Hello! I'm Gail Eastwood and I’m delighted to help celebrate the 9th anniversary of N.N. Lights Book Heaven by offering a look at my sweet/low heat “small village” Regency romance series, Tales of Little Macclow! Book #4 in the series, His Lady to Love, just released yesterday, which is exciting news!
Love isn’t only found (or lost) in the grand ballrooms of Regency England–ordinary people living out their lives (or just passing through) in humble places like tiny Little Macclow face challenges to their hearts and lives, too. The Tales of Little Macclow series is set in a small village off the beaten path, where ancient traditions are still celebrated and people care about each other. How does Love enter into the lives of those who are lonely? Or even those who aren’t seeking it at all? And–is it getting a special boost from a mysterious source found only in Little Macclow?
His Lady to Love is a sweetly simmering grumpy-sunshine match-up between a feisty young Scottish widow and an ex-army officer who each have other plans in mind than falling in love! Both are new characters visiting my fictional Derbyshire village, and like all of my other books, this one can stand alone, even though characters from the earlier books do have roles in the story.
How does a renegade writer of the old Signet Regency romances come back with a series like this after taking sixteen years off from writing? Would you believe “by accident”?
I had to stop writing after my last Signet came out in 2002. My dad died, my mom, my husband, and my younger son all had overlapping major health crises, and every time I tried to start writing again, some new emergency seemed to crop up. By the time the dust settled, the Signet line was no more, my editor had retired, ebooks had been invented, and self-publishing was turning the book world upside down. I left a few of my earliest Regencies with Penguin-Random House for their new ebook line, but took the rights back to some others to try out this new venture myself. Re-editing those helped me rediscover my writing voice, and a new story starting begging to be told—a Christmas season story, something I hadn't done before.
I wrote Lord of Misrule while dealing with yet another severe health crisis--this time my own! But I could manage that better than the crises of my loved ones. (You get that, right?) No doubt it helped that I had to stop working my three other part-time jobs! But how did LOM end up as Book #2 in my series? It was a Maggie Award finalist for Best Historical in 2019. Readers loved it and the village setting. They wanted more of Little Macclow! Oops!
I had NOT planned a series. But when I sat down and thought it through, there were more village stories to tell. The first one, though—the romance of the heroine's married best friend--happened before the time of that “first” Christmas book, and I wanted the set of stories to follow a chronological timeline. So that's how Lord of Her Heart became Book #1 even though it was written second!
I love creating appealing characters with depth and story lines filled with emotion even though the characters never make it into bed. A forbidden kiss that complicates everything can impact the relationship and plot just as much as a sex scene would in a hotter book! I also love the Regency vibe that makes society's rules (including “no sex before marriage”) an ever-present challenge when characters are falling in love (or trying not to).
I don't recommend creating a series after you've already written the first book. You must stick with whatever decisions and descriptions you may have rather randomly included when you thought that first book was a solo story! Nevertheless, I'm having a ton of fun spending more time in charming Little Macclow spinning more stories. I hope you'll try my series if you enjoy Regency romances!
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Title: Lord of Her Heart (Tales of Little Macclow Book One)
Author: Gail Eastwood
Genre: Regency Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
An unexpected return. A new risk for old friends.
As Little Macclow prepares to celebrate May Day, Tom Hepston’s arrival stirs expectations and speculation. Tom left the village fourteen years ago. Now he is back, but he hasn’t come willingly and he has no plans to stay. While he’s proud of the naval career he has left behind, he believes the physical and mental wounds that ended it have made him a madman no woman could—or should—love. Can he leave again before everyone sees the broken man he has become?
Sally Royden’s young heart broke when Tom left the first time. After years of hoping for his return, she now leads a full life caring for her sister and serving as the village seamstress. Tom’s experiences have changed him. Can Sally dare hope for renewed friendship? Or more? Or will her heart be broken twice—by the same man?
Determined to fight her awareness of him, she raised her head to stare at the sky again. “'Tis utterly breath-taking, is it not? Thank you for bringing me out to see it. 'Tis well worth some lost sleep. But how did you know? Were you not asleep yourself?”
He shook his head. “I seldom sleep. I am often up and about during the depth of the night.”
“I’m so sorry. That must be exhausting.”
“It is, although I’ve become accustomed. I continue to hope that over time ’twill improve.”
