Title: Choices of Power (The I Am Chronicles)
Author: Ivette N Diaz
Genre: YA Science Fiction Post Apocalyptic
Book Blurb:
Forty years after the Old World falls in a devastating nuclear war, the surviving superhuman race is threatened by the development of Rapture, a powerful, ability-enhancing drug that has the ability to change the power structure of the New World. But it comes with a steep price.
Amid a war-torn world, Symone Athilla and Trémon Torres are shattered by the loss of a family member. When Symone is thrust into a position of power at the Base, distance grows between the two friends. As they fight to come to terms with their new reality and try to close the rift between them, a horrible discovery is made that will change their lives forever.
With everything crumbling around her, can Symone find the strength in herself to save her friendship and her home? Will she be able to overcome her loss to find the faith in herself to lead while still holding onto her beliefs?
President Felix lay dying, the blow to his head too much to overcome. Colonel Symone Athilla gazed down at the bloody, bandaged figure she had admired since childhood, not believing this could happen to such a larger-than-life father figure. He had always come back victorious from the many battles with the Wallowers, keeping her home, the Base, safe from their threat of anarchy. To see him losing to this last battle called death was too much for her to fathom.
She kept toward the back of the sterile, hospital room in the Medical Sector, allowing her best friend Trémon to be close to his father for what would most likely be their final farewell. Trémon’s soft, gray eyes were glazed over, his medium brown face stoic, mirroring the president’s features. It still amazed Symone how similar they looked, almost twin-like, except for the more worn, lined features in the older man’s face embedded from years of serving The Base. Even their mannerisms and characteristics were similar, with Trémon always mimicking his father’s every move. Symone hoped she emitted a strength outwardly she didn’t feel inwardly. Her best friend needed it right now.
Symone glanced back beyond the glass doors of the sectioned off hospital room. Around ten others stood anxiously outside, all members of the High Council. Like the citizens, none of them wanted to lose their beloved president. The Base was on lockdown, and all residents awaited word regarding the president’s fate.
President Felix was a kind yet firm man and had proven himself to be the epitome of integrity. Over more than twenty years of his unprecedented reign, he had kept the Base safe from Wallower invasion. Yet what made him stand out from all the presidents before him was his ideal of true community, which had brought them out of survival mode and transformed them from a safe haven to a thriving, united society. Yet, after all these years of fighting to bring peace, he seemed too tired to defeat this last enemy called death. His absence could create a loss of hope within the Base.
Trémon absently rubbed his stubbled chin. This would be a great blow to him. Her whispered prayer to the I Am was drowned out by the constant beeps of the machines that kept the president alive. Her heart raced, the electricity in every fiber of her body humming along with the machines. This was not the time to lose her cool, so she clamped down to keep her emotions at bay, although her heart was breaking.
Dr. Anita, Head doctor of the Medical Sector, shuffled around adjusting monitors, her copper hair swishing around her white coat. Her face was set in a firm line as she squeezed a syringe of painkillers into the president’s languid arm. He had been unconscious for a week now and deteriorated with each passing day.
“Dr. Anita, is there anything else you can do? His face has become more gaunt.” Trémon’s hollow voice broke the tense silence. Desperation laced each word.
“I will try one more time.” Dr. Anita closed her eyes, her hands traversing over President Felix’s broken body in quick melodic movements. Symone was always amazed when she did this. The fluidity of her motions looked like a dance.
Symone muted her own powers as she felt the energy shift. Dr. Anita’s powers coursed from herself through President Felix. Her brows knitted together like fingers interlacing each other. Beads of sweat glistened on her upper lip as her concentration deepened. She was the best of the Healers. If anyone could heal the president, it would be by her hands. The task was arduous. The sweat indicated how difficult and draining it was for her.
After several quiet minutes, Dr. Anita balled up her hands and curled them into her body. She blinked several times, coming out of her trance. She checked the monitors, then faced their silent group. “I’m sorry, there is nothing else I can do. He is too weak to go on.” Her hair swayed behind her as she spun away, but Symone caught the shimmer of a tear dripping down her porcelain cheek.
The electric currents that vibrated twenty-four-seven through Symone’s body quieted to a dull hum as the realization hit her. This great man was moments away from leaving this war-torn world and passing over to be with the I Am in the Blessed Place.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Choices-Power-I-Am-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B0D3V24B9S?ref_=ast_author_mpb
Author Biography:
Ivette N Diaz is an author of dystopian sci-fi/fantasy novels, an entrepreneur, and a daydreamer who, through the gift of storytelling, hopes to show that there is more to life than just “getting by” and that each person has a unique purpose for their life and a significance worthy of living for.
While not writing, she enjoys reading by an open window while on her circular swivel couch, lounging in the pool to get away from the Florida heat, and dancing to the congas of her Latin culture while in the middle of her living room. She secretly loves Kung-Fu movies and takes daily online kickboxing classes in hopes of one day becoming a true ninja. Her obsession with working out helps to balance her enthusiasm for food, especially gourmet meals prepared by her husband, who is a talented self-taught cook.
You can also find Ivette on her many adventures with her husband and kids, mostly park hopping in Central Florida, while laughing at their antics.
Social Media Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivettendiazauthor/