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  • N. N. Light

Hidden Obsession by Susan Vaughan is a Backlist Bonanza pick #romanticsuspense #romanticmystery #romance #wrpbks #backlist #giveaway

Title: Hidden Obsession


Author: Susan Vaughan


Genre: Romantic Suspense-Mystery


Book Blurb:


Freelance writer Sheridan Harte reluctantly returns to her Maine hometown to ghostwrite a memoir. Sheri just wants to do her job and avoid revisiting her tragic past. But after a brutal murder and more attacks, she resolves to stay. She then finds herself in the arms of a determined and tempting blue-eyed detective. And in the crosshairs of a killer.

As Detective Justin Wylde investigates the murders, he encounters more suspects with secrets than boulders on the rockbound coast. The puzzling case endangers Sheri’s life, but also keeps Justin from protecting this beautiful woman whose caring heart and sexy laugh make him long for more than a fling.

Passion and trust grow between Sheri and Justin. When her secret is revealed, Justin must face hard truths in his own past. Can he solve the case before the killer carries out a special plan for Sheri?




He drew her along the aisle to their vehicles and out of the lights’ glare. “Now that we have a bit more privacy, I need, want to tell you something.”


She angled her head. “Sounds ominous.”


“When I met with Chief Galt, he told me about Noah Tardiff and that you were the one to find him. I’m so sorry.” He placed a hand on her shoulder.


She went still, except for her heart rate zooming to mach speed. “I— It… was a long time ago.” She blinked away the memories. “Sometimes I see him like it just happened.”


“Something you’ll never forget. I can’t forget my first homicide case either—a grisly murder—and it was a stranger. I can’t imagine how it is for you.”


His tone was gentle, his gaze soft. She looked up at him through a thin veil of tears.


“Thank you. And on top of being inundated with those memories, I’m worried for Deb’s safety. Spear’s killer knows where she lives. He must’ve sabotaged her wheels there. He might even know she works at home. Alone.” Putting the danger into words hit her in the solar plexus.


“She should still take precautions,” he said, “but five days later, word in town is that she didn’t see Spear’s attacker. He may be feeling secure.”


She blinked away her tears. “I hope that’s true.”


For a long moment, he said nothing, then pulled her close, and she placed her hands on his chest. He was lean but all solid planes and muscles, hot against her palms. They fit together well. His heat warmed the chill that had invaded her body.


When she looked up, he bent his head and kissed her. She stiffened, but when her arms found their way around him, she relaxed and leaned into him. He took that as an invitation and with one sinewy arm clamped her against his body. His free hand skimmed her nape and his fingers tangled in her hair, the sensation sending shivers through her. His lips were warm and firm, and he was all hardness and heat and an earthy scent she couldn’t identify. When she kissed him back, a hum deep inside his chest vibrated through her, and her senses struggled to keep up.


“Well, this is a cozy scene.”

They broke apart. Justin stepped in front of Sheri. Who was this guy?


Just what she needed. She eased to Justin’s side. “Hi, Reed. Out for the evening?” A bland greeting, but in a forced happy to see you tone.


The man approached them, his wooden cane tapping on the parking lot blacktop. He looked to be about Sheri’s age, but stooped, a beak of a nose in a lean face. His sharp gaze flicked between Justin and the woman man tight against his side. “I’m joining Sydney and Gil here for dinner.”


“Nice. We’re, ah, just leaving.” Justin squeezed her arm to remind her he was here. She added, “Reed Keniston, meet Justin Wylde.”


Justin and Keniston each took a step forward, shook hands, and returned to their corners of the ring.


Keniston’s eyebrows rose in his high forehead. “You’re the state detective. Seeking evidence?”


“Winding down after a day of gathering information.” Justin bared his teeth in what some might call a smile.


“Then I’ll leave you to it.” The other man nodded to Sheri. “Have a nice evening.” He turned and made his way into the resort.


“Best laid plans.” Justin chuckled. “We might as well have gone to the Wheelhouse.”


“Being seen together amuses you, but gossip about me could affect my relationship with Miriam.” She explained Reed’s connection to the Littlefields. “First thing he’ll do is tell Syd and Gil. I don’t know him well, so I don’t know how many others he’ll tell he saw us… um, close.”


“I bet Miriam will laugh about it, and a little gossip might open some doors for me as I question people.”


“Well, then, I’ll buck up.” A laugh bubbled from her. “Thanks for dinner. And for… well… Now I really need to get on the road.”


“And I have an interview to do at the county lockup.”


As she dug in her bag for her keys, he stopped her with a hand on her arm. “You were worried about danger to your friend, and I took advantage. But I won’t say I’m sorry for a kiss we both enjoyed. If I’m not mistaken.” This with a lift of one eyebrow and mischief in his eyes. “A shame if it was the last time.”


Buy Links (including Goodreads and BookBub):





What makes your featured book a must-read?


Hidden Obsession has several five-star reviews that make it a must-read. Here are some comments from those reviewers: “Steamy romance with a few murders in a charming Maine coastal town. Sheridan Harte and State Police detective Justin Wylde throw sparks across the page, but both have secrets… Great read!” “A highly entertaining read -- a thriller, a mystery and a romance, all bundled into one. A real page-turner, with plenty of action, fully-rounded characters, and a Maine setting to hold it all together.”


Giveaway –


Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card:



Open Internationally.

Runs August 20 – August 27, 2024.

Winner will be drawn on August 28, 2024.


Author Biography:


Susan Vaughan loves throwing her hero and heroine together under extraordinary circumstances and pitting them against a clever villain. Her books have won the Golden Leaf, More Than Magic, and Write Touch Readers’ Award and been a finalist for the Booksellers’ Best and Daphne du Maurier awards. A former teacher, she’s a West Virginia native, but she and her husband have lived in the Mid-Coast area of Maine for many years. Find her at


Social Media Links:


Twitter: @shvaughan or 

Amazon Author page: 

1 Comment

N. N. Light
N. N. Light
Aug 23

Thank you, Susan, for sharing your book in our Backlist Bonanza!

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