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Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder (A Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery) by Joyce Proell and Brenda Whiteside is a Fall Into These Great Reads pick #cozymystery #giveaway

N. N. Light

Title: Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder (A Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery)


Author: Joyce Proell and Brenda Whiteside


Genre: Cozy Mystery


Book Blurb:


It’s a rib cookoff…with a recipe for murder.


Nicole Earp and Emma Banefield are celebrating another birthday at the Dulce Inn with the added fun of a rib cookoff in the park. Not only are chocolate martinis in their plans, Nic has her heart set on winning the cornbread contest. But as the excitement bakes, someone is stirring up trouble for the inn and its employees.


Strange occurrences at the Dulce are on the rise. Slashed tires, menacing phone calls, and unsavory characters add a vibe that threatens the sisters’ anticipated fun-filled stay. When the hot-headed hotel owner is caught wielding a bloody letter opener over a dead coworker, the sisters are embroiled in a caper to help the one person who finds their sleuthing as welcomed as a rattlesnake in her bed. But is she innocent?


The Chocolate Martini Sisters are primed to find out. First, they’ll have to eliminate a host of suspects that includes a dishonest restaurant owner, a jilted girlfriend, an ex-wife, the barkeeper, and a masseuse with a crush. If they can stay off the radar of the surly chief homicide detective long enough, they can put out the fire…unless the killer burns them first.


The third book in this amateur sleuths, cozy mystery series will have you chuckling and on the edge of your seat as the sisters solve the murder.




“Care for a celebratory chocolate martini?” Grinning, Emma attempted to arch one questioning brow, similar to the dramatic effect she’d seen in movies, but both shot up.


Nic chuckled. “Do you really need to ask?”


In silent agreement, they’d set a course to the Azul Saloon when a piercing scream rang out. Emma startled, then froze.


“What the…?” Nic grabbed her hand clawing into the skin enough to make her flinch, then gulped and, noticing her pained expression, released her grip. “Sorry.”


The scream set a fire under the desk manager’s feet who darted from the reception area.


“For an older man, Oliver Stonewell sure can move.” Emma hustled after him, sprinting across the lobby, curious about what she might find at the source of the wretched scream. Nic kept pace at her side, hand flat against the top of her hat, holding it steady.


As they closed in on the administrative office corridor, another longer scream morphed into a painful yowl. “Hellllp.”


The agonized cry tripped along Emma’s spine like jagged nails scratching at her skin. She raced past Jillian’s empty office. Following Oliver, she veered into the second open doorway and halted with a gasp. Oh no. She’d seen the raw ugliness of death before, yet it didn’t prepare her for this—lots and lots of blood blossomed across the man’s shirt. She clapped a hand to her mouth stifling a cry. Unexpectedly light-headed, dots floated across her vision. Teetering, she caught the door jamb. Her legs steadied, but her stomach threatened to revolt.


“Aw, jeez,” muttered Nic, echoing the horror coursing through her shaky body.


The room came back into focus revealing cream-colored walls, a window on the far side, a sizeable desk in the center, bookshelves above a credenza, and a body on the floor.


On her knees before the desk, Jillian bent over Leo Ragazzi’s sprawled body, a bloody dagger gripped in her clenched fist. His lifeless gaze fixed on the ceiling, unblinking, surprise in his brown eyes.


Mouth gaping open, Jillian lifted her head and stared at them with disbelief and horror. “He’s dead,” she stated in a tone as taut as a clothesline.


As if anyone needed further proof of the chilling calamity, blood dripped ominously from the sharp tipped letter opener. A drop plopped on Leo’s shoulder, the ruddy crimson stain a blatant contrast against the brilliant white of his button-down shirt.


“Jillian.” Oliver offered her a hand. Startled, she drew back and hissed like a threatened cat.


Emma feared the crazed woman might scratch out someone’s eyes or repurpose the weapon on a second victim. She needed to defuse the situation and quickly.


“Oliver, could you call an ambulance?” When his gaze connected with hers, she mouthed ‘and the police,’ not wanting to alarm Jillian.


The neatly attired, gray-haired man hesitated a moment, then nodded. “Of course.” He snagged a cell phone from his pants pocket and left the room, quietly closing the door.


Nic drew closer to her side, and she welcomed her steady presence. They exchanged a wordless glance, her sis telling her to grab the moment and do what needed to be done.


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What’s your favorite thing about autumn:


For Brenda, in Arizona, cooler temps, by far. Summer is a drain on me. My favorite season is winter, so when autumn rolls in, I know I’m closer to happy.


For Joyce, it’s the color. Autumn in Minnesota is colorful and crisp, and the air is fresh and inviting.


What inspired you to write this story:


From Brenda: Twice a year, my sister and I celebrate our birthdays with a chocolate martini at an historic inn in Prescott, Arizona. We eventually called ourselves the Chocolate Martini Sisters. That’s when the idea struck. I wanted to write a cozy mystery series with two sisters who did just what we did but solved murder mysteries on there martini weekends. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I wanted a friend in Minnesota, Joyce Proell, to join me in this series. She agreed and, voila, the Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery books took flight. This third book continues the tradition. But what is Arizona without barbecue and cornbread? A rib cookoff made the perfect backdrop for murder.


Giveaway –


One lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card.



Open internationally.


Runs September 1 – 30, 2024


Drawing will be held on October 1, 2024. 


Author Biography:


After hearing countless stories as a mental health professional, Joyce Proell retired to create her own tales. As an award-winning author, she writes historical romance and cozy mystery where all endings are guaranteed happy. She shares her home on the prairie with a husband and a little dog with a big personality. When she isn’t reading or writing, she likes to swim and finds baking almost as relaxing as a day at the spa.


Brenda Whiteside is the award-winning author of romantic suspense, romance, and cozy mystery. She writes children’s books under the pen name, Brenda Sue. After living in six states and two countries—so far—she and her husband have settled in Central Arizona. They admit to being gypsies at heart and won't discount the possibility of another move. They share their home with a rescue dog named Amigo. While FDW fishes, Brenda writes.



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