Title: Enchanting the Earl
Author: Kathy L Wheeler
Genre: Regency Romance
Book Blurb:
A devilishly handsome earl with a heart of gold.
He has no interest in virginal debutantes, but what the devil is he supposed to do when one swoons at his feet? Catch her before she hits the floor, of course. An intriguing performance to be sure.
But her scheming and powerful aunt, a renowned dowager duchess and mad to boot, threatens this lady's opportunity to enchant the man of her choosing in this short prequel to The Earl’s Error.
A delightful regency where a rebel lord is not ready to make the final step towards the advantageous nuptials he will someday require. This handsome rake is no fool when faced with the possibility of losing Lady Lorelei to a pompous dandy. He chooses to whisk her off the marriage mart only to find she has already taken matters into her own hands.
Thorne quietly retreated to a corner, stepping behind a large potted palm near the door to observe. He wished to discern how great a performer this beauty was, even while his randy cock stood at attention.
“Lorelei, don’t tell me you had the gall to faint.” The dowager appeared savvy to the girl’s tricks and offered no condolences.
“Is that what happened?” She sounded breathless. “It’s this blasted corset, Aunt. What a ridiculous device.”
“Bah. If your mother weren’t dead, I vow I would—”
Her head snapped up, her eyes flashed, but she gripped the back of the settee with one hand seeming to steady herself. “That’s enough, Aunt Isobel.”
Thorne found himself filled with admiration. Anyone brave enough to stand up to the dowager deserved it. The older woman was a force in polite society—a contradiction in terms if ever there was one. He couldn’t tear his eyes from Lady Lorelei. She was like no debutante he’d ever been introduced to. Anyone this beautiful and forthright enough to take on the duchess would be snapped up quickly on the marriage mart.
Where had that thought come from?
She twisted, dropping her feet to the floor. “You know, when I was a child, all I’d ever dreamed was to dress elegantly and go to a ball, rather like Cinderella.” She spoke softly. He was almost sure she didn’t realize he was still nearby.
“Put those silly ideals out of your head right this minute, gel. They’ll bring you nothing but disappointment.” The harshness of her words were softened by the dowager lowering beside her and taking her hand.
Thorne knew he should look away, but he found himself unable to.
“I’m sorry, Lorelei, but this is the way the game is played. The ton loves a diamond, and the ton loves to tear a diamond to shreds. You, my dear, are the diamond. And this little stunt just put you at the top of everyone’s awareness list. Well done.”
“Well done? Well done?”
Her outrage was as enchanting as the young lady herself.
The dowager’s gentleness disappeared with a snap of a fan. “I’ll have no sass or disrespect from you, young lady. You needed help, and it’s help you’ve received. Do you understand?”
The girl snatched her hand back and, for a long tense-filled moment, Thorne feared the dowager would slap her face. To his relief, the old woman’s hand went to the girl’s cheek and patted her.
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What makes your featured book a must-read?
This novella is a fun series starter that gives insight to many characters of the entire seven book series. There are close to 1400 ratings and reviews on Amazon and readers seem to love it. And I love that readers love it. 😊
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Author Biography:
Kathy L Wheeler is an award-winning author who writes historical and contemporary romances with dark elements and light humor. Her heroines are showcased through impulsive natures and courageous acts and heroes who celebrate them (sometimes under protest). She loves the NFL, reading, writing, musical theater, travel, and er... karaoke.
She migrated from Oklahoma to the Pacific Northwest with her musically talented, lawyer husband, and their adorable dog Angel (who lives up to her name...mostly).
Find Kathy all over social media under Kathy L Wheeler or Kathy-L-Wheeler
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