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Get an editorial review and you might win an award #bookreviews #bookbuzz #bookaward

N. N. Light

As a debut novelist, I’m thankful to my oft-published friend Marilyn Baron for introducing me to N.N. Light’s Book Heaven. Initially, I was attracted by their wide-ranging – and cost-effective – menu of promotions, all designed to publicize my book to the largest possible audience across multiple platforms. After working with N.N. Light, however, I realize what they offer writers is far more than top-notch promo services. Nancy’s insightful, professional review helped me feel truly validated as an author. Even better, that priceless assurance was absolutely free. N.N. Light's Book Heaven has me on cloud nine and, with their many creative promotions, will likely keep me there for a while. – Kathy Des Jardins, author of Mama Tried

In the publishing industry, authors and publishers alike know the value of reviews. Reviews are hot currency, hotter than crypto. Reviews get you noticed by readers, provide much-needed clout, and validate an author’s hard work. But, in this time of AI and review farms, it’s more difficult than ever to get honest reviews.

What’s an author to do?

N. N. Light’s Book Heaven offers editorial reviews to all authors, no matter if it is your first book or your eightieth. Our staff of reviewers range in age between eighteen and seventy with a wide genre preference. We will review your book in an agreed upon time frame. We rate books between one and five stars. We write up a review that is professional, concise, and spoiler-free.

We will post the review on our website, Goodreads, BookBub, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo. As for Amazon, our review for your book must be posted under the editorial reviews section on Amazon. We're professional reviewers like Kirkus, Readers Favorite, Literary Titan, Midwest Book Reviews, and more. This is a proven marketing strategy to showcase the review on Amazon while letting the reader see for themselves a professional review. The editorial reviews section is listed before the customer reviews section on Amazon and is featured with your book’s description in the Kindle app. Amazon's algorithm takes keywords from the editorial review to determine what your book is about and uses the information so that when someone is searching for a book in your genre, Amazon will recommend your book.

The time frame and pricing for our e-copy/print book reviews:

16 Weeks $15.00

12 Weeks $19.00

8 – 10 Weeks $24.00

6 Weeks $35.00

4 Weeks $55.00

3 Weeks $75.00

2 Weeks $105.00

Rush 3 Business Days $175.00

We also provide audiobook reviews. For the audiobook reviews, we operate things a little bit differently. We will write up a concise professional review and post it to N. N. Light’s Book Heaven.

If your audiobook is available on Chirp, we will purchase a copy or you gift us a copy and will post our review on Chirp.

If your audiobook is available on Audible US and you provide us with a promo code, we will post our review on Audible US. If you do not have a promo code and it is available on Audible US, we will purchase a copy or you can gift us a copy. We will post our review on Audible US.

We cannot post our review to Amazon, Kobo, Apple, and/or Google Play. Our review is considered an editorial review. You have our permission to post our review or part of our review on these platforms.

The turnaround time plus the fee for an audiobook review is below:

16 Weeks $15.00 + price of the audiobook or code​

12 Weeks $19.00 + price of the audiobook or code

8 – 10 Weeks $24.00 + price of the audiobook or code

6 Weeks $35.00 + price of the audiobook or code

4 Weeks $55.00 + price of the audiobook or code

3 Weeks $75.00 + price of the audiobook or code

2 Weeks $105.00 + price of the audiobook or code

Rush 3 Business Days $175.00 + price of the audiobook or code

All five-star reviews get our highly coveted five-star seal. All five-star reviews are eligible for the yearly N. N. Light Book Awards. No additional entry fee is needed, unlike our competitors. Our awards are announced in December.

We're professional reviewers and a blue-checked influencer on Amazon and top-ranked reviewer on Goodreads.

Goodreads Ranking as of June 1, 2023 is #16 Top Readers, #29 Top Reviewers, #62 Best Reviewers (updated weekly)

We’d love to review your book(s). They don’t have to be new releases. We accept any and all books, even if they were published twenty years ago. To contact us for a review or if you have any questions, please click here to go to our contact page:

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