famous Stephen King, Stieg Larsen, Val McDermid and Leonard Cohen.


Social Media Links:


Facebook: @StephenBKingauthor


Reviewed by: Nancy

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