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Do You Take This Man? by Jacquie May Miller is a Celebrate Weddings Bookish Event pick #mystery #mysteryreaders #weddings #giveaway

N. N. Light



Author:  Jacquie May Miller


Genre:  Mystery


Book Blurb: 


Two years ago, Jack Madison and Mary Bradley found each other. Both had suffered through difficult marriages and as Mary broke free from her abusive husband, Jack was recovering from the death of his wife.  Now these two are embarking on the final chapter of their lives as they marry on the bow of a cruise ship with family surrounding them on a sunny voyage to Mexico. It looks like they will finally have their ‘happily ever after’. What could possibly go wrong? With one family member objecting to their union and Mary’s ex-husband lurking behind the scenes waiting to crash the reception, plenty could—and does—go wrong.


Take a ride on The Queen of the Seas, following Jack and Mary on the path that could lead to someone’s final journey.




Try as he might, Jack could not keep his gaze fixed on Mary’s emerald-green eyes—not that he didn’t love those eyes with all his being—they’d been the first of her many features to capture his heart. But today the view a little farther south demanded his attention as Mary’s lacey bra peeked over the stretched white fabric of her dress—pushing her ample bosom starkly into Jack’s field of vision. Despite the distraction, he heard the captain’s voice, jerked his head upward and answered the question he’d been itching to answer:


“I do!”


Jack’s voice was strong and steady as he pledged his commitment, but what he really wanted to shout at the top of his lungs was, “You’re God damn right, I do!” He kept his words to the script out of respect for his new bride, but in his heart he knew Mary would love him no matter what he said. How had he gotten so lucky?


The warm tropical breeze played with the thinning patch of gray hairs scattered across Jack’s head as he watched that same breeze blow the skirt of Mary’s white silk dress straight up to her neck in Marilyn Monroe fashion—revealing her red lace panties. Getting married on the bow of a cruise ship had its shortcomings, but one look at the reflection of the warm Mexican sun on the ocean waves told him this had been the right choice. Who was he kidding? He wasn’t looking at the waves; he was looking at those red panties even as he helped her push the flowing skirt back down to her knees. The small group of spectators let out a gasp, then a giggle. Mary didn’t even blush—Jack had learned she was not ashamed of her body even though her thighs looked more like peach colored crepe paper than the firm stalks of her youth. Jack loved every inch of her—the bottle-red curls, the creases surrounding her green Irish eyes, and especially the soft curves of her mature hourglass figure. He couldn’t get enough of her and in a few minutes, she would be his wife.


“Do you, Mary Bradley, take this man, Jack Madison, to be your husband, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?”


Mary winked at the man who was about to become her husband. “You bet your sweet ass I do!”


The captain laughed along with the rest of the family. “Jack, I think this woman is ready for the honeymoon. Slip on that ring and kiss your bride.”


Jack put his hands on Mary’s rosy cheeks and kissed her as if no one was watching—then he put the ring on her finger. The captain hadn’t specified the order of things and if Jack had waited another moment to kiss his bride, his heart would have burst. Taking her newly adorned hand, he turned to the few guests, raised their clasped hands in victory, and started walking toward his family.


“Not so fast, buddy.” Mary’s first words as Mrs. Madison were a bit harsh. “Give me that hand so I can put a ring on it. I don’t want there to be any question that you’re taken.” He offered his left hand to accept the object that would mark him as forbidden fruit.


“Don’t you trust me, dear?” He tried to sound indignant but, truthfully, he was happy to be “taken” by his sweet Mary.


“I do. Especially now that you’re marked with that gold band.” She threw her head back, laughing as he repeated the victory fist pump with their intertwined fingers.


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What makes your featured book a must-read?

Most books are written for the young. Do You Take This Man? Is written for the young at heart with the focus on two seniors taking a second chance on love. Although you are never too old for love, this book is more than a love story. How far will these senior lovebirds go to protect one another against a former spouse?


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $15 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.


Runs June 7 – June 19, 2024.


Winner will be drawn on June 20, 2024.


Author Biography:


Jacquie May Miller published her first article at age eleven in her neighborhood newspaper, the Nosy Neighborhood News. Many years passed before she was chosen as the featured writer in a literary journal produced at Washington State University where her short story, Bernie’s Choice, was chosen over many qualified submissions and published in 2013. It was recently re-published on her blog.


Jacquie’s is the author of THE PRICE OF SECRETS, is a work of women’s fiction which explores the tenuous thread connecting family and a love left behind so many years ago. Secrets of the past will either break or strengthen that slim thread, but not without a price. And now she has added her next novel, DO YOU TAKE THIS MAN?, a mystery at sea.


In addition to writing these two novels, Jacquie has created May Daze, a blog exploring the value of friendship, family and life’s little surprises. You will find her at where she has attracted a loyal following.


Jacquie lives in Washington close to her only child, Brittney, who is the light of her life.


Social Media Links:


Twitter/X:      @JacquieRMay


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