Title: Gone Astray
Author: Terry Korth Fischer
Genre: Mystery, Cozy Crime, Detective Mystery
Book Blurb:
A heart attack sends detective Rory Naysmith reeling. Too young to retire, he accepts a position in small-town Winterset, Nebraska. Handed an unsolved truck hijacking case, with the assistance of a rookie, Rory sets out to prove he is still able to go toe-to-toe with younger men. When the body of a Vietnam veteran turns up, he dons his fedora and spit-shines his shoes. But before he can solve the murder, an older woman disappears, followed closely by a second hijacking. He doggedly works the cases, following a thread that ties the two crimes together. But can Rory find the mental and physical strength to up his game and bring the criminals to justice before disaster strikes?
My Review:
I have never read a detective story like this one. This is probably the first coming of age book for a character who is fifty. Learning life after a heart attack is truly a coming-of-age experience. The author regales the reader with intricate detail throughout the book.
More than simply a detective mystery, this is the story of a small town. A soundtrack for this book could be ‘A Day In The Life’. The plot keeps the reader on edge. You battle your wits trying to figure out what is going on. There are enough twists and turns to keep every reader engaged.
A mystery that will appeal on many levels. You have the classic detective, but you have an eager rookie. You have the layers of small-town life, but you have a big city-type conspiracy. One can't overlook the simple value of a nice old cat. Recommended to readers of cozy crime stories.
My Rating: 5 stars
Buy it Now:
Amazon buy link: https://amzn.to/2LHnlYI
Barnes & Noble buy link: https://bit.ly/3q5h4Wh
Kobo buy link: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/gone-astray-10
Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56642853-gone-astray

Author Biography:
Terry Korth Fischer writes mystery and memoir. Her memoir, Omaha to Ogallala, was released in 2019. Her short stories have appeared in The Write Place at the Write Time, Spies & Heroes, and numerous anthologies. Transplanted from the Midwest, Terry lives in Houston with her husband and their two guard cats. She enjoys a good mystery, the heat and humidity, and long summer days. Visit her website at https://terrykorthfischer.com
Social Media Links:
Website: https://terrykorthfischer.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/terryiswriting
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerryIsWriting
Amazon Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/terrykorthfischer
BLOG Website: https://www.terryiswriting.com
Reviewed by: Mr. N