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  • N. N. Light

New Release | Daniel’s Ticket to Heaven by Judy Kentrus #fantasysuspense #newrelease #bookboost

Title:  Daniel’s Ticket to Heaven

Author:  Judy Kentrus

Genre:   Fantasy Suspense  

Publisher:  Lady Kay Publishing 


Book Blurb:

Daniel Thompson lived his life as a risk-taker and a rule-breaker.  Surfing the challenging waves in Australia, racing at LeMans, and climbing the seven summits in the world…until he died climbing Mount Everest.


Becoming an Angel hadn’t been all bad.  He watched over his family in Eden Prairie, broke a few rules by interfering with their lives, and got called onto the cloud by St. Peter several times. He’s surprised when he receives a message from Saint Peter since he hasn’t broken any rules in quite a while. When he meets with the Gate Keeper of Heaven, he’s shocked by St. Peter’s words.


“You weren’t supposed to die.”


An innocent was aware that his equipment had been tampered with.  Their life was taken before they could warn him. Saint Peter is sending Daniel to Eden Prairie to right a wrong, with strict rules he must follow and a feather, his return ticket to heaven.


Returning to life's human form, Daniel soon suffers all mortal emotions.  Along with his quest to find a murderer, he learns what his life could have been like if he’d made better choices. 




Daniel made himself comfortable on what was known as the Balcony of Mount Everest. He felt a kindred spirit to the mountain since it was the one he was climbing when he fell to his death.  That day, four years ago, was still a mystery.


            A rolled parchment fluttering down from a cloud overhead drew his attention. His eyes widened at the red ribbon, Saint Peter's signature color. He unrolled the parchment.


Your presence is immediately requested.


            The upside-down cross, the symbol for Saint Peter, was further proof the request had come from the big boss. If Daniel had had an actual heart, it would have been beating double time in his chest.


            The summons was rare unless you’d broken the rules. Saint Peter had taken Daniel to task a number of times. Daniel had a tendency to break the rules by not staying out of the lives of his family and friends.


            He stood, drew in a deep breath—not that he could feel the air in his lungs—unfurled his white wings and soared for the Pearly Gates. Walking through the pearlescent arched opening, he was surrounded by a sense of purity and lack of sin, the same feeling he’d enjoyed the first time.


            Saint Peter sat behind a white desk, slowly turning the pages of an ancient book.


            The first sign there might be a problem was the color of the clouds behind the head angel. Gray indicated a storm was brewing. Once again, Daniel asked himself, What have I done? 


            The head angel continued to focus his attention on the aged tome. “Daniel, have a seat.”


            He sat on the edge of the chair in front of the desk and came right out with it. “What have I done?”


            Saint Peter removed his glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose, and looked up at Daniel. “It’s not something you did, but something we did.” Saint Peter expelled a deep sigh. “You weren’t supposed to die when you did.”


            Stunned, Daniel leaned forward. “Did I just hear you say I wasn’t supposed to die?”


            Saint Peter nodded. “A different Daniel Thompson was supposed to enter the Pearly Gates. There was only a matter of seconds between your death and that of the other Daniel Thompson.”


            Daniel put his hands to his knees and shoved up. “My death was a mistake? A mistake! How could something like this have happened? You’re telling me your heavenly clock was off? I lost so much time with my family—Danielle! My brother has been raising my daughter and celebrating birthdays without me! My parents have been grieving!”


            “All you’ve said is true, and I’m sorry.”


            The head angel’s voice was heavy with remorse, but Daniel wasn’t about to be swayed. “‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t cut it.” Daniel realized who he was shouting at and respectfully lowered his voice. “What happens now? Do I turn in my wings and resume my life?” He began to pace. It wasn’t his imagination that the clouds got darker.


            “No, that’s not possible. Your family has moved on, and things are progressing as planned.”


            “Without me!”


            “That’s not all I have to tell you.” Saint Peter settled his folded hands on his desk. “Someone tampered with your equipment. That’s why you fell.”


            “Tampered with my equipment? So now I’m supposed to wake up at the bottom of Mount Everest with a splitting headache?”


            “Sarcasm doesn’t become you, Daniel. No, but you’re going back to right a wrong. An innocent was aware that your equipment had been tampered with. That person’s life was taken before they could warn you.”


            His eyes flared wide. “You mean someone was murdered?”


            “Yes. An innocent lost their life trying to do a good deed.”


            “They gave up their life for mine,” Daniel confirmed, still trying to comprehend all that he’d just been told. I wasn’t supposed to die.




            “You know who was responsible for taking this innocent’s death?” Daniel pressed, still pacing.


            “It will be your job to find out so the wrong can be righted.” Saint Peter had passed right over Daniel’s question. “Daniel, sit down. You’re wearing out my cloud.”


            Daniel silently determined Saint Peter had a sick sense of humor. Jeez, he can read my mind. He sat on the edge of the white chair.


            “You’re going to Eden Prairie in human form and will feel all the human emotions—sadness, happiness, disappointment, anger, frustration, and pain.  You can’t tell your family or anyone who you are or about your mission. If you do, your time on earth will be immediately rescinded.”


             “And that would mean the person who was responsible for my death would also get away with ending the life of the person who died to save me.”




            “Did I meet this person who was responsible for my death? Is it a man or a woman? What about the person who was murdered?”


            Saint Peter offered another tolerant smile. “I can’t answer those questions.”


            “What about Daniel Thompson, who was supposed to die instead of me?”


            “When you think about it, he’s been living on borrowed time—your time.”


            The last of Saint Peter’s statement hit Daniel like a fly ball smacking him upside the head. “Does that mean he’s going to die once I find the murderer?”


            “Your life for his.”


            All that Saint Peter had told him was…life-changing. Could he do this? Go back to earth—and Eden Prairie—but stay away from his family?


            Saint Peter opened the side drawer of his desk and withdrew a white feather. “This is your ticket to heaven. Stroke the tip, and it will bring you home. You have until September twenty-first—the fall equinox, the season of change.


            “When am I going to go back?”


Saint Peter’s lips drew up in a smile. “My advice is to take a deep breath…”


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Author Biography:

Hi, I’m Judy Kentrus. I write Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Sweet Romance, Rom-Com, Later-in-Life Romance, and Historical Romance.


I’ve always been a romantic at heart, and I married my high school sweetheart. I make my home in the Poconos of Pennsylvania. I’m a mom with two grown children who have given me six grandchildren. 


We love to travel. Many of the places we’ve visited have inspired me to use them as a storyline. I never know what will inspire me, but my mind always works. 


When I’m not helping couples find their happily ever after, I'm in the kitchen baking, especially cookies. My family and friends have dubbed me the cookie queen. I post a new recipe on my website every month.


Want to find out more about my books and what’s coming?  Be sure to sign up for my newsletter via my website.  My stories are fun, sexy romances that will make you laugh, cry, and fall in love.


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