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Fatal Hunt by @MGodardRicher is a BHW pick #romanticthriller #romance #thriller #bookboost

N. N. Light

Title: Fatal Hunt

Author: Michelle Godard-Richer

Genre: Romantic Thriller

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Book Blurb:

After being widowed and surviving the wrath of a serial killer, Jessica believes her misfortunes are over. She’s reunited with her first love, Jon, and together, with her son Bryce, and a baby on the way, they’re living their happily ever after on their ranch in Montana. That is until secrets, lies, and a formidable foe from Jon’s past emerge to shake the foundation of their relationship, forcing them to flee for their lives.

A decade earlier, Jon worked undercover for the FBI. He infiltrated Hugh Jones’ Kansas City Mob, and almost destroyed his empire. Unaware of the breech in his own defenses, Hugh, obsessed with revenge, unleashes every weapon in his arsenal, targeting those Jon loves the most.


Jessica’s limbs weighed a ton. She forced her heavy eyelids open. After a split second they shut on her again. She lay on something soft, and an engine droned around her. Where am I? What happened?

Then she remembered her fruitless struggle in the hospital room. Willing her head to the side, she forced her eyes open again. Her kidnapper sat in a chair across from her reading a newspaper.

He looked over the top of his paper and smiled. “You’ll be groggy for a while longer. Go back to sleep.”

Too tired to fight, she gave into the void sucking her down.

Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):

Author Biography:

Growing up as an only child in a small town, I dreamed of becoming an author. My father laughed and said okay, but you might be broke. I shrugged my shoulders and kept clacking on the keyboard of our home PC, delighted when my words appeared on the small monitor, a staple of early ’90s technology.

In high school, when it was time to decide on a future career, I chose to pursue an Honours Degree in Criminology at the University of Ottawa, but at the back of my mind, the dream of writing for a living persisted.

Fast forward fifteen years, and as a happily married woman and proud mother to two children, four dogs, and a cat, my dream came true. For information on upcoming releases please visit my website:

Social Media Links:

Twitter: @MGodardRicher

Facebook: Michelle Godard-Richer Author

Instagram: michellegodardricherauthor

Tiktok: @mgodardricher

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