“Is it because you are in pain?” Would her question cause him to shut down, or become angry? She hoped he would keep talking. Perhaps it was the darkness of night that allowed him to be more open with her, or perhaps it was merely that he had been in the village for more than a week and still had told so little of his journey away and back. Or perhaps the hint of wine she smelled on his breath was a clue to the glimpse of himself he was sharing now.
They were sitting close enough that she could feel him stiffen. Then he sighed. “Sometimes ’tis the pain. Most often ’tis the madness.”
The night air was cold outside the cocoon of her cloak, but she reached an arm out anyway, seeking to touch him. She rested her hand lightly on his arm. “I still wish you would not call it that,” she whispered.
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub)
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/Lord-of-Her-Heart
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/lord-of-her-heart-tales-of-little-macclow-book-1-by-gail-eastwood
Title: Lord of Misrule (Tales of Little Macclow Book Two)
Author: Gail Eastwood
Genre: Regency Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
On a snowy Christmas Eve day, a vicar’s daughter runs into the Devil himself, or is he just the Lord of Misrule?
After causing a scandal in London, Lord Forthhurst is headed home to make amends when he becomes stranded in the tiny village of Little Macclow on Christmas Eve. Before the night is over, he has become thoroughly entangled in the village celebration of the Twelve Days of Christmas, and fully intrigued by the vicar’s daughter, Miss Cassandra Tamworth.
But Cassie has been raised to expect the worst from members of the aristocracy. Lord Forthhurst is a puzzle. Could he be the love of her life? Or is he a devil, as he claims and warns her? In a season of miracles and magic, can love bind two unlikely hearts by 12th Night?
"a bit of Pride and Prejudice, a little Brigadoon and a dollop of Cinderella" –author Terri Kennedy
Cassie flew to the front door and wrenched it open, admitting a cloud of freezing fog and a male figure so bundled against the ice he was unrecognizable. Waiting for the servants to emerge from below stairs was not a choice at such a moment. “Come in, quickly. Oh dear heavens, come in.” As he advanced into the entry hall she quickly closed the door behind him.
A voice came out of the depths of oilcloth and wool. “I h-h-heartily beg your p-p-pardon for the inter-r-r-ruption, Miss T-t-t-amworth.”
Incredulity, and a touch of alarm, spilled like a chill through her veins. “Lord Forthhurst? Is that you?” She should have recognized his blue and red striped scarf at once, although he appeared to have two scarves wrapped around him. And then, as he removed his hat with shaking hands and began to unwind both scarves from around his face and neck, she could see the unmistakable green of his eyes.
Against all sense, a twinkle danced in them. “Un-f-f-fortunately my b-b-business couldn’t w-w-wait for more c-c-clement weather.”
The man was clearly frozen –or at least his wits must have been. “Are you mad? What are you doing here?” She realized she didn’t sound welcoming or glad to see him, but in truth she couldn’t find a balance between all of the emotions tumbling through her. She hadn’t been certain he would return at all.
She shook her head. “Of course you are mad, you needn’t answer that. But the second question still stands.”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub)
Books2Read: https://books2read.com/u/mYABxG
Title: Her Perfect Gentleman (Tales of Little Macclow Book Three)
Author: Gail Eastwood
Genre: Regency Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
She is the worst thing that could happen to him. He might be the best thing that could happen to her. How will two hearts on such opposite tracks find their way to true love?
The last thing Christopher Haslitt needs or wants is another involvement with a high-ranking lady. He is still trying to repair both his heart and his reputation after last season’s disaster left him branded as a fortune hunter. Five days in Little Macclow for his friend’s wedding should be only a brief delay on his path to redemption. But he hasn’t counted on spending it with five unmarried daughters of earls, one of whom has her sights set firmly on him!
Lady Honoria deRaymond finds Mr. Haslitt more attractive and charming than any other gentlemen of her acquaintance. What’s more, his perfect manners include overlooking her tendency to be impulsive and not always quite proper. She knows the rules; she just has trouble sticking to them. Marriage to a high-ranking peer, as her family expects for her, will mean a highly visible life of constant pressure to conform and behave properly. Could Mr. Haslitt, a baronet’s son, be her means to escape such a fate? Can she possibly win his heart in just five days? When she returns to London, her one chance to forge a different future may be gone.
“Do not try to pretend that no woman besides your mother has ever seen you in your linen. We both know that isn’t true. Please, take off your coat.”
Truly, she had no idea what she was asking of him. Keeping tight control over his reactions to her was difficult enough under the most ordinary of circumstances. How was he supposed to manage it half-dressed and with her undoubtedly touching and inspecting him?
