Title: I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls
Author: Mary Ellen Gambutti
Genre: Memoir, Adoption
Book Blurb:
I Must Have Wandered is a rich hybrid collage of lyrical prose, correspondence, images, and fragments that traces a girl's relinquishment at birth in 1951 South Carolina and her adoption by an Air Force couple, her coming of age in the turbulent '60s, and the quest for identity through knowledge of her birth heritage. It is a story of adoptee loss and discovery amid the separations and transience of military family life, a culture of secrecy, and the barrier of sealed birth record laws to a seeker's truth.
My Review:
Can a woman’s search for identity and belonging lead to connecting with her birth family? Born Ruth Ann, her name was changed to Mary Ellen by the couple who adopted her. The adoption process was grueling for the couple and unfortunately left scars hidden beneath the surface. A disruptive childhood as a result of her adopted father’s career in the air force, Mary Ellen could never put down roots. Where was home? A constant reminder of being adopted stalked her as she grew up and entered adulthood. She craved answers and so a search began. Obstacles impeded her search for the truth, but she wouldn’t be deterred. Her fortitude kept her going, even after great loss. Will she finally discover her birth mother and family? Join her on this epic emotional journey.
I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls is an emotional, gut-wrenching memoir I couldn’t stop reading. I’ve never been adopted but I can empathize with those who have. I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls is written unlike any memoir I’ve read before. Filled with letters, prose, and poetry, Mary Ellen Gambutti shares her story in a very intimate way. You feel and experience everything and at times, the emotions overtake you. The sheer pain felt by the author tore my heart out. I cried for her so many times while reading. This would make for an excellent tv program or movie. If memoirs are your reading jam, you’ll want to read I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls. If you’re adopted, I highly recommend reading this book. If you’ve ever wondered what an adopted child/adult goes through, you’ve got the read I Must Have Wandered: An Adopted Air Force Daughter Recalls. Highly recommend!
My Rating: 5+ stars
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On sale for $3.99! Please check the retailer's price before buying. Amazon, Kobo, and Smashwords have the sale price. B&N and Apple are not showing the sale price yet.

Author Biography:
Mary Ellen Gambutti's personal essays are published in these and many other literary magazines: Borrowed Solace, Spillwords, BookEnds Review, mac(ro)mic, Portland Metrozine, True Stories Well Told, Visible, and Love What Matters. She and her husband live in Lewes, DE with their senior Chihuahua, Max.
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Reviewed by: Mrs. N