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Featured author DK Coutant is our guest today in N. N. Light's Book Heaven 10th Anniversary Party #author #interview #party #giveaway

N. N. Light

N. N. Light’s Book Heaven is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Isn’t that wonderful?


Yes, it is! Congrats!


I’d like to introduce you to author DK Coutant.


Question 1: Where were you ten years ago in relation to your author/writer career? If you weren’t writing, what were you doing?


Wow, I had to check my vita. I was department chair at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. I loved my students, but after a frustrating day of dealing with university politics, I would go up to our farm on the Hamakua coast with my husband, dogs, and a notebook and scribble ideas for Evil Alice and the Borzoi.


Question 2: Looking back on the past ten years, how has your writing grown?


After writing snippets of scenes for years, I finally put it in a draft. Then I learned about Sisters In Crime and took many of their classes. I revised until I had a draft I was proud of and started querying and outlining a second book. It comes easier now, but I still get the same joy of exploring my life and psyche for ideas.


Question 3: What are you doing now? How many books have you published?


My first book, Evil Alice and the Borzoi, is out there in the wild. I signed a contract with my publisher for the second book, Elegance and Evil, and I’m proofing the final galley this week so I should have a release date soon. Meanwhile, I’m two-thirds through my first draft of Book 3 in the Cleo Cooper Mystery series.


Giveaway -


In celebration of our 10th anniversary, the authors have each donated a prize (sixty in total) and they range from free books to swag to gift cards.


Open internationally but some prizes are only open to US residents

Runs March 1 - 31, 2025

Winner will be drawn on April 1, 2025


Author Biography:


DK Coutant earned a Ph.D. in Psychology and spent most of her academic career at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. After many happy years in Hawaii, DK made the move out of academics to become a professional geopolitical forecaster for GJP, Inc ( ) and the Rand Corporation  ( She loves to travel with her husband and an Old English Sheepdog. Evil Alice and the Borzoi is her first work of fiction published by The Wild Rose Press. The second book in the series will be released in 2025.


Where can readers follow you:


Instagram: @DKCandDog

Twitter: @dkcoutant

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