Title: Chance Encounter, The Chances Trilogy Book Two
Author: Martha O’Sullivan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Book Blurb:
The last thing Delaney Richards was looking for at college roommate Lindsay Foster's wedding was love. The long hours at the office were finally paying off; she could all but feel the vice-presidency in her bones. But first she has to get through the wedding—Delaney’s first since her own. Almost wedding, that is. You can’t have a wedding without a groom.
Mike Savoy hadn’t expected to see Delaney Richards again at his best friend’s wedding in Lake Tahoe, let alone find himself falling in love with her. Now he has to convince her that the feeling is mutual and unfailing. But the past can be a killer. And when blackmail turns to ransom, Mike is the only one who can save her. To survive, Delaney must trust the heart that once betrayed her.
It had been ages since Delaney Richards had given a man a second thought, let alone a second look. But the pilot with the hints of gray at the temples of his chestnut-colored hair and smiling eyes had caught her attention. She watched him greet the oncoming passengers before his gaze found hers and lingered. Then, fever rushing to her cheeks, she pretended to contemplate the baggage handlers loading an adjacent plane. She felt his measured stare for a moment more before he turned away.
“Can I bring you a drink before takeoff?”
Delaney shifted her attention in the direction of the hospitable voice. “Water, please,” she told the woman standing over her left shoulder. “Maybe a glass of red wine after takeoff.”
Delaney watched the flight attendant return to the front of the plane and whisper something to the pilot. Nodding in affirmation, he began retreating into the cockpit, but stopped short. His amber eyes met Delaney’s and held briefly before he closed the door.
Shaking off the revery, Delaney opened her bag and retrieved her laptop. Being appointed interim vice-president had been a well-deserved yet unexpected promotion. Her presentation in San Francisco next week could ensure the position became permanent. And she planned to nail it. She had no sooner brought up the opening slide of her presentation when the flight crew asked for everyone’s attention to review the safety procedures. Like most of the passengers, Delaney immediately tuned them out. Until a resounding voice filled the cabin, abruptly pulling her out of work mode.
“Welcome to United Airlines Flight 1126 to San Francisco. This is your captain. We anticipate a smooth four-hour-and-change flight to SFO this evening. I’ll update you along the way about our progress as well as point out any landmarks of note below. Enjoy the flight.”
The next thing Delaney knew, the flight attendant was back at her elbow again. “Not only do you have your row to yourself, but we’ve got the good California wine tonight.” She handed Delaney a glass and a cocktail napkin. “This must be your lucky day.”
Delaney returned the smile as the other woman took her leave. Maybe it was. Maybe her luck was finally starting to change.
Even after twenty years behind the stick Captain Mike Savoy never took a smooth landing for granted. Technical check behind him, he exchanged pleasantries with the flight crew before going out into the cabin to thank the passengers for their business.
Tonight his motivation was admittedly twofold. He wanted to see the woman in first-class again. She’d been asleep when he'd left the cockpit mid-flight, and he’d surprised himself by pausing to study her. He hadn’t seen her on the countless Chicago to San Francisco flights he’d commanded in the last few years.
She had flawless skin and her lips shimmered with the same shade of pink gloss that glazed her fingernails. Holding the phone in the crook of her shoulder, she was writing on an envelope. He looked on as she disconnected, then slipped the phone into her purse and stood. Mike nearly tripped over his feet trying to reach her before she slid her carry-on out of the overhead compartment.
“Let me get that.” Reaching over her head, he grabbed the bag. It was heavier than he’d expected. “Long trip?”
“Just a week or so,” she answered with a smile. “I’ve been through the lost luggage nightmare twice. I’ve learned to carry all the essentials with me.”
She was so naturally, effortlessly beautiful, Mike couldn’t imagine she needed much. “I hope our airline didn’t lose your luggage,” he remarked.
“No.” Her silky brunette hair rested just below her shoulders and her eyes paralleled its hue. “Neither time.”
“Good to hear.”
Their gaze held for a moment before she broke it by saying, “Thank you.”
“This is pretty heavy. I’ll carry it out for you.”
“Oh, I can get it.”
“I insist.” Mike extended his arm, gesturing for her to walk ahead of him.
She obliged, walking toward the exit. When they reached the gate she said, “Thanks.”
“My pleasure. Is San Francisco your final destination?” He was torn between not wanting to let her go and not wanting her to miss a connection.
“Yes, I’m in town for a wedding. I also have some business meetings next week. I don’t get out to the West Coast very often anymore.”
“I went to school out here.” She sent an expectant glance down to the bag Mike was still holding. “Thank you again, Captain.”
He wanted to ask her where, but her tone had become businesslike and he sensed she was ready to be on her way. “Of course. And it’s Mike. Mike Savoy.” He set the bag at her feet.
“Delaney Richards.” She extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mike.”
“Likewise.” Her hand felt as silky smooth as her hair looked. “Where are you staying?”
The random question seemed to surprise her as much as it had him. “The Fairmont,” she informed him.
“You can’t go wrong there.”
“So I’ve heard. Well, I should get to baggage claim before my suitcase goes to lost and found.”
Mike laughed without opening his mouth. “You are a seasoned traveler, Ms. Richards.”
“Delaney. And yes, I am. The East Coast and Europe for the most part.”
“I’ve traveled the world myself. But there’s no place quite like San Francisco.” He handed her the bag. “Enjoy your stay.”
“I will.”
He watched her disappear into the sea of people. He’d never taken such interest in a passenger before. She was traveling alone and not wearing an engagement or wedding ring. Maybe he would see her again on her outbound flight. Or better yet in the city. After all, the Fairmont was only a few blocks from his apartment.
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The digital versions of the other two books in the Chances Trilogy, Second Chance and Last Chance, will be on sale for .99 each for this promotion.

What makes your featured book a must-read?
Chance Encounter combines steamy, happily ever after contemporary romance with mystery and suspense. It’s the second installment of Martha O’Sullivan’s Chances Trilogy but can be enjoyed as a standalone novel as well.
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Author Biography:
Martha O'Sullivan has loved reading romance novels for as long as she can remember. Writing her own books is the realization of a lifelong dream. She is a graduate of Illinois State University where she wrote for the school newspaper and was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. She is also a former Acquisitions Editor at MacMillan Computer Publishing. Martha writes contemporary romances with male/female couples and happy endings. Her Chances Trilogy—Second Chance, Chance Encounter and Last Chance—and new standalone novel, Christmas in Tahoe, are available in print and digital formats at online retailers everywhere. Her next book, Sierra Fall, will be released in 2024. A native Chicagoan, she lives her own happy ending in Florida with her husband and daughters.
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