Title Drink Water Mind Your Business
Author Andrew Stuart
Genre Self-help
Publisher Farewell House
Book Blurb
Every adult capable of making their own decisions is an entrepreneur. This short, sweet, and yet to the point book is filled with practical advice, and simple wisdom to encourage readers to go out and start living.
Chapter 2: You always knew
To pay attention, that is our endless work. – Mary Oliver
When it comes to Mary Oliver, I do not really know that much about her work. I have never read any of her books. I do plan on reading her books because of that quote. In one sentence she got my attention. From there on my endless work became paying attention.
To pay attention means to watch, listen to, or consider something or someone very carefully. The word pay is also a transactional verb. You pay currency in exchange for goods and services. Your attention is simply going to what and who you regard as interesting or important. To pay attention as a transaction would require currency. The currency in this case would be moments of your time.
If our endless work is to pay attention. The next question would be, is what we pay our attention to worth the appropriate moments of our time?
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Author Biography
On August 9, 2020, Andrew Stuart published The Progress Journal his first book as an adult. He decided to go through his leisure time journal, and document its progress on Instagram. While going through the 66-day Journal, he rediscovered his passion for writing. The lessons learned while going through The Progress Journal inspired him to continue writing and share more of his insights with the world.
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