The noises from the kitchen continued unabated, reminding him of just how nearby other people were. Could her wish possibly be accomplished quickly enough to avoid anyone catching them at it?
She still stood there waiting, chin up, arms crossed and toe tapping impatiently. She looked adorable, magnificent, irresistible. “You are making propriety more important than your health, Mr. Haslitt. You will not convince me that such a priority isn’t absurd. What do you think will happen if we break the rules?”
Loss of control. Emergence of baser instincts. Her discovery that he did not always want to be the perfect gentleman. “Oh, the total disintegration of society, of course.”
At this moment everything in him argued in favor of such a result. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless. She was far too trusting.
Of course, she laughed. “There you have it. I’m glad you see you are being ridiculous.”
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Title: His Lady to Love (Tales of Little Macclow Book Four)
Author; Gail Eastwood
Genre: Regency Historical Romance
Book Blurb:
Can true love strike twice? And if so, at what cost? Falling in love fits neither of their plans….
Young Scottish widow Ailis Murray doesn’t believe in second love. Left wealthy by her beloved late husband, she seeks a society-defying life as a published artist that marrying again could ruin. Driven by greedy suitors to hide in the English village of Little Macclow, Lissie meets a charming ex-officer who makes her question her solitary choice. Does she dare to open her heart again?
Intent on joining the Church, war-weary Charles Reynell doesn’t want the temptation of a beautiful woman he cannot support. Challenged by the local vicar to coax the widow out of seclusion, Charles involves her in the village’s well dressing festival. But his irresistible attraction to her makes him question his path and every belief that led to it.
Is surrendering their dreams the price for a life together? When the past Lissie fled threatens again, will they lose even the chance to find out?
“May I ask what you had planned to paint?”
She sniffed. “Nothing ye would likely have noticed. Just flowers.” Scabiosa arvensis—a type that didn’t grow where she came from.
“I would have guessed a view of the whole field. It is quite a scenic spot.”
With an interesting rocky ledge at the farther end and a backdrop of higher hills rising to the north, it did present an appealing prospect. “Aye, I’ll grant ye that. But landscapes are nae what I most enjoy painting. I prefer the miraculous small details of nature tae the grand design.”
Now why had she bothered to tell him that? Her reactions to him were unsettling. She didn’t want to find him interesting or attractive. Hadn’t men caused her enough trouble already? She turned away to gather up her materials. They should not be having a conversation at all. They had not been introduced, and beyond that, she was here alone. While he did not seem threatening, her susceptibility to him did.
She hoisted the large satchel of supplies onto her shoulder and stepped towards him, hands out to receive the easel. “I’ll be takin’ that.”
He recoiled as if she had hurled an insult at him. “As a gentleman, I think it the very least of my duty to offer to carry it for you.”
“Does a gentleman creep up behind people and startle them?”
Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub)
(Also available in Kindle Unlimited, the first time ever for one of my books!)
Bookbub: https://bit.ly/4cPfa3y
Author Biography:
Award-winning author Gail Eastwood started writing stories as soon as she learned to string words together on paper, and blames Beatrix Potter and A.A. Milne for making her a devoted Anglophile at a very early age. After detours into journalism and rare books, she finally found her path writing Signet Regencies acclaimed for their emotional depth and innovative plots.
Twice nominated for RomanticTimes Magazine’s Career Achievement award, a Golden Leaf winner and twice a Holt Medallion finalist, among other honors, Gail had to put writing on hold to deal with family health issues for almost 16 years. But now she’s back doing what she loves best and offering readers a heart-warming Regency series set in a small village possibly touched by magic (or it is just the power of Love?), Tales of Little Macclow. Lord of Misrule was a 2019 Maggie Award finalist for Best Historical Romance, a big confidence boost after such a long career break. Gail lives in New England with her loving husband and two adult sons. She loves theater, art, museums, reading, and long walks on the beach.
Social Media Links
Gail’s newsletter sign-up: https://eepurl.com/gbknuH (get a free short story!)
Website: www.gaileastwoodauthor.com
Facebook (profile): send a friend request to: www.facebook.com/gail.eastwoodauthor.7
Facebook (page): www.facebook.com/gaileastwoodauthor
Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/Gail-Eastwood/e/B001KDU86M
Blog at: www.riskyregencies.com
Reader Facebook Group (for “sweet” Regencies): Regency Kisses: Lady Catherine’s Salon:
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/gaileastwoodauthor